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2. OPPS Discussion. What is OPPS?Providers subject to and excluded from OPPSDifferences between TRICARE and MedicareIncluded ServicesBilling information. 3. TRICARE OPPS: Policy Background. 10 U.S.C. 1079 (j)(2) and 1079(h): To the extent practicable, TRICARE adopts Medicare's reimbursement for outpatient hospital services Balanced Budget Act 1997: Required Medicare to establish a hospital prospective payment system so services within each group are comparable clinically and with respect to19
1. TRICARE Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) Overview
2. 2
3. 3 TRICARE OPPS: Policy Background 10 U.S.C. 1079 (j)(2) and 1079(h): To the extent practicable, TRICARE adopts Medicare’s reimbursement for outpatient hospital services
Balanced Budget Act 1997: Required Medicare to establish a hospital prospective payment system so services within each group are comparable clinically and with respect to use of resources
TRICARE OPPS implementation date: Fall 2007
4. 4 Overview What is OPPS?
OPPS is an Ambulatory Payment Classification (APC) system for covered hospital-based outpatient services; it establishes national payment rates standardized for geographic wage differences
Each procedure code that is a reimbursable service under OPPS is assigned an APC
5. 5 Overview (continued) An APC is a predetermined number assigned by Medicare or TRICARE
One or more CPT4/HCPCS codes may be grouped under a single APC
APCs are grouped based on: resource similarity, clinical homogeneity, provider concentration, and frequency of service
Medicare APCs have set payment amounts, representing the median hospital service costs relative to APC 0601 (Mid-level clinic visits); TRICARE uses Medicare APCs whenever possible
In the absence of a Medicare designation, TRICARE creates a TRICARE specific APC group and rate
TRICARE specific APC’s begin with the letter ‘T’
6. 6 Providers All hospitals participating in the Medicare program (some exclusions apply)
Hospital-based partial hospitalization programs subject to TRICARE authorization requirements under 32 CFR 199.6(b)(4)(xii):
Be TRICARE certified
Be licensed and fully operational for a period of six months (with a minimum patient census of at least 30 percent of bed capacity) and operate in substantial compliance with state and federal regulations
Currently JCAHO accredited under the current Accreditation Manual for Mental Health, Chemical Dependency, and Mental Retardation/Development Disabilities Services
7. 7 Providers (continued) Hospitals or distinct parts of hospitals that are excluded from the inpatient DRG to the extent that the hospital or distinct part furnishes outpatient services
Note: All hospital outpatient departments will be subject to the OPPS unless specifically excluded by TRICARE.
8. 8 Excluded Providers Indian Health Services
Certain Maryland hospitals
Critical access hospitals
Hospitals outside the 50 states, DC, Puerto Rico
Cancer and children’s hospitals
Freestanding ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs)
Freestanding partial hospital program, psych, and substance abuse facilities
Comprehensive outpatient rehabilitation facilities
Home health agencies
Hospice programs
Community mental health centers (CMHC), CMHC PHPs
Other corporate service providers
Freestanding birthing centers
VA hospitals
9. 9 Excluded Services Physician services
Nurse practitioner/clinical nurse specialist services
Physician assistant services
Certified-nurse midwife
Services of qualified psychologists
Clinical social worker services
Services of an anesthetist
Screening and diagnostic mammography
Influenza and pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine
Clinical diagnostic laboratory services Take home surgical dressings
