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Learn to develop instructable agents using Disciple approach. Course covers expert problem-solving modeling, Ph.D. advisor selection, ontology specification, strategic analysis, and task reduction paradigm.
IT/CS 803, Spring 2002 Instructable Agents: Introduction George Tecuci tecuci@cs.gmu.eduhttp://lalab.gmu.edu/ Learning Agents LaboratoryDepartment of Computer Science George Mason University
Overview Course objectives and Class introduction Overview of the Disciple approach to agent development Modeling an expert’s problem solving process How to choose a PhD advisor: Brainstorm of the modeling process Assignment
Course objectives Hands-on experience with designing and developing an end-to-end instructable agent. Writing a publishable research paper, by each student, focusing on one aspect of the agent development process. • In-depth evaluation of the Disciple agent-development process: • Strengths and weaknesses; • Lessons learned; • Future research directions. Development of a comprehensive evaluation methodology. Writing a detailed research report (by the entire class) on how to choose a PhD advisor (both general advice and description of the developed agent). Making the agent publicly available. Publishing a joint paper (by the entire class) on how to choose a PhD advisor.
Overview of the agent development Course objectives and Class introduction Overview of the Disciple approach to agent development Modeling an expert’s problem solving process How to choose a PhD advisor: Brainstorm of the modeling process Assignment
Modeling-based ontology specification Identify the strategic COG candidates for the Okinawa_1945 scenario strategic COG candidate Which is an opposing force in the Okinawa_1945 scenario? scenario US_1945 Identify the strategic COG candidates for US_1945 Okinawa 1945 Is US_1945 a single member force or a multi-member force? Ontology specification US_1945 is a single-member force force Identify the strategic COG candidates for US_1945which is a single-member force What types of strategic COG candidates should I consider for this single_member force? opposing force single member force multi member force US 1945 Subject Matter Expert Knowledge Engineer
Modeling an expert’s problem solving process Course objectives and Class introduction Overview of the Disciple approach to agent development Modeling an expert’s problem solving process How to choose a PhD advisor: Brainstorm of the modeling process Assignment
Modeling based on the task reduction paradigm Illustration of modeling: identification and testing General guidelines for the modeling process Specific guidelines for the modeling process
The general task reduction paradigm • A complex problem solving task is performed by: • successively reducing it to simpler tasks; • finding the solutionsof the simplest tasks; • successively composing these solutions until the solution to the initial task is obtained. T1 S1 … T11 S11 T1n S1n … S111 T111 T11m S11m
Question-answering based task reduction Let T1 be the problem solving task to be performed. Finding a solution is an iterative process where, at each step, we consider some relevant information that leads us to reduce the current task to a simpler task or to several simpler tasks. The question Q associated with the current task identifies the type of information to be considered. The answer A identifies that piece of information and leads us to the reduction of the current task. T1 S1 Q1 … S11 A1n A11 S1n T1n T11a S11a T11b S11b … Q11b S11b … S11bm S11b1 A11bm A11b1 … T11b1 T11bm
Modeling the planning process T1 is a general action/taskthat accomplishes the goal. Ask a question about the current situation to determine alternative ways of performing this action. If the answer of Q1 is A11, then to perform T1 one could perform T11. When the action to perform (e.g. A11) is completely defined, break it down into sub-actions (e.g. T11a and T11b). In this case the question and the answer summarize the solution, or could simply be absent. Continue this reduction process until the you obtain elementary actions. T1 S1 Q1 … A11 A1n S11 S1n T11 T1n Q11a … S11 A11a T11a S11a T11b S11b Q11b S11b … S11bm S11b1 A11bm A11b1 … T11b1 T11bm
Modeling the planning process (cont.) T1 Follow the tree from bottom to top to compose the elementary actions into plans, as illustrated bellow: S11b is the union of S11b1 … S11bm This leads to alternative plans. S11 is the set of plans obtained by composing the sub-plans from S11a and the sub-plans from S11b. S1 Q1 … A11 A1n S11 S1n T11 T1n Q11a … S11 A11a T11a S11a T11b S11b Q11b S11b … S11bm S11b1 A11bm A11b1 … T11b1 T11bm
Modeling the critiquing process To assess a course of action with respect to a specific principle or tenet one needs a certain amount of information about that course of action, information related to that principle or tenet. This information is obtained by asking a series of questions. The answer to each question allows one to reduce the current assessment task to a more specific and simpler one. This process continues until one has enough information to recognize a weakness or a strength. T1 S1 Q1 … A1n A11 S1n T1n S11 T11a Q11a … A11am A11a1 … S11am S11a1 Each leaf is a solution (a weakness or a strength). The solution corresponding to an intermediate node is the union of the solutions of its immediate children.
Modeling the identification process To identify a center of gravity candidate for a given scenario (e.g. Sicily_1943) one needs a certain amount of information which is obtained by asking a series of questions. The answer to each question allows one to reduce the current identification task to a more specific and simpler one. This process continues until one has enough information about an entity in the scenario to identify it as a center of gravity candidate. T1 S1 Q1 … A1n A11 S1n T1n S11 T11a Q11a … A11am A11a1 … S11am S11a1 Each leaf of the tree is a solution (a COG candidate). The solution corresponding to an intermediate node is the union of the solutions of its immediate children.
