1. [Music tag intro, the first. 5 seconds][Music tag intro, the first. 5 seconds]
2. [Music tag intro the second, 3 seconds][Music tag intro the second, 3 seconds]
3. LBANS TRUSTEE HANDBOOKsecond edition The Executive Summary… [Music tag: fanfare][Music tag: fanfare]
4. [Antique photo, narrator]
Since you are watching this presentation, congratulations on becoming a library trustee! You are now one of a select group of decision makers who will help shape the pattern of library development across Nova Scotia. You have become a creator of policy; an employer of personnel; a controller of finances; and an advocate for libraries. [Antique photo, narrator]
Since you are watching this presentation, congratulations on becoming a library trustee! You are now one of a select group of decision makers who will help shape the pattern of library development across Nova Scotia. You have become a creator of policy; an employer of personnel; a controller of finances; and an advocate for libraries.
5. [Antique photo, narrator, eyes left]
This presentation summarizes the Trustee Handbook that appears elsewhere on this CD -[Antique photo, narrator, eyes left]
This presentation summarizes the Trustee Handbook that appears elsewhere on this CD -
6. [Antique photo, narrator, eyes front]
though of course, the Handbook itself remains your key reference in matters of responsibility and governance. [Antique photo, narrator, eyes front]
though of course, the Handbook itself remains your key reference in matters of responsibility and governance.
[Group shot, regional librarians & NSPL staff]
And by all means take every opportunity to ask questions of your chief librarian.
[Group shot, regional librarians & NSPL staff]
And by all means take every opportunity to ask questions of your chief librarian.
Let’s start with your vision of Trusteeship. Unless you were already committed to the value, importance, and promotion of public libraries, you probably wouldn’t have become a Trustee. You already feel a strong moral obligation on that score, and as Martha was wont to say, that’s a Good Thing.V/O:
Let’s start with your vision of Trusteeship. Unless you were already committed to the value, importance, and promotion of public libraries, you probably wouldn’t have become a Trustee. You already feel a strong moral obligation on that score, and as Martha was wont to say, that’s a Good Thing.
9. VISION [Antique photo, narrator, eyes front]
You already feel a strong moral obligation on that score, and as Martha was wont to say, that’s a Good Thing.
[Antique photo, narrator, eyes front]
You already feel a strong moral obligation on that score, and as Martha was wont to say, that’s a Good Thing.
10. VISION Keep the Public Trust V/O:
But the public Trust you have taken on involves legal obligations as well. Your community have delegated you, as a library trustee, to be responsible for your public library- so legally, you’re expected to take the same care in managing your local library as you would in managing your personal affairs. V/O:
But the public Trust you have taken on involves legal obligations as well. Your community have delegated you, as a library trustee, to be responsible for your public library- so legally, you’re expected to take the same care in managing your local library as you would in managing your personal affairs.
11. VISION [Antique photo, narrator, eyes front]
You’re also expected never to manipulate library affairs for your own advantage, nor to decide in advance of a Board meeting to turn a decision in some particular direction. If you are negligent or unfair, you are liable for any losses your library sustains as a result.
[Antique photo, narrator, eyes front]
You’re also expected never to manipulate library affairs for your own advantage, nor to decide in advance of a Board meeting to turn a decision in some particular direction. If you are negligent or unfair, you are liable for any losses your library sustains as a result.
12. VISION Keep the Public Trust
Observe the Code of Ethics V/O:
Not to worry. Page 2 of your Handbook contains a Code of Ethics to guide your career as a Trustee. It’s mostly common sense and ordinary goodwill- but follow the code, and you can’t go wrong!V/O:
Not to worry. Page 2 of your Handbook contains a Code of Ethics to guide your career as a Trustee. It’s mostly common sense and ordinary goodwill- but follow the code, and you can’t go wrong!
13. VISION [Antique photo, narrator, eyes front]
Finally, public libraries have traditionally preserved and maintained the history and intellectual expressions of humankind.
[Antique photo, narrator, eyes front]
Finally, public libraries have traditionally preserved and maintained the history and intellectual expressions of humankind.
14. VISION Keep the Public Trust
Observe the Code of Ethics
Defend the Right to Know V/O:
For this reason, your library is committed to each patron’s “freedom to read” even materials some others may find objectionable. V/O:
For this reason, your library is committed to each patron’s “freedom to read” even materials some others may find objectionable.
