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2/13/2012 Standards : 3 O bjectives : L incoln’s Birthday, no school DO NOW : 1 . HO MEWORK : 1 . ==================================================================== S TAMPS : Journal B ASKET :. 2/14/2012 Standards : 3 O bjectives :
2/13/2012 Standards: 3 Objectives: Lincoln’s Birthday, no school DO NOW: 1. HOMEWORK: 1. ==================================================================== STAMPS: Journal BASKET:
2/14/2012 Standards: 3 Objectives: ● Be able to calc g <---> mol <---> particles (atoms or molecules) DO NOW: 1. Ch 11.1 – 11.3 Mini-Quiz - 20 min max (work on your own, silently) HOMEWORK: 1. Ch 11 Assess p. 346-347 93(a-c), 94, 99(a-d), 103(a-d), 110(a-d) - Answers for all of these problems can be found at the link below. Remember, without given, find, and calculations you will not get credit for this homework. You can get half credit for copying any questions you cannot solve. ==================================================================== STAMPS: Journal 2/10 (lab day) 1. Ch 11 Assess, p. 346-347 89-92 (a & b only), 98-100 (a -b only) (5 pts) Std 3
I've learned that The best classroom in the world is at the feet of an elderly person.
STD 3 FINDING FORMULA OF A HYDRATE REVIEW green = hydrate orange = water blue = salt 1. Using a balance scale & burner, find: a. (mass of hydrate) (salt + water) HEAT HYDRATE UNTIL IT STOPS LOSING MASS ====> ALL WATER GONE b. (dry salt) c. a - b = (mass of water) 2. Convert (periodic table): a. g dry salt ---->mol dry salt b. g H2O ----> mol H2O 3. get ratio: mol dry salt : mol H2O simplify ratio mol dry salt : mol H2O mol dry salt mol dry salt 4. # on right side (mol H2O) = X MgSO4X H2O ·
Answers to Homework Ch 11 Assess p. 346-347 89-92 (a & b only) 98-100 (a -b only)
2/15/2012 Standards: 3 Objectives: ● Show students answers to last night's HW. Then ask for questions for those they missed. Then call on students using cards to show what they did for their problems. ● Check for understanding w Mini-Quiz Ch 11.1-11.3 ● Help students improve skills with g <---> mol <---> particles DO NOW: 1. After Stamping, Clear desks for Mini-Quiz Ch 11.1-11.3 (12 pts) Std 3 HOMEWORK: 1. Ch 11 Assess p. 348 114(a-b), 115(a-b), 116(a-b), 121 (complete chart and show all calculations used to get those numbers). (5 pts) Std 3 2. Make Help Sheet for Quiz Ch 11.1-11.3 & 11.5 (1/2 page, one side only) ========================================================== STAMPS: Journal 2/14 1 Ch 11 Assess p. 346-347 93(a-c), 94, 99(a-d), 103(a-d), 110(a-d) - (5 pts) Std 3
I've learned that When you're in love it shows!!!
Mini-Quiz - Ch 11.1 - 11.3 DO NOT WRITE ON PRINTEDQUIZ
FOLLOW THESE DIRECTIONS 1. On blank sheet of paper top right corner , write: NAME, DATE (2/15), and PERIOD, Quiz # (not there = 0 points for this quiz) 2. In top left corner write: "Mini Quiz - Ch 11.1 - 11.3" (not there = 0 points for this quiz) 3. Pick 2 out of the 3 questions that you feel most confident on, and do only those two. 4. Write question #, GIVEN, and FIND. Below GIVEN & FIND show calculations and circle your answer. Write answers in scientific notation.
RESPONDERS TODAY 2/16/2012 Standards: 3 Objectives: ● Review for Quiz 3.1 (Ch 11.1-11.3, 11.5) coming tomorrow DO NOW: 1. Get out Help Sheet. If you don’t have one, start one. If you do have one, amplify it. You may use your help sheet during the review game, as well as textbooks. HOMEWORK: All of these are advice, not required HW problems 1. Review notes on all problems worked this week and be sure you understand how to calculate answers. 2. Links are on tonight’s HW page again. All versions of yesterday’s Mini Quiz - Ch 11.1-11.3 with complete solutions. 3. This link takes you to the Practice Quiz 3.1. This was source for Review Game q’s. All of these q’s are taken from your actual quiz tomorrow. ========================================================== STAMPS: Journal 2/15 1. Ch 11 Assess p. 348 114(a-b), 115(a-b), 116(a-b), 121 (no calcs, no pts) (5 pts) Std 3 2. Help Sheet for Quiz 3.1 (5 pts) Std 3
I've learned that Just one person saying to me, "You've made my day!" makes my day.
A B 1 Answer?
A B 2 Answer?
A B 3 Answer?
The on-line review that is referenced in the following pages need to be totally changed based on the correct Quiz that will be take. Currently your folders are labeled Quiz 3.2 Ch 11.1, 11.2, 11.3, 11.5, 12.1, 12.2, 12.4, but there is very little on Ch 12 on the actual test. Changes needed
1. A B C D 4 Answer?
2. A B C D 5 Answer?
3. A B C D 6 Answer?
4. A B C D 7 Answer?
5. A B C D 8 Answer?
6. A B C D 9 Answer?
7. A B C D 10 Answer?
8. A B C D 11 Answer?
9. A B C D 12 Answer?
17. A B C D 13 Answer?
18. A B C D 14 Answer?
19. A B C D 15 Answer?
11. A B C D 16 Answer?
13. A B C D 17 Answer?
2/17/2012 Standards: 3 Objectives: ● Check for understanding with Quiz 1.3 Ch 11.1-11.3 & 11.5 DO NOW: 1. Clear desks & floor or all except: pencil, scratch paper, eraser, calculator, scantron, and of course, HELP SHEET HOMEWORK: 1. SN Ch 12.1, read this section in the textbook and as you read answer all of the questions on p. 155 - 158 (5 pts) Std 3 ========================================================== STAMPS: None
I've learned That having a child fall asleep in your arms is one of the most peaceful feelings in the world
Period # Quiz 3.2 - Ch 11.1, 11.2, 11.3, and 11.5 2/17 other scantron style 2 slides ahead