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KU TEACHING SUMMIT 2007 Collaboration: Models, Processes and Tools to Build Community August 14, 2007 Rubrics: Transparency and Efficiency in Grading Kim Warren, History Jorge Pérez , Spanish and Portuguese What is Rubric?
KU TEACHING SUMMIT 2007Collaboration: Models, Processes and Tools to Build CommunityAugust 14, 2007 Rubrics: Transparency and Efficiency in Grading Kim Warren, History Jorge Pérez, Spanish and Portuguese
What is Rubric? • The challenge of translating quality into quantitative numbers or grades • Tool that students have grown to expect • Spain and KU examples • Roadmap • Are rubrics more of a challenge for us than for students?
Transparency in Grading • Clarifying expectations by handing out rubric with assignment • Constructing a rubric with students • Timing of distributing rubrics
Efficiency in Grading • Accuracy • Saving grading time • More detailed
COMPOSITION EVALUATION SHEET Spanish 324 Content and consideration of the reader (20 points) 18-20: interesting content and presentation. Thorough development of thesis, ideas well conceived and developed with sufficient examples. It takes into account a potential reader. 14-17: Some interesting content, but lacks detail. Points not fully developed. Consideration of potential reader not always apparent. 10-13: Conventional ideas or clichés; little supporting detail included. Consideration of reader rarely apparent. 7-10: little substance, inadequate development of the topic. Gives the impression of writing just to complete the assignment. Organization and Transitions (20 points) 18-20: Logical progression of ideas with well-executed transitions. High degree of textual coherence and cohesion. 14-17: Logical progression of ideas but often lacks transitions. 10-13: Loosely organized but main ideas stand out; logical but incomplete sequencing. 7-9: Disorganized: appears to have been written as thoughts occur to the writer; lacks logical development and transitions. Thesis statement and conclusion (10 points) 9-10: Clear thesis, impressive argumentation, and good conclusion. 7-8: clear thesis but a bit too general, needs more focus. Conclusion merely repeats thesis. 5-6: no thesis or unclear; no conclusion. Grammatical accuracy (20 points) 18-20: Effective construction with few errors. 14-17: Effective but confined to simpler structures. Some errors but they do not obscure readability and comprehension. 10-13: systematic problems with basic structures, it often affects comprehensibility. 8-10: Serious problems with basic structures, and message largely incomprehensible. Punctuation and Spelling (10 points) 9-10: Correct spelling (including accents) and punctuation. Appropriate format as specified. 7-8: occasional errors of spelling and punctuation 5-6: frequent spelling errors (including accents). Many errors in punctuation and capitalization. Vocabulary (20 points) 18-20: Use appropriate and varied vocabulary. Effective word/idiom choice and usage. English influence not apparent. 14-17: Usually uses appropriate vocabulary with some variety; some errors in usage that do not affect message; some repetition and English influence. 10-13: limited range; too much repetitions of the same terms; often uses inappropriate or non-specific vocabulary (eg. use of “cosa” instead of specific terms). Too much English influence.
ORAL PRESENTATION RUBRIC Spanish 440 Content (20 points) 18-20: Clearly announces what the report is covering, and the presentation thoroughly explains all points. Information is consistently accurate and listeners gain insight and learn from presentation, which is rich in detail. 14-17: tells the audience the topic of the presentation. Majority of points covered in depth with some gaps. Some errors in the information. Listeners gain some insight, but presentation does not go into rich detail and makes general statements about the topic. 10-13: audience has no idea what the report is about. Majority of points briefly mentioned without explaining them in depth. Many errors in the information and the audience does not learn anything new. Organization (15 points) 14-15: presentation is clear, logical, and organized. It includes pertinent examples, facts, statistics (visual aids, handouts, etc, if desired). Major ideas summarized and audience left with full understanding of the topic. At the end, group has a few engaging questions prepared for further discussion. 11-13: presentation generally clear. A few points may be confusing. Handouts and other aids are either inexistent or confusing/present difficulties. Some questions ready for peers, but unable to engage class. 8-10: clearly no effort to organize the presentation. No questions prepared for discussion. Time Frame (10 points) 9-10: Presentation falls within required time frame. 7-8: Presentation goes over permitted time or is unreasonably brief. 5-6: presentation goes way over permitted time. Outline and Bibliography (15) 14-15: group provided professor with a good outline and a bibliography prior to day of presentation. Good use of primary and secondary sources to get information for the presentation. 11-13: poor handout and no bibliography, and/or not provided prior to presentation. Good use of primary sources, but not much independent research. 8-10: no outline or bibliography provided. No effort to use sources. Use of language (20) 18-20: Sentences are correct and grammatical. No grammatical errors or very few, and variety in the vocabulary used. Pronunciation is clear and correct so that audience can understand all the words. 14-17: Some grammatical errors and some problems with pronunciation, but still easy to comprehend. 10-13: Limited vocabulary. Many basic grammatical errors with tenses, gender agreement, etc. Listeners definitely distracted and presentation hard to understand. Delivery (10) 9-10: presenter does not merely reads, but presents making constant eye contact with the audience. Body language reflects comfort and enthusiasm interacting with audience. Appropriate volume of voice. Audience can follow easily. 7-8: Occasional but unsustained eye contact with audience. Monotonous tone and/or low volume disengages audience. 5-6: no effort to make eye contact with audience, merely reads notes. No enthusiasm. Audience cannot follow presentation. Teamwork (10 points) 9-10: there is good balance in the amount of time and content covered by each member. It is evident that members have rehearsed or at least are coordinated in the delivery. 6-8: one of the members takes over and leads the group. Some problems of coordination.
Rubric for Exam Exams worth 200 points with 10 questions: each question is worth 20 points. 20-18 points complete answers including specific time period (decade) or date, reference to the origin of the event/person/term, and a discussion about what changes took place after the event/person/term took action, as well as significance 17-16 points more detail about time period, origin of event/person/term than significance, but some relevance of term is discussed 15-14 points most of writing is about the event/person/term; nothing about significance 13-12 points at least one detail about the event/person/term; nothing about significance 11-1 points incorrect information 0 answer left blank