Non-implantable DME, orthotics, prosthetics, and prosthetic devices and supplies (DMEPOS)
Hospital outpatient services furnished to SNF inpatients as part of reassessment or care plan
Services and procedures designated as requiring inpatient care
Services excluded by statute (ambulance services, PT, OT, speech/language pathology)
Ambulatory surgery procedures performed in freestanding ASCs
10. 10 Excluded Costs The following costs are excluded from OPPS:
Direct costs of medical education activities
Costs of approved nursing and skilled health education programs
Costs associated with interns and residents not in approved teaching programs
Costs of teaching physicians
Costs of anesthesia services for hospital outpatients provided by non-qualified anesthetists under hospital employment
Bad debts for uncollectible and coinsurance amounts
Organ transition costs
Corneal tissue acquisitions costs incurred by hospitals that are paid on a reasonable cost basis
11. 11 TRICARE vs. Medicare
Differences Between TRICARE and Medicare
TRICARE benefits and population do not always mirror Medicare
Maternity care
Preventive care
TRICARE beneficiary costs may differ
Outpatient deductibles
Catastrophic cap
12. 12 TRICARE covered services and other differences differs
Observation stays
Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)
Behavioral health
Preventive medicine
Inpatient procedures
Surgical discounting
Renal dialysis
Other editing differences TRICARE vs. Medicare (continued)
13. 13 Observation Services Four conditions where TRICARE allows additional pay for observation stays:
Chest pain
Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)
Criteria for observation stays include:
Documentation of specific ICD-9-CM code with one of the four medical conditions above
Observation time documentation
Hospital services provided before, during, or after the observation
Ongoing physician evaluation
Additional billing requirements
14. 14 Observation Services (continued) Observation stays with diagnosis of chest pain, asthma, and congestive heart failure will be edited. The claim must be submitted with:
Appropriate DX code on the UB-04 claim form
Hours greater than or equal to 8
HCPCS code G0378 (used for all observation regardless of the reason or duration)
A primary ER visit, clinic visit, critical care visit, or HCPCS code G0379 can be billed (in place of the primary medical visit code) for direct admission to observation from a physician’s office
This visit or direct admission code must be billed for the same day or the day before, and be reported on the same claim the observation is billed
15. 15 Maternity observations will be edited based on:
The appropriate diagnosis code
Hours greater than or equal to 4
HCPCS code G0378
Maternity observation reimbursement is based on the same APC number and rate as Medicare’s observation payments
Observation Services (continued)
16. 16 Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) Medicare does not cover half-day PHP
TRICARE reimbursement for PHP remains a half-day and full-day per diem rate
TRICARE created a special half-day APC
APC amount is a wage adjusted national rate
Freestanding PHP’s receive the current regional per diem rates
Valid authorization must be on file for each date of service
17. 17 PHP claims must:
Include a principal diagnosis of behavioral health or substance abuse
Revenue code 912 and HCPCS code H0035 for half-day
Revenue code 913 and HCPCS code H0037 for full-day
Condition code 41
The admitting or primary must be for a behavioral health diagnosis for PHP claims
PHP Claims that do not meet the above criteria undergo further prepayment review to make sure behavioral health procedures do not exceed the full-day partial hospitalization per diem amount
Note: PHP claims submitted without the above criteria will be denied.
Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)
18. 18 Mental Health Services (not PHP)
Non-PHP mental health claims are edited to ensure the sum of individual mental health APC rate on the same date of service does not exceed the full day partial hospitalization per diem
Note: If the sum of the individual mental health services exceeds the full-day partial hospitalization per diem, a special daily mental health service payment APC will be assigned. The APC is equal to the full-day partial hospitalization amount. All other mental health services are bundled into the one-line APC. Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)
19. 19 Discounting of Surgical Procedures TRICARE applies surgical discounting to:
Any outpatient or professional surgical claim
OPPS and non-OPPS claims
TRICARE’s previous surgical discounting: 100% - 50% - 25%:
Under OPPS, the 25 percent discount will no longer be applied
TRICARE now applies Medicare’s multiple surgery outpatient procedure discounting criteria:
100 percent payment for the primary surgical procedure
50 percent payment for subsequent procedures
20. 20 Preventive Medicine TRICARE reimburses the following preventive care office visit codes, which are not reimbursed by Medicare:
21. 21 Inpatient Only Procedures Medicare determines certain procedures to be “inpatient only” based on:
Nature of the procedure
Need for at least 24 hours of postoperative recovery time, or monitoring, before the patient can be safely discharged
Underlying physical condition of the patient
Because of population differences, such as age, the TRICARE inpatient only procedure list may differ from Medicare
For a list of inpatient only procedures, visit www.tricare.mil/opps
22. 22 Inpatient Only Procedures (continued) Debride abdominal wall (11005)
Breast reconstruction (19361)
Application of cranial tongs, caliper, or stereotactic frame (20660)
Treat slipped epiphysis (27176)
Repair of the tibia (27720)
Surgical thoracoscopy (32664) Appendectomy (44950)
Removal of gallbladder (47600)
Removal of gallbladder (47605)
Removal of fallopian tube (58700)
Removal of ovary/tube(s) (58720)
Revise fallopian tube(s) (58740)
23. 23 Inpatient Only Procedures (continued) Outpatient institutional claims for services with a code on the TRICARE inpatient-only list will pass through the Outpatient Code Editor (OCE) and automatically be denied
Referrals should not be generated for outpatient care for any procedures on the inpatient only list
Active Duty Service Member claims under the Supplemental Health Care Program (SHCP) are not excluded from deviating from the list
If an inpatient-only procedure code is submitted on a claim for an outpatient service, it will be denied, as will all other services on that date of service
24. 24 Inpatient Only Procedures (continued) TRICARE also reimburses an inpatient only procedure on an outpatient basis if the patient dies before admission. Inpatient procedures may be paid, following Medicare’s guidelines:
The outpatient claim should include the procedure code with status indicator ‘C’ to which a newly designated modifier (-CA) is attached. The patient status is 20 (deceased).
The payment amount for all services on the claim, with the same date of service, is based on a single APC rate assigned to the HCPCS code that is billed with the modifier CA. Separate payment is not allowed for other services furnished on the same day.
The OPPS Coding Group reviews procedures quarterly to determine if a procedure should be removed from the Inpatient Only List.
25. 25 Renal Dialysis TRICARE covers dialysis for conditions that warrant such treatment, for example:
Acute conditions, such as poisoning
Beneficiaries with a diagnosis of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) not yet eligible for Medicare
TRICARE reimburses dialysis services based on the APC rate assigned to the HCPCS
Medicare reimburses dialysis at a composite (daily) rate for ESRD
26. 26 Other Coding/Editing Emergency Room claim payment is made based on:
HCPCS codes billed
Dates of service edits
Condition Codes and Modifiers
Condition codes apply to the whole claim
Condition Code 41 = PHP
Condition Code G0 (Zero)= Multiple medical visits on the same day
Modifiers apply to the line
Modifier 27 = Multiple medical visits on the same day
Modifier 73/52 = Terminated procedure
27. 27 Deductibles, Cost-shares, and Copayments TRICARE deductibles, cost-shares and copayments apply based on plan option
28. 28 Claims Adjudication
29. 29 Claims Adjudication (continued) TRICARE Outpatient Code Editor (OCE) and TRICARE Pricer
TRICARE claims processors will integrate the 3M-developed/maintained TRICARE OCE and Pricer into their claims processing systems for claims adjudication
The TRICARE OPPS Pricer provides whole claim pricing using output from the TRICARE OCE
Implemented on a nationwide basis, including the TDEFIC, TRICARE For Life, and Puerto Rico contractors
The OCE assigns an APC code when appropriate
The OCE is updated on a quarterly basis
30. 30 Reimbursement Methodology Medicare APCs have set prospective-pre-payment amounts. These amounts represent the median hospital service costs relative to APC 0601 (Mid-level clinic visits).
APC OPPS rates are calculated by multiplying APC relative weight by the conversion factor.
Wage adjustment factors are used for labor-related costs.
