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PPB GROUP BERHAD. HALF YEAR RESULTS 30 JUNE 2005. Presented by Koh Mei Lee Senior Manager (Corporate Affairs). agenda. 1. group financial highlights. 2. dividend record. 3. share information. 4. corporate development. 5. prospects for 2005. financial results.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PPB GROUP BERHAD HALF YEAR RESULTS 30 JUNE 2005 Presented by Koh Mei Lee Senior Manager (Corporate Affairs)

  2. agenda 1. group financial highlights 2. dividend record 3. share information 4. corporate development 5. prospects for 2005

  3. financial results

  4. segmental information – Jan to June 2005 Others 6.7% Sugar & cane 7.1% Grains trading, flour & feed milling 7.6% Property 0.4% Revenue Total RM5.3 billion Film exhibition 1% Edible oils refining & trading 71.8% Waste management & utilities 0.6% Oil palm plantations 4.8%

  5. segmental information – Jan to June 2005 Others 15.9% Sugar & cane 21% Grains trading, flour & feed milling 7.1% Property 2.6% Operating Profits Total RM242.1 million Film exhibition 3.2% Edible oils refining & trading 23.8% Waste management & utilities (0.7%) Oil palm plantations 27.1%

  6. major contributors to group operating profit RM Million • Reasons for higher/ lower profits • Lower profit from sugar & cane • Higher raw material cost. • Lower profit from grains trading, flour & feed milling • Higher raw material cost. Higher profit from edible oils refining & trading • Better overall refining margin and higher sales volume. Lower profit from oil palm plantations • Lower CPO prices. • Average realised CPO price :- Jan to June 2004 RM1,750 Jan to June 2005 RM1,354 14% 33% 34% 51% Sugar & cane Grains trading, flour & feed milling Edible oils refining & trading Oil palm plantations

  7. major contributors to group operating profit RM Million • Reasons for higher/ lower profits • Loss from waste management & utilities • Fewer projects. • Higher profit from film exhibition • Release of strong commercial films and higher admissions. Lower profit from property • Most of the completed residential houses have been sold. Higher profit from others • Manufacturing & trading (up RM14 million) • Livestock (up RM9 million) • Shipping (up RM5 million) 120% 63% 36% 301% Waste management & utilities Film exhibition Property Others

  8. share of associates/ JV’s results RM Million Registered lower profits due to difficult trading conditions faced by associated company in commodity trading. 41% Jan to June

  9. pbt for 4 years and 6 months to 2005 RM Million

  10. cash and borrowings

  11. dividend record * The Board declared an interim dividend of 5 sen in respect of the financial year 2005 based on the enlarged capital base (compared with 10 sen comprising 5 sen less tax and 5 sen tax exempt for 2004).

  12. share performance BI (8.6.05) RM7.10* RM6.50 909.18# 876.92* 879.44> RM4.10# RM3.60> 819.86 *Pre Bonus Issue RM 7.10 >Post Bonus Issue RM3.60 #Closing price on 2.9.05 RM4.10 Y 2005 Y 2004

  13. corporate development Bonus issue

  14. prospects for 2005 Sugar, flour and feed • The food division anticipates a challenging 2nd half year in view of the rising costs of production. Edible oils refining • The profit performance should be remain satisfactory with strong demand for palm oil products and increase in sales volume. Oil palm plantation • FFB production is expected to grow at a compound rate of 10% p.a over the next few years. • CPO prices remain volatile • Profits may not match that of previous year if current prices remain.

  15. prospect for 2005 Waste management & utilities • Continue to explore project opportunities both locally and overseas. • Profit may not match last year’s performance in view of fewer projects. Film exhibition • The expected strong line up of films in the 2nd half of 2005 should enable the strong performance to continue for the year. Property • Continue to explore landbank for expansion. • Profits will be lower as most of the residential projects have been completed and sold. Overall Group Performance • Envisaged to be satisfactory.

  16. the end

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