In fact, ALL Nova Scotian Regional Library Boards have adopted the Canadian Library Association Statement of Intellectual Freedom, which appears on Page 3 of the Handbook. V/O:
In fact, ALL Nova Scotian Regional Library Boards have adopted the Canadian Library Association Statement of Intellectual Freedom, which appears on Page 3 of the Handbook.
16. VISION [Antique photo, narrator, eyes right]
You may find yourself defending this principle over a resource that offends you personally-[Antique photo, narrator, eyes right]
You may find yourself defending this principle over a resource that offends you personally-
17. VISION [Antique photo, narrator, eyes front]
- but regardless of your own feelings, the freedom to read must remain paramount.
[Antique photo, narrator, eyes front]
- but regardless of your own feelings, the freedom to read must remain paramount.
18. TODAY’S PUBLIC LIBRARY Openness & democracy [Public meeting at public library]
By providing everyone with free access to human thought, action and creative expression, the public library promotes an open & democratic society
[Public meeting at public library]
By providing everyone with free access to human thought, action and creative expression, the public library promotes an open & democratic society
19. TODAY’S PUBLIC LIBRARY Openness & democracy
Universal, lifelong education [adult & child read book]
It also encourages universal education and lifelong learning.[adult & child read book]
It also encourages universal education and lifelong learning.
20. TODAY’S PUBLIC LIBRARY Openness & democracy
Universal, lifelong education
Far more than books [Patron at CAP booth]
And public libraries house far more than just book collections-[Patron at CAP booth]
And public libraries house far more than just book collections-
21. TODAY’S PUBLIC LIBRARY Openness & democracy
Universal, lifelong education
Far more than books [Patron at CAP booth]
- there’s manuscripts, magazines, newspapers, pamphlets, audio & video recordings-[Patron at CAP booth]
- there’s manuscripts, magazines, newspapers, pamphlets, audio & video recordings-
22. TODAY’S PUBLIC LIBRARY Openness & democracy
Universal, lifelong education
Far more than books [Cross generations collaborating on a computer]
Not to mention talking books, computers and a wide variety of other materials that communicate, educate & entertain.[Cross generations collaborating on a computer]
Not to mention talking books, computers and a wide variety of other materials that communicate, educate & entertain.
23. TODAY’S PUBLIC LIBRARY Openness & democracy
Universal, lifelong education
Far more than books
Bridging the digital divide [Handicapped patrons at library computer]
In fact, in an era when information is power, your public library goes a long way to bridging the digital divide that bars some people from the social & economic opportunities that derive from access to information technology & the world online.[Handicapped patrons at library computer]
In fact, in an era when information is power, your public library goes a long way to bridging the digital divide that bars some people from the social & economic opportunities that derive from access to information technology & the world online.
24. TODAY’S PUBLIC LIBRARY [9 region map]
The 9 regional library systems are strategically placed to deliver to all citizens an effective network of services-
[9 region map]
The 9 regional library systems are strategically placed to deliver to all citizens an effective network of services-
25. TODAY’S PUBLIC LIBRARY 9 networked regions [9 region map, bulleted list]
-many of which they provide through a common infrastructure.[9 region map, bulleted list]
-many of which they provide through a common infrastructure.
26. TODAY’S PUBLIC LIBRARY 9 networked regions
Adaptable services [9 region map]
All nine regions are adept at tailoring their services to meet changing public expectations, priorities and needs. That’s why today’s library is not your parents’ library, and why the library your grandchildren will depend upon will differ radically from the library you now serve as a trustee.
[9 region map]
All nine regions are adept at tailoring their services to meet changing public expectations, priorities and needs. That’s why today’s library is not your parents’ library, and why the library your grandchildren will depend upon will differ radically from the library you now serve as a trustee.
27. TODAY’S PUBLIC LIBRARY [9 region map]
All nine regions are adept at tailoring their services to meet changing public expectations, priorities and needs. That’s why today’s library is not your parents’ library, and why the library your grandchildren will depend upon will differ radically from the library you now serve as a trustee.
[9 region map]
All nine regions are adept at tailoring their services to meet changing public expectations, priorities and needs. That’s why today’s library is not your parents’ library, and why the library your grandchildren will depend upon will differ radically from the library you now serve as a trustee.
[Library activity collage]
In fact, libraries are lifelong learning centres, community meeting places, gateways to information, preservers of cultural heritage, and engines for grassroots participation. The one constant is equitable, free access to information.
