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SAB Presentation Guidance. These first three slides contain presentation and meeting preparation guidance followed by a template of required slides for your presentation.
SAB Presentation Guidance These first three slides contain presentation and meeting preparation guidance followed by a template of required slides for your presentation. Examples of successful SAB briefings can be found on our website: http://www.serdp.org/. Scroll down to the SAB section in the lower left hand corner and click on the links to view example briefings. Additional recommendations are provided in the Notes section of each slide. 25 minutes will be provided for your briefing followed by 20 minutes for questions/discussion. Prior to the SAB meeting, you will provide your briefing to the SERDP Office for a telephone pre-brief. You should prepare your briefing slides as you plan to present them to the SAB. Your pre-brief will not involve a formal presentation to the SERDP staff. Rather, we will step through and critique your briefing and informally discuss slide content and presentation style. The draft SAB meeting agenda provided is subject to change until all presenters have completed their pre-briefs. Note: This meeting is advertised in the Federal Register and is open to the public. Please do not include any classified or proprietary information. The meeting will be audio recorded.
SAB Presentation Guidance (cont’d) • MEETING PREPARATION CHECKLIST • Actions Required Prior to Pre-Brief • Make hotel reservations today for the SAB Meeting! Hotel Information will be available at a later date. Please stand by. • Make travel plans for the SAB Meeting. Plan to arrivea minimum of1 hour prior to your scheduled briefing time. Note:This initial presentation to the SERDP SAB is required and the travel costs are to be borne by the proposer. • Send your electronic PowerPoint presentation a minimum of 2 business days prior to your pre-brief by e-mail to Mr. Jonathan Bunger at Jonathan.Bunger.ctr@osd.mil. This will enable the Executive Director and Program Manager to review it prior to your pre-brief. • Actions Required Prior to the SAB Meeting • Bring 25 hard copies of your briefing presentation to the SAB meeting. To reduce the volume of paper, please print two slides per page and double-side your copies. • Provide a final electronic version of your presentation No Later Than February 26, 2010. Send it by email to Mr. Jonathan Bunger at Jonathan.Bunger.ctr@osd.mil
SAB Presentation Guidance (cont’d) • SAB Presentation Overview • There are three basic questions that the SAB expects the briefing to address: • What are you going to do, i.e. what are your objectives? • What is the scientific basis of your proposed work? • How are you going to accomplish your objectives? • The briefing is divided into 5 major parts. • Note the recommended time allotment for each portion of the presentation. • Introduction (1 minute) • Problem Statement and Objectives (1-2 minutes – Answers question 1) • Technical Background (6-8 minutes --Answers question 2) • Technical Approach (10-12 minutes – Answers question 3) • Programmatics (2-3 minutes)
Briefing Template for New Start Projects Title of Project Project Number (ER-, MM-, SI-,WP-) Principal Investigator PI’s Organization Brief To The Scientific Advisory Board Meeting Date [Estimated time spent on this slide: 15 seconds]
Performers Dr. John Doe University of XYZ Specialist in …………… Dr. Jane Doe DoD Lab at ABC Specialist in ……………. Mr. John Q. Public 123 Corporation Providing expertise in XXXXX Note: Only one page of performers short one liners only [Estimated time spent on slide: 30 seconds]
Problem Statement • During the introduction, the SERDP Program Manager will provide the general problem as stated in the SON. Briefly explain (in one slide) the specific aspect of the DoD/DOE problem you will address and why it is important. • While this may be extracted from the Statement of Need, it should be one level of detail greater than the objective statement of the SON. • EXAMPLES: • DoD and DOE have significant stockpiles of XXX which are considered to be a hazardous material. • The cost of disposing of XXX is estimated to be $10 B per year for 20 years. • New technologies are needed to reduce the cost of this disposal or to render XXX non-hazardous. [Estimated time spent on slide: 1 minute]
Technical Objective • In one slide, provide the concise objective of this research as described in your proposal (i.e., what you will accomplish). • EXAMPLE: • Provide an understanding of the mechanisms and kinetics of the safe degradation of XXX to a non-hazardous substance. [Estimated time spent on slide: 30 seconds]
Technical Background • Explain the scientific basis of your proposed research. • Provide a primer for those members that are not familiar with this particular scientific discipline. • Provide sufficient detail to convince those members who are experts in this discipline that you know what you are talking about. • What are the phenomena/processes involved? • What prior work has been done? • What is known/what is not known? • Is the science ready for exploitation? • NOTES: • 1. This section should encompass several (4 to 8) slides • 2. “Cartoons” or schematic descriptions work best Provide summary of supporting data [Estimated time spent on background material: 6-8 minutes]
Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Technical Approach Develop a flow chart for the entire research project showing the major activities and the intellectual flow of the proposed project. This will provide both an overview and a point of reference for the remainder of the technical approach slides that follow. The “Tasks” can, but do not have to, match to the formal tasks in your proposal. This chart, coupled with those that follow, should take about half of your allotted presentation time and clearly/concisely explain how you will execute your project. [Estimated time spent on Technical Approach section:10-12 minutes]
Task Name These subsequent slides should describe the specific approach you will take to accomplish each of the “Tasks” shown on the previous chart. Describe methods and techniques that will be used, and explain why they are appropriate to meet the task objectives. EXAMPLES: Determine degradation kinetics through the use of batch reactors measuring substrate removal, heat transfer, oxygen depletion and byproduct formation. Determine byproduct composition using NMR, mass spectroscopy and normal qualitative and quantitative analytical techniques. NOTES: 1. This section must encompass several slides (optimally 1 or 2 per Task) 2. “Cartoons” or schematic descriptions work best
Year 1 Project Plan • Indicate the funding required for each specific Task to be conducted in year 1 of your project. The Tasks should mirror your Milestones for the first year of your proposal. • EXAMPLE: • Characterize the pathways for degradation of XXX $100K • Perform kinetics studies of each of the pathways $100K • Determine the degradation end products using NMR, mass $100K • spectroscopy and quantitative analysis • TOTAL $300K [Estimated time spent on slide: 15 seconds]
Year 2 TASK 1* TASK 2 TASK 3 TASK 4 TASK 5 TASK 6 TASK 7 Year 1 Overall Project Plan Provide a Gantt chart that illustrates how the project tasks are expected to be executed over the required timeframe. GO/NO GO Decision: If appropriate, define a GO/NO GO decision point in the multi-year program. Include a brief statement as to the nature of the decision point and the criteria for success. * Tasks should be identified by descriptive titles and should mirror the milestones in your proposal. [Estimated time spent on slide: 15 seconds]
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total SERDP $K 100 100 100 300 Army $K 100 100 100 300 XYZ Corp $K 100 100 100 300 Project Funding This slide shows the total SERDP funding required by Year, as well as any leveraged funding that you may have, including in-kind support. If there are no leveraged funds, then there will only be a “SERDP” column on this chart. [Estimated time spent on slide: 15 seconds]
Deliverables • Identify the tangible results of the work. Include both interim and final products. Examples might include: • A mathematical model • A bench scale pilot plant • A new methodology • New basic information and understanding • A working prototype • Peer reviewed articles • A technical or operational guidance manual • List the number of students (Masters and PhDs) and Post Docs involved • Documented computer code [Estimated time spent on slide: <1 minute]
Backup Slides Supporting material to be used in response anticipated SAB questions AND Responses to peer review or program office comments
Backup Slides Provide any additional technical supporting information that may help in answering SAB questions EXAMPLES: • Supporting data from previous or preliminary work • Details on specific techniques or instruments to be used
Reviewer Comments Provide your responses to critical Peer Reviewer and the technical SERDP Office comments on your proposal. EXAMPLES: Comment: Justify the need for Task 2 of your proposal. Response: The completion of Task 2 is necessary to provide… Comment: Provide clarification on X, Y, Z… Response: X, Y, Z is the basis for... [May require multiple charts]
Transition Plan Identify how you will transition this research into Demonstration/Validation and final field use. This can be accomplished through Service or ESTCP funding or through commercialization with a private industry partner. Identify your effort to include the DoD and/or DOE user community in your research to assure user community “buy in” of the final product.