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ConnectND at NDSU

ConnectND at NDSU Finance Gary Wawers, Controller 10-28-05 Today Light review of modules Training talk Internal billing review Questions What’s in PeopleSoft Finance General Ledger (Actuals) Commitment Control (Budgets v. Actuals) Purchasing Accounts Payable Vendors

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ConnectND at NDSU

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ConnectND at NDSU Finance Gary Wawers, Controller 10-28-05

  2. Today • Light review of modules • Training talk • Internal billing review • Questions

  3. What’s in PeopleSoft Finance • General Ledger (Actuals) • Commitment Control (Budgets v. Actuals) • Purchasing • Accounts Payable • Vendors • Asset Management • Grants Management (Karen to review)

  4. General Ledger • Transactions post to GL daily in summary • Student Finance (SF) transactions started in July 2005 • Department deposits • Student payments • Monthly closeout – approx. 7 days

  5. General Ledger • Reporting • General Ledger Trial Balance (pdf or csv format) – • Navigation: General Ledger > General Reports > Trial Balance • General Ledger On-line inquiry – • Navigation: General Ledger > Review Journal/Ledger data > Ledger • General Ledger Activity • Navigation: General Ledger > General Reports > General Ledger Activity • Journal inquiry • Navigation: General Ledger > Review Journal/Ledger data > Journal

  6. General Ledger • Queries Navigation: Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer • Trial Balance By Fund and Dept (NDU_GL31A_TRIALBALANCE) • List of Accounts (NDU_GL15_CF_ACCT) • List of Funds (NDU_GL17_CF_FUNDS) • List of Departments (GL16), Projects (GL18), Programs (GL19) also available

  7. Commitment Control • PeopleSoft’s budget monitoring tool • Budget vs. Expenses • Budget transfers processed through Budget Office or Ag Budget Office • Expenses updated as soon as Budget Checked

  8. Commitment Control • Reporting • Budget Overview • Navigation: Commitment Control > Review Budget Activities > Budget Inquiry > Budgets Overview • Budget Transaction Detail • Navigation: Commitment Control > Review Budget Activities > Budget Reports > Budgets Transactions Detail • Budget Status • Navigation: Commitment Control > Review Budget Activities > Budget Reports > Budget Status

  9. Commitment Control • Parent Ledger Groups (totals) • CASH – local funds (funds 00000 – 23999 & 60000 – 89999) • PROJECT – Ag Appropriations (funds 35100 – 37999) & Capital Improvements (28100 – 28500 & 38100- 38590) & Athletic Camps (funds 15010 – 15020) • GRANT – Grant Funds (funds 40000-49999) • FUND – University Appropriations (funds 30000 – 32999) & Scholarships (funds 55000-59999)

  10. Commitment Control • Child Ledger Groups • CSHDTL – Cash Detail • CASHR – Cash Revenue • FNDDTL – Fund Detail • PRJDTL – Project Detail • PROJREV – Project Revenue • GNTDTL – Grant Detail • GNTTRN – Grant Transaction

  11. Accounts Payable • Generally decentralized process • AP Vouchers entered in Departments • Data Entry & Approver must initial invoice • Select correct address by Location field (not address field) and DOUBLE CHECK the address on the Payments Tab • Random Audits • Exceptions go to Accounting Office • Most common exceptions • Equipment • Sending paperwork with check • Travel Expense Reimbursements

  12. Accounts Payable • Ways to get information • Voucher Entry Screen • Navigation: Accounts Payable > Vouchers > Entry > Regular Entry > Find an existing value • Voucher Inquiry (Legacy Screen AP77) • Navigation: Accounts Payable > Review > Vouchers > Voucher Inquiry

  13. Asset Management • Used to track equipment items • Reporting/Query • On-line inquiry by item tag # Navigation: Asset Management > Owned Assets > Basic Add • Query for department list NDU_AM37_INV_BY_DEPT_W_CST_TBL

  14. Finance Training • Cynthia Rott, CPA, Accountant/Finance Systems Trainer • Developing a training program • New employees contact Accounting • Please complete and return survey to NDSU Accounting Office • Add suggestions for new system queries, or fixes you need

  15. General Ledger • Internal Billing Journals – Spreadsheet Import Method • Examples: PHONE, DOCPUBJT, AUDITRON, PROCARD, POSTAGE, CATERING • Facilities Management Charges coming • Departments may correct coding after transactions are posted

  16. How do departments redistribute Internal Billing charges • Prepare Interdepartmental Billing form, send to Accounting • List coding to be charged and credited • Best option when just a few lines are corrected • Prepare Spreadsheet Template, send to Accounting • Best option when many lines are corrected and IDB is impractical • Future funding changes, contact billing department

  17. FAMIS interface to General Ledger • Internal billing charges will be caught up one month at a time. • July transactions will post to October – around 10/31/05 • Subsequent months will post to October approx every other day after 10/31/05 • Journals will include motor pool, garage, central stores, and other facilities charges in one journal • Detail support available on Web • Training by Facilities Management

  18. Questions, Suggestions ? Return survey to Accounting Office, Rm 11, Old Main, or leave on the podium after presentations

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