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Constitution/Bylaw Revisions. July 2011. Voting Membership pg 7.
Constitution/Bylaw Revisions July 2011
Voting Membership pg 7 • B. Voting members of the age of 21 and older may be eligible for nomination as officers and chairmen of boards and committees, except that women shall not be eligible to serve in offices directly involved in the specific functions of the Pastoral office (preaching, the public administration of the Sacraments, Office of the Keys, and Church Discipline). Nor shall such service violate the order of creation (usurping authority over men) based on the following passages from Scripture: I Cor. 14:34-35 and I Tim. 2: 11-15. Accordingly, women shall not serve as Pastors, as members of the Board of Elders, as chairman or vice-chairman of boards, or as president or vice-president(s) of the congregation. (approved July 2008, by District October 30, 2008)
Voting Membership pg 7 C. Where voting involves authority over men as it does in respect to the public administration of the Office of the Keys, as defined in the Unaltered Augsburg Confession, Article 28, “The Power of Bishops,” only male voters may vote on that issue. The Elders present in consultation with the Pastor(s) shall determine if this principle is being violated. Women are permitted to vote in congregational assemblies, without any limitations on the matters on which they may vote. (approved July 2008, by District October 30, 2008)
BYLAWS Article 1 – Voters’ Assembly • Page 11 • Quorum • Ordinarily the voters present at a properly called meeting shall constitute a quorum to do business. However, for amending the Constitution, for the purchase of property, for the sale of property, for the erection of buildings, for the removal from office of a professional church worker, a majority of all voting members shall be required for a quorum. With respect to the removal of a professional church worker who is a pastor, a majority of all voting members shall refer to male members only. (approved July 2008, by District October 30, 2008) In the absence of a majority, those present may fix the date for an adjourned meeting for which at least five days written notice shall be given. The members who are present at such adjourned meeting shall constitute a quorum.
Board of Day School/Day Care Ministry • Page 20 2. Organization: The board shall consist of at least four (4) members of Messiah, serving according to standard terms of office, among whom shall be the chairman and vice-chairman. In addition, the cooperative School will consist of one (1) member from each of our sister congregations which pays a portion of the tuition for at least six (6) students. A majority of Messiah members shall be in attendance to constitute a quorum at any given meeting. The board shall elect a secretary. Members shall be assigned responsibility for working on various committees as the board established for effective management including the standing committee for Day Care.
Board of Day School/Day Care Ministry • Page 20 3. Qualifications: The members of the board should show a faith active in worship and Bible study and have a particular interest in Christian education for PreK-8thgrades and the Day Care service ministry.
Board of Elders • Page 22 1. Mission Statement: The general ministry of the board is to support by word, action and resources all those in the office of public ministry, to provide Christian care to all members with emphasis on their personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and to oversee the worship life of the congregation.
Board of Elders • Page 22 2. Organization: The board shall consist of a chairman, vice-chairman and secretary plus sufficient number of male members, serving according to standard terms of office, to carry out a Christ-centered ministry to Messiah members and staff. Members will be assigned responsibility for the shepherding of groups of households arranged into (zones) and various phases of the board’s ministry.
Board of Elders • Page 22 3. Qualifications: The members of the board should show a faith active in worship and Bible study and have a particular interest in and skills for providing and supervising Christian care. Members should have a good understanding of our Lutheran practice and reasons for it. They should not be a recent convert, (I Timothy 3:8 and following) but one who is experienced in the faith.
Board of Elders • Page 22 4. Ministry Functions: a. The board shall be concerned about the spiritual, emotional, and physical health and welfare of the pastor(s) and their families (adequate compensation, housing, free time, vacation, assistance in times of illness, etc.) and to that endat least, annually review these concerns.
Board of Elders • Page 23 4. Ministry Functions: e. Develop with the pastor(s) an effective harmonious team ministry with defined pastoral responsibilities. Evaluate annually the duties of the pastoral staff and make appropriate changes as necessary.
Board of Elders • Page 23 4. Ministry Functions: g. Assist the pastoral office in scheduling worship services with meaningful content consistent with Lutheran principles of worship, arrange for a sufficient number of hymnals and other worship resources, provide for a music coordinator, organists, choir directors and others needed to assist the pastoral office in leading worship year round, assist the pastoral office in distributing the Lord’s Supperthe Sacraments, and administer the Altar Guild, usher, acolyte, and other worship related auxiliary ministries.