31. 31 Reimbursement Methodology (continued) OPPS APC reimbursements are wage adjusted based on the hospital specific wage index (specific geographical location factor)
The basic calculation for a wage adjusted APC is:
Non Labor factor = 40%
Labor Factor = 60%
APC payment rate X 40% = A
Wage Adjusted APC = APC payment rate x 60% x Hospital Specific Wage Index + A
Deductibles, cost-shares, and copayments are subtracted based on beneficiary category
Unlike single DRGs, multiple APCs can be assigned to one outpatient record
Total payment is computed as the sum of the individual payments for each service
32. 32 Outpatient Code Editor (OCE) TRICARE uses the National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) edits for OPPS. Outpatient Code Editor (OCE) is used to identify possible coding errors.
NCCI edits are embedded in the coder
ClaimCheck® will not apply to these claims
Standard billing practices apply
Use CMS claim forms: UB-04 and new CMS-1500
33. 33 Outpatient Code Editor (OCE) Critical claim data:
Appropriate claim bill type
The ‘from’ and ‘through’ date of the claim
Ideally report all services performed on the same day on the same claim
Hospitals should report condition G0 on claims for multiple visits on the same day
Patient status
Revenue codes
Procedure codes (CPT4 or HCPCS)
Modifiers and condition codes
Line item date of service
Units of service
Principal diagnosis code
34. 34 Outpatient Code Editor (continued) Each procedure code (i.e., HCPCS/CPT) in the OCE has a TRICARE Status Indicator (T/SI) assigned
Each HCPCS/ CPT4 code Status Indicator (SI) facilitates determination of coverage/reimbursement
SI also helps determine policy rules, for example discounting of surgical procedures
TRICARE adopted many of Medicare’s SI’s; others were modified based on TRICARE program needs
A listing of APCs with Status Indicators and rates can be found at: www.tricare.mil/opps
35. 35 OCE Status Indicators TRICARE Status Indicators (SI):
A - Services reimbursed other than OPPS
B - More appropriate code required for TRICARE OPPS
C - Inpatient procedure
E - Items or services that are not covered by TRICARE
F - Corneal tissue acquisition; certain CRNA services and Hepatitis B vaccines
G - Drug / biological pass-through
H - Pass-through device categories, brachytherapy sources, and radiopharmaceutical agents allowed on a cost basis
K - Non pass-through drugs and biologicals, blood, and blood products
N - Packaged incidental service
P - Partial hospitalization service
36. 36 OCE Status Indicators (continued) TRICARE Status Indicators (continued):
Q - Packaged services subject to separate payment based on criteria
Note: HCPCS codes with status indicator ‘Q’ are either separately payable or packaged depending on the specific billing circumstances. OCE claims editing logic applies to codes assigned SI ‘Q’ to determine if the service will be packaged or separately payable.
S - Significant procedure not subject to multiple procedure discounting
T - Significant procedure subject to multiple procedure discounting
V - Medical visit to clinic or emergency department
W - Invalid HCPCS or invalid revenue code with blank HCPCS
X - Ancillary service
Z - Valid revenue code with blank HCPCS and no other SI assigned
37. 37 OCE Status Indicators (continued) Status Indicators where payment is made based on other than OPPS APC rates:
A - Services reimbursed other than OPPS - This SI may pay CMAC, DMEPOS, billed charges, or allowable cost.
F - Corneal tissue acquisition; certain CRNA services and Hepatitis B vaccines - This SI may pay CMAC, billed charges, or allowable cost.
H - Pass-through device categories, brachytherapy sources, and radiopharmaceutical agents allowed on a cost basis - This SI pays billed charges multiplied by the statewide cost to charge ratio.
N - Packaged incidental service - This SI will never have a paid dollar amount on a claim.