Modeling based on the task reduction paradigm Illustration of modeling: identification and testing General guidelines for the modeling process Specific guidelines for the modeling process
I need to Identify and test a strategic COG candidate for the Okinawa_1945 scenario What kind of scenario is Okinawa_1945? Okinawa_1945 is a major theater of war scenario Therefore I need to Identify and test a strategic COG candidate for Okinawa_1945 which is a major theater of war scenario Which is an opposing force in the Okinawa_1945 scenario? Japan_1945 Therefore I need to Identify and test a strategic COG candidate for Japan_1945 Is Japan_1945 a single-member force or a multi-member force? Japan_1945 is a single-member force Therefore I need to Identify and test a strategic COG candidate for Japan_1945 which is a single-member force continues US_1945
I need to Identify and test a strategic COG candidate for Japan_1945 which is a single-member force What type of strategic COG candidate should I consider for a single-member force? I consider a strategic COG candidate with respect to the government of Japan_1945 Therefore I need to Identify and test a strategic COG candidate with respect to the government of Japan_1945 continues I consider a strategic COG candidate with respect to the controlling elements outside of the government of Japan_1945 I consider a strategic COG candidate with respect to the civilization of Japan_1945 I consider a strategic COG candidate with respect to the armed forces of Japan_1945 I consider a strategic COG candidate with respect to other sourcesof moral or physical strength, power and resistance of Japan_1945
I need to Identify and test a strategic COG candidate with respect to the government of Japan_1945 What type of governing body controls Japan_1945? Japan_1945 has a feudal god-king government Therefore I need to Identify and test a strategic COG candidate with respect to the feudal king-god government of Japan_1945 Who is the feudal god-king of Japan_1945? Emperor_Hirohito Therefore I need to Identify Emperor_Hirohito as a strategic COG candidate with respect to the government of Japan_1945 Test whether Emperor_Hirohito is a viable strategic COG candidate with respect to the government of Japan_1945 continues
I need to Test whether Emperor_Hirohito is a viable strategic COG candidate with respect to the government of Japan_1945 What is the strategic goal of US_1945? Unconditional_surrender_of_Japan Therefore I need to Test whether Emperor_Hirohito can impose Japan_1945 to accept the unconditional_surrender_of_Japan Does Emperor_Hirohito have the power to cause the people_of_Japan_1945 to accept unconditional_surrender_of_Japan? Yes, because he is seen as divine by the people_of_Japan_1945 and his will is actually their will Therefore I need to Test whether Emperor_Hirohito, who can impose his will on the people_of_Japan_1945, can impose Japan_1945 to accept the unconditional_surrender_of_Japan continues
I need to Test whether Emperor_Hirohito, who can impose his will on the people_of_Japan_1945, can impose Japan_1945 to accept the unconditional_surrender_of_Japan Does Emperor_Hirohito have the power to cause the military_of_Japan_1945 to accept unconditional_surrender_of_Japan? Yes, because Emperor_Hirohito is the god-king of Japan_1945 and the commander in chief of the military_of_Japan_1945 Therefore I need to Test whether Emperor_Hirohito, who can impose his will on the people_of_Japan_1945 and on the military_of_Japan_1945, can impose Japan_1945 to accept the unconditional_surrender_of_Japan Does Emperor_Hirohito have the power to cause the government_of_Japan_1945 to accept unconditional_surrender_of_Japan? Yes, because Emperor_Hirohito is the head of the government_of_Japan_1945 Therefore Emperor_Hirohito is a strategic COG candidate that cannot be eliminated
Sample modeling for US_1945 … I need to Identify and test a strategic COG candidate with respect to the civilization of US_1945 At what level is the civilization of US_1945 organized? US_1945 is an industrial civilization Therefore I need to Identify and test a strategic COG candidates with respect to the industrial civilization of US_1945 Who or what is a strategically critical industrial civilization element in US_1945? Industrial_capacity_of_US_1945 because it is a major generator of war_materiel_and_transports_of_US_1945 Therefore I need to Identify industrial_capacity_of_US_1945 is a strategic COG candidate with respect to the civilization of US_1945 Test whether industrial_capacity_of_US_1945 is a viable strategic COG candidate with respect to the civilization of US_1945 continues
I need to Test whether industrial_capacity_of_US_1945 is a viable strategic COG candidate with respect to the civilization of US_1945 What is the strategic goal of Japan_1945? US_giving_honorable_end_of_hostilities_to_Japan Therefore I need to Test whether reducing industrial_capacity_of_US_1945 would cause US_1945 to accept US_giving_honorable_end_of_hostilities_to_Japan What is the main effect of the reduction of the industrial_capacity_of_US_1945? The reduction in the quantity of newly produced war_materiel_and_transports_of_US_1945 Therefore I need to Test whether the reduction in the quantity of newly produced war_materiel_and_transports_of_US_1945 by the industrial_capacity_of_US_1945 would cause US_1945 to accept US_giving_honorable_end_of_hostilities_to_Japan Would the reduction in the quantity of newly produced war_materiel_and_transports_of_US_1945 have a deteriorating effect on US_1945? No, because US_1945 has a surplus of war_materiel_and_transports_of_US_1945 Therefore Industrial_capacity_of_US_1945 is a strategic COG candidate that can be eliminated
Modeling based on the task reduction paradigm Illustration of modeling: identification and testing General guidelines for the modeling process Specific guidelines for the modeling process
General guidelines • Partition the domain into classes of problems. • Select representative problems for each class. • Model one class at a time. • Model one example solution at a time. • Organize the top level part of the problem solving tree to identify the class of the problem.
