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Macbeth Character Map Project. By: Destiny Parham 10 th Grade College English 10 June 11,2013. Summary Page .
Macbeth Character Map Project By: Destiny Parham 10th Grade College English 10 June 11,2013
Summary Page • In the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare. The play takes place in medieval Scotland. Macbeth was a loyal general who was approached by three witches who gave him a prophecy that he will Rule as king. His Blind ambition lead him to kill the king. This lead him and his wife into a life of betrayal and disloyalty. Macbeth turned on his own best friend because it was told that his son would become king so Macbeth had a murder er sent to kill them .
Lady Macbeth and Macbeth • Your hand, your tongue: look like the innocent, But be the serpent under’t. H that’s coming must be provided for: and you shall put”(Shakespeare 13). As you go on in the play you start to realize that Lady Macbeth has power over Macbeth. She muplilates him into killing the king so that they can be tilted king and queen of Scotland. Lady Macbeth knows that her husband is not the type of man to be sneaky and cyaniding so
Macbeth and Malcolm • “The Prince of Cumberland: that is a step on which I must fall down or else o’erleap. Let not light see my black and deep desires: the eye wink at the hand: yet that be which the eye fears” (Shakespeare 11). As Macbeth hears that Duncan has pronounced his oldest son, Malcolm is next in line to become king. That starts to show Macbeth’s true desire to fulfill his fate of becoming King. As he stands there, Macbeth starts to have thoughts about killing Malcolm. He wants to make sure that Malcolm wont be around to become king. Blind ambition is stopping Macbeth from realizing that he is wrong
Lady Macduff/ Family and Macduff • Wisdom to leave his wife, to leave his babes, his mansion and his titles, in a place From whence himself does fly? He loves us not”(Shakespeare 57). Macduff has influenced his wife and children by giving them all he has. When Macduff chooses to leave his family and country to go find Malcolm in England. He is then considered a Traitor by everyone. Lady Macduff is flabbergasted to hear that her husband has left. She feels as though her husband doesn’t love her and went to cheat.
Lady Macbeth and Duncan • “That my keen knife see not the wounds it makes, nor heaven peep through the blanket of the dark , to cry Hold, Hold!”(Shakespeare 13) Lady Macbeth wants to be stripped of her famine domain. She wants to have the strength to kill King Duncan and not feel guilty after it is done. The power that Lady Macbeth desires is power that she feels will make her happy. The fact that she is a women but has the mentality of a man shows that her mind state is different than what other people think it is.