Board of Elders • Page 23 4. Ministry Functions: • g. (2) The ushering staff shall be under the direction of a head usher and assistants (team captains) appointed by the Board of Elders. The ushering staff shall promote reverent worship by:
Board of Elders • Page 23 4. Ministry Functions: • g. • (3)The music committee appointed by the Elders shall work in conjunction with the pastoral office and the Music Coordinator/Director and be responsible for: • Providing meaningful and worshipful music and singing; • Enlisting and developing members’ God-given singing and musical abilities in witnessing Christ and glorifying God; • Recommending choir directors and/or coordinator/directors of music to the Board of Elders for their approval. • Maintaining a music library; • Planning occasional special services of music and song.
Board of Evangelism • Page 24 3. Qualifications: The members of the board shall show a faith active in worship and Bible study and havewith a particular interest in outreach to the unchurched.
Board of Evangelism • Page 24 4. Ministry Functions: b. Oversee church and school public relations, advertising in papersnewspapers,and yellow pages, on websites and signs on church property.
Board of Evangelism • Page 25 4. Ministry Functions: d. Organize pre-evangelism events, surveys, Friendship Sundays and other activities to attract the unchurched and visitorsguests to Messiah Lutheran Church,to bringbringing them under God’s Transforming Word.
Board of Evangelism • Page 25 • Ministry Functions: e. Foster a climate of friendliness that welcomes strangers andvisitorsguests while keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus.
Board of Evangelism • Page 25 • Ministry Functions: f. Oversee the greeters, friendship register, lay visitors and other activities to identify guests and visitors, communicate a welcome to them, and visit with them to answer questions and encourage their return so they might come to faith or grow in faith in Jesus Christ. and motivate our members to communicate a welcome to all guests to answer questions. Encourage their return so they may come to faith or grow in the faith of Jesus Christ.
Board of Evangelism • Page 25 • Ministry Functions: i. Oversee the assimilation of new members into active discipleship, including reception, orientation and integration,. providing Provide a church handbook, welcome materials and directories along with. Assist in the sponsorship of newmembers for the first six months and otherhelp coordinate activities needed to integrate the new members into the life and mission of the church.
Board of Evangelism • Page 25 • Ministry Functions: j. Conduct events, provide training, promulgate tracts and materials to raise the consciousness of Messiah members to their responsibility to beas witnesses and to assist them in making confession of their faith with one another, the backsliding and the unsaved.
Board of Evangelism • Page 25 • Ministry Functions: k. Coordinate with the Lutheran Mission Association of Greater Kansas City, District and Synod, the LWML and LLL and their ministries and efforts.
Board of Social Ministry • Page 26 2. Organization: The board shall consist of a chairman, vice-chairman, and secretary and treasurer plus a sufficient number of members, serving according to standard terms of office to serve the physical and logistical needs of people. Members may be assigned responsibility for given functions of the board’s ministry or to work with individuals.
Board of Social Ministry • Page 26 4. Ministry Functions c. Maintain a food pantry for distribution and provide monetary assistance;. however, monetary assistance above a dollar amount periodically set by the board must be individually voted on by the board where a quorum is present or be approved by a pastor.
Board of Social Ministry • Page 26 4. Ministry Functions f. Support the work of institutional chaplain(s) and especially the institutional work of LMA and its chaplain(s), including its work at Beautiful Savior Home and Manor, and support the work of Synod area agencies such as Faith Village andLutheran Mission of the Good Shepherd Mission and other area agencies as deemed appropriate such as Mother’s Refuge and sister congregations such as Our Redeemer.
Board of Social Ministry • Page 26 4. Ministry Functions i. Arrange for a designated Social Ministry Sunday andMmonths.
Board of Social Ministry • Page 27 4. Ministry Functions l. Remember and provide for Messiah members of the Armed Services as well as for college students away from home.
Board of Social Ministry • Page 27 4. Ministry Functions m. Maintain an operational plan consistent with the long-range strategies of the church, prepare a work program (budget) of expense projections as required by the Church Council and monitor actual costs against the budget.
Board of Social Ministry • Page 27 4. Ministry Functions l. The board is financially supported by designated gifts, memorials and other fund raising activities, as needed, to support the ministry of the board.
Board of Stewardship and Finance • Page 28 • Ministry Functions f. Educate the congregation regarding the global mission of the Lutheran Church as well as mission work done through such local organizations as the LMALutheran Mission of the Good Shepherd and Lutheran High School and how congregational offerings support such missions.
Board of Stewardship and Finance • Page 28 • Ministry Functions i. Submit to voters for approval a list orof recommended memorials. Recommend to voters the use of undesignated memorial funds and provide dispersal of such funds following voter approval. Provide a program for encouragement of estate planning and the inclusion of Messiah as a beneficiary.
Board of Youth Ministry • Page 31 • Ministry Functions b. Organize youth ministry around various, clearly defined departments with board members providing guidance for the departments as follows: (6) Emerging Adults: Provide a caring social and educational ministry for 20 and 30 Somethings.