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Daily Announcements!!! Friday 10/10 (Even). Tutoring. Attention Students: Saturday’s have now been added to our tutoring schedule beginning on 10/18 from 8:30-10:30a.m. Open gym will follow at 11:00a.m.
Tutoring • Attention Students: • Saturday’s have now been added to our tutoring schedule beginning on 10/18 from 8:30-10:30a.m. • Open gym will follow at 11:00a.m. • For those who attend tutoring, open gym is free. If you do not attend tutoring, you may still come to open gym sessions for $1.00 Hope to see you all there!
Higher Education • ATTENTION STUDENTS: • The FAU Expo - College Tour and Football game scheduled for Saturday October 18th is free to all students. Bring your friends and family out to this exciting event. • If you would like to attend the FAU Expo as a part of the LWHS tour group, pick up a field trip form from the college and career center ASAP. We will be taking only 50 students on the bus. More information is available in the College and Career Center
Higher Education • Juniors and Seniors: FAU Honors College is having an open house on Saturday, November 1. See our school website for more information. • There will be an information session for undocumented students that would like to receive funding to attend college. The session will be held in 2-319 on Tuesday Oct 14th from 3-5. See Mrs. Ford for information.
College Fair • Pope John Paul College Fair Monday, October 20th in the gymnasium from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Any questions, contact 561-315-2119 Pope John Paul is located at: 4001 N. Military Trail Boca Raton, 33431 • Palm Beach School District College and Career Fair is on Wednesday, October 22nd from 6-8pm. There is a new location. It will be held at the Palm Beach County Convention Center right across from the Kravis Center. This is open to all students and parents however 11th and 12th graders should make a special effort to attend. See you there!
College Bound for Success (CBS) • Attention College Bound for Success (CBS) members. Mrs. Ford will be meeting with you on Wednesdays after school from 3-5 in 2-215 to assist you with preparing for you college and career plans. Please arrive on time! • "ATTENTION STUDENTS. Mrs. Ford will be assisting students after school with College and Career Planning from 3-5 pm in 2-215 on Monday and Wednesdays.
Dual Enrollment • Students planning to dual enroll for Spring Term. Please be sure to complete your spring registration form in early October so that you are ready to pick your classes by the time that dual enrollment registration opens on October 13th. See Mrs. Cooper in guidance for the forms. If you are taking classes on campus she will bring the forms to Dr. Winkler's room or Dr. Garcia's room. Early admission students need to pick up their forms also. If you hope to be a new student for the spring term you must have college ready scores in place and have attended an advisement session at the college. See Mrs. Cooper or any counselor if you have questions. • First time dual enrollment students and returning dual enrollment students: If you have not already picked up permission slip/information sheet to do dual enrollment for the spring term that starts in January please do so today or as soon as possible in the counselor corner at lunch. You must have a 3.0 GPA and qualifying test scores on the PERT, ACT or SAT. The information sheet will tell you how to take the PERT if you have not already done so. Registration for classes begins on 10-13-14 so it is important to get the ball rolling! Classes fill up fast! This opportunity is open to 10th, 11th and 12th graders.
PSAT • 10th Graders will be taking the school day PSAT on Wednesday, October 15th. Rosters and room assignments will be posted and sent to teachers shortly. Students, it is recommended that you bring a snack or two, sleep well the night before, and eat a good breakfast. Please be on time to your test site. This test is practice for the SAT that you will take your junior year. • PSAT for all 10th graders on October 15th. Please check the Blue testing locators posted in the media center, building 1, building 6, and cafeteria.
DRUGS ON CAMPUS • Please turn anyone attempting to sell or use drugs on campus. Up to $500 reward. Your action is anonymous. • Informar cualquiera que trate de vender o consumir drogas en el campus. Hasta $ 500 de recompensa. Su acción es anónimo. • Tanprivirenenpòtmounkieseyevannoswaitilizedwògsoulakoulekòl la. Jiska $ 500 rekonpans li. Aksyonou se anonim.
NO JEANS ON FRIDAY • Trash in the Café or on Campus means no jeans on Friday. • Fatra nan Café la oswasou Campus vle di pa gen Jeans nan Vandredi. • Basura en el Café o en el campus significa no jeans el viernes.