[Library activity collage]
In fact, libraries are lifelong learning centres, community meeting places, gateways to information, preservers of cultural heritage, and engines for grassroots participation. The one constant is equitable, free access to information.
29. TODAY’S PUBLIC LIBRARY [Legislative Assembly]
The Law which governs the administration of public libraries in Nova Scotia is the Libraries Act. It’s been around in one form or another since 1937, but it was last revised in 1989 & 1990. [Legislative Assembly]
The Law which governs the administration of public libraries in Nova Scotia is the Libraries Act. It’s been around in one form or another since 1937, but it was last revised in 1989 & 1990.
30. TODAY’S PUBLIC LIBRARY [Libraries Act homepage]
This is the legislation which sets up the Provincial Library, provides for regional libraries, and puts the whole system under the jurisdiction of the Minister of Education.[Libraries Act homepage]
This is the legislation which sets up the Provincial Library, provides for regional libraries, and puts the whole system under the jurisdiction of the Minister of Education.
31. TODAY’S PUBLIC LIBRARY [Libraries Regulations homepage]
A lot of the nuts & bolts of library governance- like library funding arrangements, for instance- are contained in the Regulations to the Libraries Act. Both documents are available online at the addresses you’ll find on page 5 of your handbook.[Libraries Regulations homepage]
A lot of the nuts & bolts of library governance- like library funding arrangements, for instance- are contained in the Regulations to the Libraries Act. Both documents are available online at the addresses you’ll find on page 5 of your handbook.
[Multigenerational, M/F smile at CAP site computer.]
You might even want to check those sites out using a public access computer- at your local library!
[Multigenerational, M/F smile at CAP site computer.]
You might even want to check those sites out using a public access computer- at your local library!
[montage of three representative NSPL activity shots. Cataloguing/ Tech Services?]
One of the things the Libraries Act does is to set up the Nova Scotia Provincial Library, an umbrella organization that leads & coordinates library services throughout Nova Scotia,
[montage of three representative NSPL activity shots. Cataloguing/ Tech Services?]
One of the things the Libraries Act does is to set up the Nova Scotia Provincial Library, an umbrella organization that leads & coordinates library services throughout Nova Scotia,
[montage of three more representative NSPL activity shots.]
-from the administration of funding to policy development and from centralized cataloguing, purchasing & professional development services to developing & maintaining a comprehensive database of Nova Scotia Public Library materials.
[montage of three more representative NSPL activity shots.]
-from the administration of funding to policy development and from centralized cataloguing, purchasing & professional development services to developing & maintaining a comprehensive database of Nova Scotia Public Library materials.
35. TODAY’S PUBLIC LIBRARY [Montage of three representative shots, NSPL- IT support/ Betsy & Roch Carrier?/NSLBA meeting?]
You can see all the details in your Handbook, but you’ll find the Nova Scotia Provincial Library also facilitates interlibrary cooperation of all kinds at all levels, and represents all the regions- including yours- to the national & provincial governments.[Montage of three representative shots, NSPL- IT support/ Betsy & Roch Carrier?/NSLBA meeting?]
You can see all the details in your Handbook, but you’ll find the Nova Scotia Provincial Library also facilitates interlibrary cooperation of all kinds at all levels, and represents all the regions- including yours- to the national & provincial governments.
36. TODAY’S PUBLIC LIBRARY [ Ministerial chat shot]
Each regional library in the Nova Scotia Public Library system comes into being when one or more municipalities enters into an agreement with each other, and the Minister of Education. [ Ministerial chat shot]
Each regional library in the Nova Scotia Public Library system comes into being when one or more municipalities enters into an agreement with each other, and the Minister of Education.
37. TODAY’S PUBLIC LIBRARY The first was established in 1949, but variations in the number of Nova Scotian municipalities over the years has resulted in the current total of 9. The first was established in 1949, but variations in the number of Nova Scotian municipalities over the years has resulted in the current total of 9.
38. TODAY’S PUBLIC LIBRARY Together, they operate a total of 77 branches and 8 mobile branches across the province.
Together, they operate a total of 77 branches and 8 mobile branches across the province.
