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Exploring Mauna Loa: Hawaii's Massive Shield Volcano

Discover the grandeur of Mauna Loa, the largest volcano on Hawaii's Big Island, with unique characteristics, historical eruptions, and technology used for monitoring. Learn about a mythical encounter with the volcano and how volcanoes are formed. Explore the interactive volcano map showcasing Mauna Loa's eruptions throughout history.

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Exploring Mauna Loa: Hawaii's Massive Shield Volcano

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  1. Mauna Loa The largest volcano on the island of hawaii!

  2. Characteristics • Mauna loa’s summit is 17 km above its base. • At the shield volcano stage. Shield volcano stage =shallow slopping sides • Mauna Loa is so large it covers half of Hawaii by itself

  3. details • Most recent eruption was in 1984 • It has erupted 33 times historically • Its first eruption was over 1,000,000 years old. • It is at the shield volcano stage. • What is a shield volcano? A shield volcano is a volcano with shallow sloping sides.

  4. Technology • Jaegers= to take lava samples • Inferred camera’s= to locate magma underneath the surface • Seismographs/ seismograms=help to determine when the eruption will occur • REAL reactions of the eruption of Mauna loa in 1983

  5. Our myth • One day there was a man trespassing through the great Mauna Loa’s territory. Usually the volcano did not let people pass through but he decided to let the man through if he fulfilled one thing. That was to put something in his name. The volcano said, “ I will let you pass if you name something after me to show my power. So the man agreed and went on his way. • The man returned when he was told with a small can of nuts in his hands. “ WHAT HAVE YOU BROUGHT TO ME?!” the man replied “ I have brought you macadamia nuts , the best in our market” • The volcano started shaking with rage at the sight of having something so pointless placed in his name. he soon started exploding. He man was swallowed in the lava. Every now and then the volcano explodes to show that his might is much more powerful then a can of nuts.

  6. Volcano mapthe red dots are the volcanoes.

  7. More maps of Mauna loa The dates in this picture represent the dates and locations of eruptions of Mauna loa in history

  8. How volcanoes are made • When the tectonic plates move they might collide. Collapsing into each other, they force one or both to go up/down. Through time they will create either mountains or volcanoes. Allowing magma/lava to escape through the center of the volcano.

  9. Mauna loa ‘s last eruption in1984 http://video.google.com/videosearch?hl=ru&lr=&ei=FeAlSpTXJaHqsgPgmLWNBg&resnum=0&q=mauna%20loa&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wv#

  10. THE END! By Ashlea & Olga :b

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