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PG Department of Commerce. History. The M.Com. Department was started in 2002. The department has competent, qualified and experienced faculty. The department has started a unique , innovative and job oriented one year program “ PG Diploma in E- Banking ” from the academic year 2012-13.
History • The M.Com. Department was started in 2002. • The department has competent, qualified and experienced faculty. • The department has started a unique , innovative and job oriented one year program “PG Diploma in E- Banking” from the academic year 2012-13.
Vision • To provide environment where the students of Commerce are nurtured and supported to enable them to develop the Skills, Knowledge and Competencies that will lead to roles as participating , productive and caring adults. • To emerge as a premier center for outstanding expertise and cultivating exemplary work ethos.
Mission Statement • By providing quality education, we empower individuals to become responsible citizens. • Prepare the next generations of skilled and ethical professionals by providing excellent information through innovation and invention. • Promote a campus environment that welcomes and honors women and men of all races, creeds ,cultures with an atmosphere that values the intellectual curiosity, pursuit of knowledge, and academic freedom and integrity
Goals • We aspire to create a quality environment in which faculty, students and our staff may utilize other resources to the best of their abilities. • To provide ample stimulation to their ignited minds. • Intends to equip each individual with aptitude and ability to stand straight and strive in building a progressive nation.
Objectives • To create conducive & ideal conditions to develop creativity among the students. • To inject self – confidence and positive frame of mind. • To guide the students free from inferiority, inhibitions, shyness and timidity . • To impart value- based education besides textbook knowledge. • To encourage students creativity through entrepreneurship skills.
INFRASTRUCTURE and LEARNING RESOURCES • The Department has a well-equipped library stacking more than 100+ volumes of choice books in various subjects, magazines, journals, basic sciences and general books. • The library subscribes to 15 International journals and National journals and 5 Magazines exclusively for the Commerce & Management course.
Academic contacts The department is having regular academic contacts with the department of Commerce, Acharya Nagarjuna University. The department is having regular academic contacts with the department of Commerce, Krishna University.
Highlights of the Department • Eminent academicians are invited regularly to deliver guest lectures. • Classes are conducted on Career Guidance, Institutions of Higher Learning and Soft skills. • Electronic copying of journals, periodicals of National and International repute is a regular practice. Print outs, downloaded are circulated among all faculty members and students and the knowledge is shared. • Faculty continuously are in constant touch with students Thus he gets trained in research – preparation of questionnaire, conducting a survey, statistical analysis, preparation of report, and bibliography. • Research methodology classes are conducted once in 15 days. • The members of faculty are involved imparting the skills for Common Entrance Test (CET) coaching during summer holidays free of charge. • Free ICET Coaching Programme is provided to the Degree passed out students of different Colleges.
Guest Lectures A Guest Lecture on “ Consumer Decision Making” by Prof. Sudarshan Rao, ANU on 14th,Aug, 2010.
A Guest Lecture on “Motivation” by Prof. Balamohandas .V on 29-1-2011
A guest lecture on “Kindle the Spark” by Mrs. Rama Jaldu on 16th August, 2010
A guest Lecture on “Stress Management” by Dr. V.Radhika Reddy,Doctor On 10th,Dec,2012.
Extra Curricular Activities Organized • Organized a meet CEM-2008 (Commerce Excellence Meet) on 11-02-2008. • Along with other PG departments celebrated “International Women’s Day” on 08/03/2009. • Organized a Commerce Meet CAMSEM-2009, (Commerce and Management Students Excellent Meet) on 04-11-2009. • Conducted a workshop on “VEDIC MATHS” on 05-02-2010 . Prof. G. Prasad, Principal, University College ACHARYA NAGARJUNA UNIVERSITY was invited as chief guest of the workshop.
Extra Curricular Activities Organized(contd.) • Along with other PG departments celebrated “International Women’s Day” on 08/03/2010. • Along with other PG departments celebrated “International Women’s Day” on 08/03/2011. • Along with M.Sc Computer Science and Chemistry organized a programme “SAMANYA-2011” with events Paper Presentation, Quiz, Mock interviews, S-Plan, Dumb Charades and Cultural competitions on 15/10/2011.g • Along with MBA DEPARTMENT MEET -2013 was organised for degree final year students of various colleges on 20-12-2013
CAMSEM 2009 Inauguration of CAMSEM-2009 on 04th Nov, 2009
Staff Achievements Prof K.R.SatyanarayanaPh.D • Worked earlier as principal for one year. • “AP State Best Teacher Awardee” in the year 2002 • Worked as Coordinator of IGNOU study centre of the college. • Given Research Guidance for two Scholars. (T.K. Durga Vara Prasad and T. Vijaya Babu) Books Published: • “Systems approach to management” for BCA – Victory Publications, Vijayawada. • “Accounting & financial Management” for BCA - Victory Publications, Vijayawada. • “Marketing Management”, Centre for Distance Education, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Articles Published: • An article on “Quality Enhancement Indian Business Management Studies” in an International Journal “Proficient” – Vol-III, Issue-I, 20th Jan, 2011.