Class of 2015 • Seniors you can pay your senior dues in 18-212 • All community service hours must be turned in to guidance by 12/1.
Freshmen • The next Freshman Invasion Meeting will be on October 13, 2014 in Ms. Riley's room 18-109 at 3:15 p.m.
Clubs • Join us weekly, every MONDAY AFTER SCHOOL FIRST PRIORITY • 3:00pm room 18-211 • Bring a friend make some new ones and join us for some FUN, FOOD and FELLOWSHIP, see you there and expect the unexpected!!! • The next meeting of the Medical Honor Society will be on Monday, October 13th at 3pm in room 3-201 (Mr. Bean's room). Members - please bring a copy of your A14 screen. • The next Wall Street Society Club meeting will be on Monday, October 27th in the media center computer lab. Please come with ideas for an item to sell during the last 2 weeks of this semester in December ( holiday related )
Hispanic Heritage • Teachers and Students: • LWHS will be CELEBRATING HISPANIC HERITAGE during the week of October 13 -October 17. We will have music, interesting facts, poetry, singing and dancing in the cafeteria during both lunches. If any student would like to read poetry, sing, or rap please see Mrs. Laguerre. • Activities calendar will be posted throughout the campus!!!"
CELEBRATING HISPANIC HERITAGE October 13-October 15 MONDAY is Senor & Senorita day… Girls may wear flowers in their hair or wrist; Boys may wear big mustaches and sombreros (hats); Any outfit that represents the Spanish culture… TUESDAY is Soccer & Baseball day… Rep your favorite sport and where your Jersey or Shirt. WEDNESDAY is Colors and Flag day… Rep your favorite Hispanic Country and wear their colors. Family Involvement Night 5:00-7:30pm cafeteria (There will be music, dancing, poetry reading, rap, & singing in the cafeteria /media center during both lunches on those days) LWHS DRESS CODE WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED!
Clubs • Attention all Students!!!!! • Your Teens for Literacy Club is on the move. • We will meet this Wednesday and every Wednesday at 3:00 p.m. in Mrs. Grant's Room 18-209!! • Come and be a part of a great group of students who will change the face of Lake Worth High. Debate Club • Please remember to attend the Debate Club meetings, held Wednesdays and Thursdays from 3:00 To 5:00 pm. • We have several important topics to discuss. If you want your voice to be heard, please attend! Thank you, Mrs. Carr • There will be a NHS (National Honors Society) meeting on Tuesday, October 14 at 3:00 PM in 14-203 in Mr. Kubrick's room. • Reminder to all current members and those applying, that dues and application packets must be submitted by Friday, October 24th. "
JROTC • JROTC cadets, the Dining In tickets are now available for sale in 14-211. All Kitty Hawk Air Society pledges and members as well as Wing Staff personnel are expected to attend.
Sports • Boys soccer tryouts will be held Tues 10/14 and Wed 10/15 on the A street fields at 3:15pm • There will be a quick 5 minute informational meeting in15-116 @3pm on October 15th for any Boys interested in playing Boys Tennis this year. See Coach Kovach. • Girl's Basketball Tryouts will be held on Tuesday October 21st at 3:00PM in the Gym. You must have your physical and $10 tryout insurance fee to participate in tryouts. If you have any questions, please contact Coach Baker. • Boy's Basketball Tryouts will be held on Tuesday October 27th at 3:00PM in the Gym. You must have your physical and $10 tryout insurance fee to participate in tryouts. If you have any questions, please contact Coach Smith. • Boy's Basketball All Levels meeting will be held on October 14th at 3:00PM in room 2-311. If you have any questions, please see coach Smith. • The women’s bowling team shutout Palm beach Central yesterday. High bowler was JamilyJefferson. • The men lost their match
Attention Students • Please return your parent compact to your teacher or the box located in the main Office
Attention Teachers • SWPBS surveys close today, 10/10. If you have not yet completed the survey, you have until the end of the day today. We need 100% participation!!! Please see the email from Mr. Welter regarding directions on how to access and fill out the form.