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Closing the Expectations Gap: ADP Policy Agenda. Align high school standards with college and career expectations.Require all students to take curriculum aligned with standards. Include
3. ADP Algebra II End-of-Course Exam In 2005, ADP states began to explore possibility of collaborating on common assessment goals:
To measure “college-ready” content
To ensure consistent content and rigor in Algebra II courses within and among states
To enable comparisons in performance among the states
To reduce test development costs by working together
To be considered for postsecondary placement purposes
4. ADP Algebra II End-of-Course Exam Arkansas, Indiana, Kentucky,
Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey,
Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island
Ohio acted as “lead state” in unprecedented multi-state procurement arrangement
Development partner (Pearson) selected in February, 2007
5 additional states join in 2007: Arizona, Hawaii, Minnesota, North Carolina, and Washington
5. ADP Algebra II End-of-Course Exam States worked together to agree on test content and design specifications, item development and review
Involved high school teachers and higher education mathematics faculty
Content aligned with ADP mathematics benchmarks, which represent what students should know to be prepared for postsecondary success
Performance levels will be common across states
Achieve report will be published each year
8. Algebra II Exam: Modules to extend rigor and scope Content:
Data & Statistics
Trigonometric Functions
Logarithmic Functions
Conic Sections
Sequences & Series
8 items each
30 minute session
All with calculator
Multiple choice, short answer & extended response items
30% of points from non-multiple choice items
Paper & Pencil/Online format
9. State Usage Varies Some states require all students who take Algebra II to take the exam
Most states allow districts to make decisions about whether to require exam
Some states make the exam part of certain state initiatives
10. Spring 2008 Administration:Who Took the Exam?
11. 2008 Results:How Did Students Perform? Challenges for interpretation
performance standards or “cut scores” have not yet been established, so there is no clear basis for interpreting the results
the number of test takers varied significantly across the states
Although scores cannot be used to compare one state’s performance to another, the results of the first administration provide are interesting when taken in the aggregate.
12. 2008 Results:How Did Students Perform?
13. Communication of Results Reports were sent released on August 25
Due to the enriched standard setting design, reports only contain percent correct information.
What was distributed?
Printed Reports
Student Report
Electronic Reports
School Summary Reports
District Summary Reports
State Summary Report
14. Achieve Report Findings
Student performance was low across all states and in all content strands
Constructed response items are a particular challenge for students
Students who take Algebra II in earlier grades perform better
15. Now What?Next steps for test Validity studies are under way to help inform standard setting
Judgment Studies
Concurrent Validity Studies
Cross-Sectional Validity Studies
Standard Setting: Summer 2009
16. Next Steps for States What are the strategies your state is using to improve performance in secondary math – and on the Algebra II exam –and what can the states do collectively toward this end?
What will it take for the exam be put to use by postsecondary institutions in your states?
How can the exam be incorporated into broader statewide assessment system as an “anchor”?
17. Algebra I End-of-Course Exam A subset of states are working to develop an Algebra I End-of-Course Exam. Its goals are:
To improve curriculum and instruction.
To help high schools determine if students are ready for a rigorous Algebra II course and higher level mathematics.
To compare performance and progress among the participating states.
18. Algebra I Exam: Timeline Field Test (Paper & Pencil and Online): Fall 2008
First Operational Pencil & Paper: Spring 2009
First Operational Online: Spring 2009
Standard Setting: Summer 2009
19. www.achieve.org
20. Questions???