Partition the domain into classes of problems Workaround Domain Workaround damaged tunnels Workaround damaged bridges with fording Workaround damaged bridges with fixed bridges Workaround damage Workaround damaged bridges Workaround damaged bridges with floating bridges Workaround damaged bridges with rafts Workaround damaged roads
Partition the domain into classes of problems COA Domain Each principle and tenet leads to a different class of critiquing task.
Partition the domain into classes of problems CoG Domain Major theater war Counter insurgency Type of scenario Counter terrorism Peace keeping Drug/law enforcement
Modeling based on the task reduction paradigm Illustration of modeling: identification and testing General guidelines for the modeling process Specific guidelines for the modeling process
Specific guidelines for the modeling process 1. Identify the problem to be solved, then form a task name by writing a clear, thorough, natural language sentence describing that problem. 2. Follow each task or sub-task with a single, concise, question relevant to solving the named task. - Ask small, incremental questions that are likely to have a single category of answer (but not necessarily a single answer). This usually means ask “who”, or “what”, or “where”, or “what kind of”, or “is this or that” etc., not complex questions such as “who and what”, or “what and where”, 3. Follow each question with one or more answers to that question. - Express answers as complete sentences, restating key elements of the question in the answer. - Even well formed, simple questions are likely to generate multiple answers. Select the answer that corresponds to the example solution being modeled and continue down that branch. Go back and explore possible branches in a solution tree when you are ready to model a new example solution.
Specific guidelines for the modeling process (cont.) 4. Evaluate the complexity of each question and its answers. When a question leads to apparently overly complex answers, especially answers that contain an “and” condition, rephrase the question in a simpler, more incremental manner leading to simpler answers. 5. For each answer, form a new sub-task, or several sub-tasks, or a solution corresponding to that answer, by writing a clear, thorough, natural language sentence describing the new sub-tasks or solution. - To the extent that it is practical, incorporate key relevant phrases and elements of preceding task names in sub-task names to portray the expert’s chain of problem solving thought and the accumulation of relevant knowledge. - If the answer has led to several sub-tasks, then model their solutions in a depth-first order.
Specific guidelines for the modeling process (cont.) • 6. After completing a solution tree for an example solution, revisit the potential branches of that tree to model additional example solutions within that category of solutions, reusing existing model components to the greatest extent possible. • Utilize the tools and learning ability of Disciple to the greatest extent possible to minimize the amount of modeling required. • Only completely model solutions that are unique in their entirety. Entirely unique solutions will be rare.
How to choose a PhD advisor: Course objectives and Class introduction Overview of the Disciple approach to agent development Modeling an expert’s problem solving process How to choose a PhD advisor: Brainstorm of the modeling process Assignment
Preliminary modeling I need to Identify a potential PhD advisor for Bob What is a research area of interest for Bob? Artificial Intelligence Therefore I need to Identify a potential PhD advisor for Bob in the area of Artificial Intelligence Who is a professor who is an expert in Artificial Intelligence? John Doe Therefore I need to Determine whether John Doe is an appropriate PhD advisor for Bob continues Dan Smith … Information security …
Preliminary modeling Determine whether John Doe is an appropriate PhD advisor for Bob Is John Doe likely to stay on the faculty for the duration of Bob’s dissertation? Yes because John Doe is a tenured faculty Other possible answers Yes because X has a very good record is very likely to get tenure No because X is likely to retire in the near future No because X is a visiting faculty that will leave next year … Therefore I need to Identify John Doe as a potential PhD Advisor for Bob Assess whether John Doe is an appropriate PhD Advisor for Bob
I need to Assess whether John Doe is an appropriate PhD Advisor for Bob Which are the main criteria to consider in judging John Doe? Professional reputation (1,11,14,15,24,25), general personality and work compatibility (21,22 + 8, 10, 23), learning experience (12,14,19,20,24), responsiveness to the student (2, 3, 5, 6, 10,26), support (15, 16, 17, 18, 19), quality of results (9, 12, 13, 20,24,25) Therefore I need to Assess John Doe with respect to his professional reputation Assess John Doe with respect to his general personality and work compatibility Assess John Doe with respect to the expected learning experience Assess John Doe with respect to his responsiveness to students Assess John Doe with respect to the support offered to students Assess John Doe with respect to the expected quality of student’s work
Assignment: Understanding the expertise domain Perform literature search on the subject of choosing a PhD advisor and prepare a short presentation for the class. Due date: February 4th, 2002