39. TODAY’S PUBLIC LIBRARY [Montage of Regional activity shots]
Each region has contracted authority to hire staff, acquire property, and develop collections. Each is supported by some combination of regionally raised funds, municipal taxes, and provincial grants. [Montage of Regional activity shots]
Each region has contracted authority to hire staff, acquire property, and develop collections. Each is supported by some combination of regionally raised funds, municipal taxes, and provincial grants.
[Antique photo, narrator, eyes front]
Each region requires a mechanism for overseeing its operation- and that’s where you come in…
[Antique photo, narrator, eyes front]
Each region requires a mechanism for overseeing its operation- and that’s where you come in…
41. YOUR BOARD [Silent, 2 sec][Silent, 2 sec]
42. YOUR BOARD Municipal appointees
[Board meeting picture]
The majority of Board members are appointed by the municipal governments involved.[Board meeting picture]
The majority of Board members are appointed by the municipal governments involved.
43. YOUR BOARD Municipal appointees
2 Provincial appointees [Board meeting picture]
Two additional Board members in each region are provincial government appointees.[Board meeting picture]
Two additional Board members in each region are provincial government appointees.
44. YOUR BOARD Municipal appointees
2 Provincial appointees
Additional members [Board meeting picture]
Finally, signatories to each regional library agreement may specify the appointment of additional Board members to represent local communities, special skills and particular enthusiasm for the development of public library programs.[Board meeting picture]
Finally, signatories to each regional library agreement may specify the appointment of additional Board members to represent local communities, special skills and particular enthusiasm for the development of public library programs.
45. YOUR BOARD Municipal appointees
2 Provincial appointees
Additional members
Equitable representation [Board meeting picture]
Racial, cultural and gender equity always demand special attention in appointing every Board of Trustees. [Board meeting picture]
Racial, cultural and gender equity always demand special attention in appointing every Board of Trustees.
46. YOUR BOARD [Board of Trustees meeting, another one not seen]
The Board of Trustees has the authority to make regional library policy and govern its affairs. But they DO NOT have any direct responsibility for library operations & programming, which are the primary focus of the chief librarian and the region’s professional staff.[Board of Trustees meeting, another one not seen]
The Board of Trustees has the authority to make regional library policy and govern its affairs. But they DO NOT have any direct responsibility for library operations & programming, which are the primary focus of the chief librarian and the region’s professional staff.
47. YOUR BOARD [Board of Trustees meeting, yet another one not seen]
The governing role differs from that of administration, in that governance deals with the long term, rather than the short-term; with the future, rather than the present; and with each library’s relationship with its constituent communities, rather than the details of service delivery. [Board of Trustees meeting, yet another one not seen]
The governing role differs from that of administration, in that governance deals with the long term, rather than the short-term; with the future, rather than the present; and with each library’s relationship with its constituent communities, rather than the details of service delivery.
48. YOUR BOARD Planning
Acquiring & holding property
Securing the future V/O:
A Regional Library Board establishes strategic & operational plans for its library; acquires & holds its property & assets; hires the chief librarian; makes sure public library funding is wisely spent; promotes the library in the community; interprets the community to the library; and secures the regional library’s identity, continuity, and future.
A Regional Library Board establishes strategic & operational plans for its library; acquires & holds its property & assets; hires the chief librarian; makes sure public library funding is wisely spent; promotes the library in the community; interprets the community to the library; and secures the regional library’s identity, continuity, and future.
49. YOUR BOARD [Trustees & professional staff at public event.]
To minimize any possible confusion, we suggest you review the detailed information about the roles & responsibilities of Regional Library Boards, Chief Librarians, and Library Staff that appears on pages 9-11 of your Handbook. Setting, understanding, and respecting these necessary boundaries are essential in effective governance. [Trustees & professional staff at public event.]
To minimize any possible confusion, we suggest you review the detailed information about the roles & responsibilities of Regional Library Boards, Chief Librarians, and Library Staff that appears on pages 9-11 of your Handbook. Setting, understanding, and respecting these necessary boundaries are essential in effective governance.
50. YOUR BOARD Trustee Recruitment. [Trustees socializing.]
V/O: Though the provincial government & municipal councils appoint library trustees, sitting Boards can play an active role in identifying from the community potential new trustees and making sure they know how to apply to the appointing authority. When a Board chooses to make appointments additional to the provincial & municipal seats, a recruitment committee interviews and briefs potential candidates before naming appointees . See page 12 of the Handbook for complete details.
[Trustees socializing.]
