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Towards a Methodology for Constructing and Annotating Historical Corpora. Martin Durrell, Paul Bennett & Astrid Ensslin. Talk outline. Background to corpus Early Modern German newspapers Methodology. A. Background to corpus. GerManC project. Pilot (2006-07): corpus of German newspapers
Towards a Methodology for Constructing and Annotating Historical Corpora Martin Durrell, Paul Bennett & Astrid Ensslin
Talk outline • Background to corpus • Early Modern German newspapers • Methodology
GerManC project • Pilot (2006-07): corpus of German newspapers • 1650-1700; 1701-1750; 1751-1800 • NG, WCG, ECG, WUG, EUG • 2,000 word samples • ca. 100,257 words in total • ESRC (Economic and Social Research Council) • Feasibility of • Text compilation • TEI annotation • Lemmatising and POS tagging software usage / modification • Possible utilisation for other historical languages
Preliminary findings • Data retrieval successful • Abundance in NG • Difficulties with WUG / Catholic regions • Regional text distribution does not reveal corresponding regional variation / linguistic norms • Cf. correspondents from elsewhere, un-edited contributions • NG newspapers more supraregional than SG • Clearly marked regional variants (Samstag vs. Sonnabend) in same text
Polenz II: 18 „Zeitungen wurden so – nach der Luther-Bibel – auch zum wirksamsten Mittel der Popularisierung und Verbreitung einheitlicher Sprachvarianten auf dem Wege zur nationalen Schriftsprache“ (Newspapers thus came to be, after Luther’s Bible translation, the second most effective means of popularising and disseminating linguistic variation during the standardisation of German)
Early developments • Aviso, Wolfenbüttel: 1609 • Official postal system • Rapid growth: • 1648: ca. 48 • 1700: 60-90 • 1750: 100-120 • 1789: ca. 200 • Mainly weekly; first daily: 1660 (Leipzig)
A new ‘genre’ • By 1700: consistent features – distinct register • Informative / objective -> personal / commenting • Dissemination: local; mostly urban middle classes and tradespeople (but awareness amongst manual classes) • Read aloud to groups Weber, 2005
Lexis • Abundance of loan words • Military and warfare: French/Italian (attaquiren, mainteniren, susteniren..) • Education, religion and law: Latin • Appropriations • Quotations • Inflections => Mostly educated readers
Syntax • Admoni (1980: 35): ‘abperlend’ • Information structure > syntactic coherence • Subclauses: verb-final • Auxiliaries omitted • Future research: (shallow) parsing Cf. Demske et al., 2004; Demske, 2006; Demske-Neumann, 1990
Register • No time for editing • Sequentialisation (non-chronological) • Compressed into huge, complex sentences • Only common denominator of all subclauses: provenance of report • Wide range of topics within individual sentences
‘Orthography’ • Major challenge for electronic processing • Extremely variable (esp. 1650-1700) • Variation decreases • Not random: ey-ei (beym), ff-f (auff), Londen-London
Punctuation • Virgula tends to replace comma / full stop / colon / semicolon • Non-syntactic, prosodic, rhetoric • Non-systematic (e.g. full stop not always marking sentence boundaries) • Example:…
Die Zeitungen Der Gelehrten Auß dem Schweitzerlande, Zürich/Schaffhausen1722, Num. XI, p. 183 Das andre bemühet seyen der ihrigen nachzudencken, ist wahr/ denn obschon die Glieder der Gesellschaft an sich bisher verborgen gewesen/ so hat doch Melissantes ihren Humor und ihre Conduite kräfftig entworffen; aber positiv ist noch nicht zu sagen/ wie Geistreich die Personen seyen/ die euch mit eben so lebhafften Gedancken betrachten, als ihr andre vorzustellen fähig, denn eure Fähigkeit ist uns noch nicht genugsam bekannt; Man hat schon viel davon erfahren/ hoffet gleichwol allezeit/ das Beste werde noch folgen/ und die werden schlecht bestehen/ die euch nicht wol wollen.
Breslau 1683 Vienna 1780
Halle 1724 Munich 1702 Lindau 1685 Frankfurt 1750
Digitisation: raw corpus • Manual transcription (scanning infeasible) • Double-keying • Text comparison • Omitting • long passages in foreign languages and non-prose (verse, tables, graphs) • illegible / damaged passages • Normalised: superscript-e, nasal bar, long/final ‘s’ • Corpus documentation (throughout)
XML-annotation • TEI U5 standards (Burnard & Sperberg-McQueen, 2002) • Exchanger XML Editor • CLaRK: automatic conformance checking • Header data (administrative metadata) • Markup (see example): • Loans / foreign languages • Names / referring strings • Numbers / dates / times • Graphic features (images, lines, ornaments etc.) • Header / footer • Abbreviations incl. expansions • Special characters (nasal bar, superscript-e), ligatures, diacritics • Formatting (fonts, paragraphs, sentences, quotes, line/page breaks)
Software development • Previous research • VARD (English) (Rayson et al., 2005) • Mercurius Treebank (EMG) (Demske et al., 2004; Demske, 2006) • Variant retrieval (Ernst-Gerlach; Fuhr; Pilz; Hauser…) • GerManC work in progress • TreeTagger adaptation (tokenisation, lemmatisation, POS) • Adding to lexicon • Abbreviation tokeniser • Variant normalisation program (VARD-based) with stoplist • Example:…
TreeTagger output for Altonaischer Mercurius, 15 November 1698 • Tagger: ca. 85% accuracy • Lemmatiser: ca. 80% accuracy • Spelling! • Unknown words can easily be added to the tagger’s lexicon. (extract)
Further software development • Lexical searches • Word lists + source file(s)
Further software development • Frequency lists (also for bi-/trigrams) • First/last dates of usage • All words occurring in one file only
Applications • Historical sociolinguistics • ‘Tracing variation in standardisation: a corpus-based approach’ • Cultural/media studies • Anglo-German linguistic relations • ‘”Im Unterhause groß Getöse”: representations of 18th century British parliamentary democracy in Early Modern German newspaper discourse’
GerManC2 – future plans • + 700,000 words • + 7 genres • ‘oral’: personal letters, drama, sermons • ‘written’: academic writing, legal documents, prose fiction, medical texts • Multi-layer stand-off annotation / relational database architecture • Representation / visualisation / web interface • Feasibility of parsing (e.g. shallow parsing)
References • Admoni, Wladimir (1980) Zur Ausbildung der Norm der deutschen Literatursprache im Bereich des neuhochdeutschen Satzgefüges (1470 - 1730). Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Gestaltungssystems der deutschen Sprache. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag. • Burnard, Lou & Sperberg-McQueen, C.M. (2002) TEI U5: Encoding for Interchange: an introduction to the TEI < http://www.tei-c.org/Lite/teiu5_en.xml> (10/11/06). • Demske, Ulrike (2006, forthcoming) ‘Das Mercurius-Projekt. Eine Baumbank für das Frühneuhochdeutsche’, in: G. Zifonun & W. Kallmeyer (eds) Jahrbuch des Instituts für deutsche Sprache 2006. Berlin: de Gruyter. • Demske, Ulrike, Frank, Nicola, Laufer, Stefanie & Stiemer, Hendrik (2004) ‘Syntactic Interpretation of an Early New High German Corpus’, in S. Kübler et al. (eds) Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistics Theories (TLT 2004), pp. 175-182. Tübingen, available at www.sfs.uni-tuebingen.de/tlt04/ (10/11/06). • Demske-Neumann, Ulrike (1990) ‘Charakteristische Strukturen von Satzgefügen in den Zeitungen des 17. Jh.‘, in A. Betten (ed) Neuere Forschungen zur historischen Syntax des Deutschen. Referate der Internat. Fachkonferenz Eichstätt 1989, pp. 239-252. Tübingen: Niemeyer. • Ensslin, Astrid, Durrell, Martin & Bennett, Paul (2006) ‘Tracing Variation in Standardisation: a Corpus-based Approach’, available at <www.llc.manchester.ac.uk/Research/Projects/GerManCproject/thefile,73645,en.pdf> (27/11/06) • Ernst-Gerlach, Andrea & Fuhr, Norbert (2006) ‘Generating Search Term Variants for Text Collections with Historic Spellings’, in Proceedings of the 28th European Conference on Information Retrieval Research (ECIR 2006), available at <www.is.informatik.uni-duisburg.de/bib/pdf/ir/Ernst_Fuhr:06.pdf> (13/04/06).
References • ESRC (Economic and Social Research Council) <www.esrc.ac.uk/ESRCInfoCentre/index.aspx> (10/11/06). • Kytö, M. (1996) ‘Manual to the Diachronic Part of the Helsinki Corpus of English Texts’, 3rd edition. University of Helsinki: Department of English <http://icame.uib.no/hc/index.htm> (10/11/06). • Pilz, Thomas, Luther, Wolfram, Ammon, Ulrich & Fuhr, Norbert (2005) ‘Regelbasierte Suche in Textdatenbanken mit nichtstandardisierter Rechtschreibung’, in Proceedings ACH/ALLC 2005, Victoria, 15 - 18 Jun 2005, available at <www.is.informatik.uni-duisburg.de/bib/pdf/ir/Pilz_etal:05.pdf> (13/04/06). • Polenz, Peter von (1994) Deutsche Sprachgeschichte vom Spätmittelalter bis zur Gegenwart, Band II, 17. und 18. Jahrhundert, Berlin: de Gruyter. • Rayson, Paul, Archer, Dawn & Smith, Nicholas (2005) ‘VARD versus Word: A Comparison of the UCREL Variant Detector and Modern Spell Checkers on English Historical Corpora’, in Proceedings of Corpus Linguistics 2005, Birmingham University, July 14-17, Proceedings from the Corpus Linguistics Conference Series on-line e-journal, vol. 1, no. 1, available at <www.comp.lancs.ac.uk/computing/users/paul/publications/cl2005_vardword.pdf> (13/04/06). • Stolt, Birgit (1990) ‘Redeglieder, Informationseinheiten: Cola und Commata in Luthers Syntax’, in A. Betten (ed) Neuere Forschungen zur historischen Syntax des Deutschen. Referate der Internat. Fachkonferenz Eichstätt 1989, pp. 379-392. Tübingen: Niemeyer. • Weber, Johannes (2005) ‘Straßburg 1605: Die Geburt der Zeitung’, in H. Böning, A. Kutsch & R. Stöber (eds) Jahrbuch für Kommunikationsgeschichte, vol.7, pp. 3 – 26, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.