38. 38 TRICARE OCE All procedure codes have an SI assignment; not all procedure codes have an APC assignment
SI’s G, H, K, P, S, T, V, and X normally have APC assignments which may or may not have set payment rates
The SI of H has an APC group number, but no Medicare or TRICARE payment rate; payment is based on the device cost
Surgical cost sharing for outpatient surgery, performed in an OPPS facility, remains the same as it is today for all Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC) procedures
Procedure codes with an SI of ‘H’ will not cost share but will have the applicable deductible applied to the claim
39. 39 TRICARE OCE Questionable Covered Services
Services that must have prepayment review or are conditionally reimbursed, such as those benefits only covered under the ECHO program. These reviews are conducted at the Prime Contractor discretion, or based on TRICARE policy limitations.
Non-Covered Services
Services that are not covered per TRICARE policy which includes the Government No Pay list.
Revenue Code/HCPCS Code Relationship
The HCPCS code billed on the line determines the payment for that line…NOT the revenue code.
Lines billed with revenue codes and no HCPCS codes will be packaged or, in some cases, denied.
40. 40 Pricing Information TRICARE OPPS Pricer
After OCE edits the claim, the OPPS Pricer determines the method of payment for each procedure code
Data elements for line item pricing:
Procedure codes (HCPCS and/or CPT-4 codes)
Modifiers and Condition Codes
APC Number
Status Indicator
Service Date
Primary Diagnosis Code
Other necessary OCE output
Provider information (CMS determines provider-based status)
Wage indexes
State-wide cost to charge ratios
Locality code
Hospital type
41. 41 Pricing Information (continued) The TRICARE OPPS Pricer will contain APC and discounting information as well as the following TRICARE reimbursement files:
State Prevailing (for every TRICARE Contract)
Injectibles and immunizations
Birthing center rates
OPPS claims are edited by the OCE on a line-by-line basis: payment is determined and made on a line-by-line basis
For example, a claim may be submitted and reimbursed as shown in the table
42. 42 Outlier Payments Outlier Payments
OPPS adds additional dollars for:
Certain expensive procedures and services (as stated in Policy)
Certain packaged medical devices, drugs, and biologicals are eligible for special transitional pass-through
There are separate outlier APC payments
Outlier payments are calculated on a service-by-service basis
Each line, one line, or no lines may qualify for an outlier payment
Special APC groups exist for new technologies
New drugs, biologicals, and devices that do not have APCs are paid under TRICARE allowable charge methodology
43. 43 Offsets
Medicare may assign an offset amount to a device pass-through code (SI = H*)
Offset amounts are code specific and there is one offset amount for 2007
Offset amounts are wage adjusted and are subtracted from the device cost that is billed on the claim
Device pass through payments are calculated for payment with an offset as follows:
Billed charges X CCR – Offset = Allowed Amount
44. 44 Government No Pay List CPT/HCPCS codes that are contained on the Government No Pay List (GNPL) are all programmed within the OCE
List of GNLP is located at: www.tricare.mil/nogovernmentpay
Refer to this list prior to referring a patient for civilian health care so claim won’t deny
Each procedure code (i.e., HCPCS/CPT) has been reviewed to determine coverage/non-coverage status
X - Excluded by Statute or Policy
U - Unproven or experimental
D - Code deleted
C - Now covered
Managed Care Support Contractors will not issue an authorization for care for a procedure included on this list
Appropriate appeal rights are applied by the regional contractors
45. 45 Government No Pay List (continued) Claims for services submitted with a code on the GNPL will pass through the OCE and will automatically be denied
Exceptions to the automatic denial of any of these codes are for services provided to an Active Duty Service Member under the Supplemental Health Care Program
Managed Care Support Contractors can still provide a bypass for procedures on the GNPL provided there is an MTF or MMSO Referral/Authorization entered for the care
46. 46 Medical Review The methodology of review for outpatient claims does not change under OPPS
The goals of medical review:
Identify inappropriate billing
Ensure that no payment is made for non-covered services
Medical records may be requested to ensure that payment is appropriate
47. 47 Helpful Resources TRICARE OPPS Resources:
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services: