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DLT. Students will analyze the text of the Constitution as a primary source and be able to identify its central ideas, debate their merits, and relate them to today's political issues. The Constitution. The Six Big Ideas. limited government republicanism checks and balances federalism

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Presentation Transcript

  1. DLT • Students will analyze the text of the Constitution as a primary source and be able to identify its central ideas, debate their merits, and relate them to today's political issues.

  2. The Constitution

  3. The Six Big Ideas • limited government • republicanism • checks and balances • federalism • separation of powers • popular sovereignty

  4. Word Cloud • The original Constitution was exactly 4,543 words long • The word cloud took the 50 most used words and rearranged them by size • The biggest words are the ones most frequently used

  5. Structure of the Constitution • Preamble: • We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

  6. Article 1 • Legislative branch: House of Representatives and Senate • Commerce Clause • Necessary and Proper Clause • 3/5 Compromise • Requires Senate to pass budget

  7. Article 1, Section 9 Limits • No slave imports after 1808 • Cannot suspend Habbeas Corpus • No direct tax (16th Amendment changes) • Cannot give titles of nobility

  8. Article 2 • Establishes Executive branch: President • Commander in Chief • Makes treaties, appoints ambassadors and judges • Recommends policy

  9. Article 3 • Establishes Judicial branch • Lesser courts and Supreme Court • Judicial Review

  10. Checks and Balances

  11. Article 4 • Defines relationship between states and federal government • Full faith and credit clause

  12. Article 5 • Defines how Constitution can be Amended

  13. Article 6 • Supremacy Clause: Constitution is the supreme law of the land

  14. Article 7 • Explains how to ratify

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