V/O: Though the provincial government & municipal councils appoint library trustees, sitting Boards can play an active role in identifying from the community potential new trustees and making sure they know how to apply to the appointing authority. When a Board chooses to make appointments additional to the provincial & municipal seats, a recruitment committee interviews and briefs potential candidates before naming appointees . See page 12 of the Handbook for complete details.
51. YOUR BOARD Advocacy [Trustee addresses public.]
Another major responsibility of Regional Library Boards is advocacy. You, the Trustees, are the people who make things happen for your library. To ensure its success, the Board has to promote your library’s mission within the community and to governments and funding agencies. [Trustee addresses public.]
Another major responsibility of Regional Library Boards is advocacy. You, the Trustees, are the people who make things happen for your library. To ensure its success, the Board has to promote your library’s mission within the community and to governments and funding agencies.
52. YOUR BOARD Advocacy [Advocacy 2-shot, IT contest.] So, use your enthusiasm to promote your library everywhere, all the time- encourage your friends to use it, and tell them about being a Board member. Get people involved, and on your library’s side.
[Advocacy 2-shot, IT contest.] So, use your enthusiasm to promote your library everywhere, all the time- encourage your friends to use it, and tell them about being a Board member. Get people involved, and on your library’s side.
53. YOUR BOARD [Money & Librarian slide.]
Another Board responsibility closely tied to advocacy is fundraising. It probably comes as no surprise to you that the revenues received from municipal & provincial sources are frequently not enough to support more than basic services, so library Boards not only lobby for more funding, but plan to raise additional revenue from outside sources to support enhanced programs. [Money & Librarian slide.]
Another Board responsibility closely tied to advocacy is fundraising. It probably comes as no surprise to you that the revenues received from municipal & provincial sources are frequently not enough to support more than basic services, so library Boards not only lobby for more funding, but plan to raise additional revenue from outside sources to support enhanced programs.
54. YOUR BOARD Fund Raising [Board of Trustees meeting, yet another one not seen.]
Planning fund-raising means the Board must not only identify funding needs and set priorities. It must also choose the nature & scope of the library’s campaign; allocate an appropriate campaign support budget; and set policies & procedures for accepting & recognizing donations- then investing them afterwards. [Board of Trustees meeting, yet another one not seen.]
Planning fund-raising means the Board must not only identify funding needs and set priorities. It must also choose the nature & scope of the library’s campaign; allocate an appropriate campaign support budget; and set policies & procedures for accepting & recognizing donations- then investing them afterwards.
55. YOUR BOARD Fund Raising [Big cheque hand-shake ceremony?]
Staff, volunteers, friends of the library- all of them look to you, the Board, for leadership and energy in securing the additional funds the library needs to serve your community better. So, please read page 14 of your Handbook- and take it to heart![Big cheque hand-shake ceremony?]
Staff, volunteers, friends of the library- all of them look to you, the Board, for leadership and energy in securing the additional funds the library needs to serve your community better. So, please read page 14 of your Handbook- and take it to heart!
56. PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT And in all your efforts as a Board member, there’s no need to go it alone…And in all your efforts as a Board member, there’s no need to go it alone…
57. PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT Nova Scotia Library Association
Atlantic Provinces Library Association
Canadian Library Association page 15 of your Handbook lists three, key associations you can join to put you in touch with other trustees and professional librarians -so you can keep up with the issues affecting public libraries in Nova Scotia.page 15 of your Handbook lists three, key associations you can join to put you in touch with other trustees and professional librarians -so you can keep up with the issues affecting public libraries in Nova Scotia.
In addition, ALL trustees are automatically members of the Library Boards Association of Nova Scotia, whose purpose, activities, and other details can be found on page 16 of the Handbook.V/O:
In addition, ALL trustees are automatically members of the Library Boards Association of Nova Scotia, whose purpose, activities, and other details can be found on page 16 of the Handbook.
59. [Antique photo, narrator, eyes front]
And that’s about it, from me. Please take the time to read your hand-book cover to cover- and always, always ask questions when they come to mind. Consensus about what makes a public library great starts with communication… Have fun!
[Antique photo, narrator, eyes front]
And that’s about it, from me. Please take the time to read your hand-book cover to cover- and always, always ask questions when they come to mind. Consensus about what makes a public library great starts with communication… Have fun!
60. Nova Scotia Public Libraries [Music tag: fanfare][Music tag: fanfare]