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M obilizing Innovation: The changing landscape of disruptive technologies

M obilizing Innovation: The changing landscape of disruptive technologies . Patricia Rios Global Director Technology Innovation Center June 2013. KPMG Global technology innovation survey highlights. Technology trends. Country technology innovation confidence index .

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M obilizing Innovation: The changing landscape of disruptive technologies

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  1. Mobilizing Innovation:The changing landscape of disruptive technologies Patricia Rios Global Director Technology Innovation Center June 2013

  2. KPMG Global technology innovation survey highlights Technology trends Country technology innovation confidence index The next Silicon Valley Mobile Payments Disruption

  3. Demographics Canada: 9% U.K.: 8% Russian Federation: 5% Netherlands: 1% Ireland: 2% Slovakia: 3% Central and Eastern Europe: <1% Germany: <1% Austria: <1% U.S.: 27% Korea: 9% Romania: <1% China: 13% Japan: 5% Israel: 2% India: 10% Brazil: 1% Singapore: 5% Americas: 34% EMEA: 37% ASPAC: 30% Source: KPMG Technology Innovation Survey 2013

  4. Technology enabling the next indispensable consumer technology

  5. 32% say mobile will enable next indispensable consumer technology Select the top technology that will enable the next indispensable consumer technology in the next three years Q Source: KPMG Technology Innovation Survey 2013/

  6. Technologydriving business transformation

  7. 32% say cloud will have the greatest impact in driving business transformation in next three years Select the top technology that will have the greatest impact in driving business transformation for enterprises, in the next three years. Q Source: KPMG Technology Innovation Survey 2013/ 2012

  8. Country Technology Innovation Confidence Index

  9. Technology Innovation Country Confidence Index Source: KPMG Technology Innovation Survey 2013

  10. Technology innovation confidence indexAssessment of a country’s success in enabling technology innovation Availability of talent Access to technology infrastructure Access to alliances and partnerships Access to capital Ability to drive customer adoption in local and international markets 95 Contd.. Overall, how would you rate the success of your country in enabling technology innovation? Please rate each of the following on a scale of 1 to 5. Q Source: KPMG Technology Innovation Survey 2013 1 = Not at all successful and 5 = Extremely successful

  11. Technology innovation confidence indexAssessment of a country’s success in enabling technology innovation Development of disruptive technology breakthroughs that will have a global impact Mentoring and access to innovation network (start up CEO’s, Founders, etc.) Supporting ecosystem (law firms, accounting firms, etc.) Educational system Government incentives . Overall, how would you rate the success of your country in enabling technology innovation? Please rate each of the following on a scale of 1 to 5. Q Source: KPMG Technology Innovation Survey 2013 1 = Not at all successful and 5 = Extremely successful

  12. Leading Technology Innovation Markets

  13. US and China - most promising countries to drive technology breakthroughs 2013 2012 Contd.. Which country shows the most promise for disruptive breakthroughs that will have a global impact? Q Source: KPMG Technology Innovation Survey 2013/ 2012

  14. Likelihood of the world’s technology innovation center moving from silicon valley to another country in the next four years What is the likelihood that the technology innovation center of the world will move from Silicon Valley to another country in the next four years? Q Source: KPMG Technology Innovation Survey 2013/ 2012 1 = Not at all likely and 5 = Very likely

  15. If so, China voted to take the lead over the next 4 years 2013 2012 Contd.. Which country is most likely to become the leading innovation center of the world over the next four years? Q Source: KPMG Technology Innovation Survey 2013/ 2012

  16. Mobile PaymentsDisruption

  17. Industry players that will lead the mobile payments market share over the next two to four years 2013 2012 Does not add up to 100% due to rounding May not equal 100% due to rounding Contd.. The mobile commerce ecosystem continues to change at a fast pace. Which of the following industry players will lead the mobile payments market share over the next two to four years? Q Source: KPMG Technology Innovation Survey 2013/ 2012

  18. Technology, industries and country innovation disruption China Entrepreneurs Silicon Valley Wearables and sensors PayPal Galactic Payments in SPACE…

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