Staff Achievements(contd.) D.Laxmi Prathusha Participated in a paper on “HRM Policies” at UGC sponsored two day National Seminar on “Human Resource Development: Issues, Challenges and Strategies” organized by the Bommidala Department of Human Resources Development in ANU Campus on 22nd & 23rd March, 2010. Presented a paper on “HRM Policies” at UGC sponsored two day National Seminar on “Human Resource Development: Issues, Challenges and Strategies” organized by the Bommidala Department of Human Resources Development in ANU Campus on 22nd & 23rd March, 2010. • Presented a paper on “Business Excellence Enshrined in Vedic(Hindu) Philosophy” at UGC sponsored two day National Seminar on “Indian Culture & Management Thought” organized by Department of Business Administration, K.B.N College, P.G Centre, Vijayawada on 13th & 14th Oct 2008.
Published an article “ Human Welfare & Social Security in India : HRD Perspective” in ‘Human Resource Development Issues, Challenges and Strategies on Sep 5th, 2012 • Presented a paper on “Sustainable resources and economic decelopment” at UGC sponsored two day National Seminar on “Significance of green strategies for environmental protection ” organized by Department of Chemistry, K.B.N College, Vijayawada on 14th & 15th Dec 2012. • Participated in two day workshop “Better by the day” organised by , K.B.N College, Vijayawada on 27th & 28th Mar 2013.
Participated and presented a paper entitled ‘Participative management avenuiing employee empowerment’ at two day National Seminar on “emerging trends in industrial relations” sponsored by UGC and ICSSR, New Delhi on 22.02.2014 & 23.02.2014 organised by Bommidala Department of Human Resource Management, ANU. • Published edited paper entitled ‘participative management avenuiing employee empowerment’ in “emerging trends in industrial relations” of Zenon acadamic publishing, ISBN:978-81-926819-5-5, pages 443 to 446, published in february 2014 • Presented a paper “technology trends ecoking retail banking” at National seminar on “retail banking trends&challenges “organised by Department of Business Administration, KBN College , Vijayawada on 15.03.2014
Published article “technology trends evoking retail banking” in” Inter National journal of research in management studies”, volume1 issue7, ISSN2321-4864, pages 218 to 221 published in February 2014. • Participated and presented a paper entitled ‘Role of marketing informations systems on decision making’ at National Seminar on “Brand management in indian industry” organised by Department of Business administration of V.R Siddhratha Engineering College on 28-03-14 • Published edited paper entitled ‘’ Role of marketing informations systems on decision making “Brand management in indian industry” , ISBN:978-93-83241-32-33, pages 200 to 205, published in March 2014
Participated in UGC Sponsored two day National Workshop on “ Emerging Trends In Global Business” organised by department of International Business Studies of ANU 29.03.14 & 30.03.14
V.Sirisha Chamundeswari • Participated at UGC sponsored National Workshop on “Research Methods In Commerce And Management Studies “ organized by Department of Commerce And Business Administration of KBN College with collaboration with ANU on 25.06.12 &26-06-12 • Presented a paper on “Sustainable resources and economic decelopment” at UGC sponsored two day National Seminar on “Significance of green strategies for environmental protection ” organized by Department of Chemistry, K.B.N College, Vijayawada on 14th & 15th Dec 2012. • Participated in faculty development workshop for college teachers organised at KBN College on 15-03-13 &16-03-13 • Participated in two day workshop “Better by the day” organised by , K.B.N College, Vijayawada on 27th & 28th Mar 2013.
Presented a paper “technology trends evoking retail banking” at National seminar on “retail banking trends & challenges “organised by Department of Business Administration, KBN College , Vijayawada on 15.03.2014 • Published article “technology trends ecoking retail banking” in” Inter National journal of research in management studies”, volume1 issue7, ISSN2321-4864, pages 218 to 221 published in February 2014. • Participated and presented a paper entitled ‘Role of marketing informations systems on decision making’ at National Seminar on “Brand management in indian industry” organised by Department of Business administration of V.R Siddhratha Engineering College on 28-03-14
Published edited paper entitled ‘’ Role of marketing informations systems on decision making “Brand management in indian industry” , ISBN:978-93-83241-32-33, pages 200 to 205, published in March 2014 • Participated in UGC Sponsored two day National Workshop on “ Emerging Trends In Global Business” organised by department of International Business Studies of ANU 29.03.14 & 30.03.14
Sk.Ayesha Begum • Presented a paper “Leadership ” at two day National Seminar on “dynamics of co-operative sector in India-Strategies To Strengthen” organised by department of Commerce and Management Studies of Andhra University on 14 -12-12 &15-12-12 • Presented a paper “Winning Strategies of Customer Relationship in Management In Retail Banking” at National seminar on “retail banking trends & challenges “organised by Department of Business Administration, KBN College , Vijayawada on 15.03.2014 • Published article “Winning Strategies of Customer Relationship in Management In Retail Banking” in” Inter National journal of research in management studies”, volume1 issue7, ISSN2321-4864, pages 239 to 244 published in February 2014.
Participated in UGC Sponsored two day National Workshop on “ Emerging Trends In Global Business” organised by department of International Business Studies of ANU 29.03.14 & 30.03.14
T.Swathi Presented a paper “Retail Banking –Challenges And Opportunities ” at National seminar on “retail banking trends & challenges “organised by Department of Business Administration, KBN College , Vijayawada on 15.03.2014 • Published article “Retail Banking –Challenges And Opportunities ” in ” Inter National journal of research in management studies”, volume1 issue7, ISSN2321-4864, pages 36 to 46 published in February 2014. • Participated in UGC Sponsored two day National Workshop on “ Emerging Trends In Global Business” organised by department of International Business Studies of ANU 29.03.14 & 30.03.14