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General Safety Training at the. October 2011. Slide Show Setup. This presentation is setup to advance each slide after a number of seconds. If you need to advance the slide forward manually use the right arrow key To go back or re-read a slide use the left arrow key to go back. .
General Safety Training at the October 2011
Slide Show Setup • This presentation is setup to advance each slide after a number of seconds. • If you need to advance the slide forward manually use the right arrow key • To go back or re-read a slide use the left arrow key to go back.
Class Agenda • Emergency Procedures • Signs and warnings • Radiation Safety • Cryogenic handling • Lockout/Tagout awareness • Electrical Safety • Confined space entry awareness • Ladder Safety
Prerequisite Refresher • Must have attended the Hazard Communication or Initial Safety Orientation training which covers: • Emergency Response 78600 or (518) 437-8600 • Fire Safety • Hazard Communication • MSDS • Chemical Hazards & Classes • Chemical Labeling • Ergonomics • Housekeeping • Basic First Aid/CPR • Site Permits
Site Emergencies • The following emergencies can occur at this facility: • Fire/Smoke • Laboratory/Gas Alarm • Chemical Spill • Medical • Utility Failure • Violence or Terrorism • Natural Disaster • If any of the above emergencies occur at this facility you must contact SECURITY IMMEDIATELY 78600 or(518)437-8600 Security ERT • Call security or EHS to report any unsafe condition as well
Gas Alarm Procedures- TGMS SOLID CONTINUOUS TONE BLUE FLASHING LIGHT • Automatically Activated • Are tied to Toxic Gas Monitoring System (TGMS) • ERT are paged immediately • Audible and Visual Alarms • Evacuate via the nearest cleanroom exit (gowned) • Regroup in: • NFS rotunda if in NFS or NFSX • CESTM rotunda if in NFN or NFC or CESTM
Fire Emergency Procedures • Fire/Smoke • If you SEE fire/smoke or hear the fire alarm evacuate via the nearest building exit • Use fire pull stations, if necessary • Contact Security at 78600 or (518) 437-8600 from a safe location • ERT will respond • Once evacuated go to your designated Rally Point! Intermittent Tone White Flashing Light Voice Enunciation Always evacuate when you hear the fire alarm!
Designated Rally Points Please make a note of your rally point number!
What is a Material Safety Data Sheet? (MSDS) • An MSDS is a technical bulletin describing what chemical or chemicals are contained in a material. • All chemicals brought onto this ENTIRE site AND on campus are required to be approved by the EHS Department • Chemicals can be approved by sending the MSDS and chemical authorization (EHS-00002 F1) form to EHS • All chemicals stored or used within the ENTIRE facility AND on campus must have an MSDS on file with EHS. Feel free to stop by EHS department to access an MSDS!
Labeling • All primary and secondary containers must be labeled properly! • Name of Chemical • Primary Hazard(s) • First Aid Instructions • PPE Pictograms • Labels are available in the gowning rooms, pass though, PPE cabinets and EHS office
How to Label Chemicals • To label a chemical obtain a blank HMIS label • Download the approved chemical list • http://intranet.cnse.albany.edu/ContentManager/index.cfm?Step=Display&ContentID=4 • Find the chemical, listed alphabetically • Column G shows the HMIS rating, in order of health, flammability and reactivity. • Write the chemical name and HMIS ratings on your label
ALL AVAILABLE TO DOWNLOAD FROM CNSE INTRANET!! CNSE EH&S Procedures • EHS Policy • Hazard Communication Program • Chemical Handling & Storage Requirements • Cryogenic Safety Requirements • Entry Procedures for Confined Spaces • Lockout and Tagout Procedure During Repair and Maintenance Operations • Hazardous Waste Management Plan • Personal Protective Equipment Requirements • Gas Cylinder Handling and Storage Procedures • Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan • Hearing Conservation Program • ANT Respiratory Protection Program • Equipment Installation Approval Procedure • Equipment Commissioning Procedure • Leak Checking Procedure • ERT Organization and Charter • Mechanical Safety Program • Arsenic Protection Program • Local Exhaust Requirement • Electrical Safety Program • Bio-safety Procedure • Material Handling and Storage Procedure • Life Safety S.O.P. for Contract Security Personnel • Accident/Injury Investigation Reporting • S.O.P for EHS Training • Hot Work Procedure • Equipment Decommissioning • TGMS Operation and Maintenance • Floor Tile Removal Procedure • EH&S Committee Charter • EH&S Audit Process • Powered Industrial Truck • Radiation Safety • Equipment Decontamination • Facility Modification • Crane Work Permit • Fall Protection • Chemical Hygiene Plan • New Equipment Procedure • Working Alone • Laser Safety • Toxic Gas Monitoring System Evacuation Plan • Ladder Safety
CNSE Intranethttp://intranet.cnse.albany.edu • In the EHS section of the Intranet you can find……. • Our yearly training schedule • Online training classes and quizzes • Policies, procedures, forms and permits • The approved chemical list • Check before ordering chemicals or to find a MSDS • Contacts
Your Roles and Responsibilities Each Employee/Student/Tenant/Contractor: • Needs to become familiar with the EHS Policies and Procedures. • Needs to be aware of the daily hazards and controls that have been implemented. • Needs to be aware of their chemical management duties while on site. • Must have sufficient training and information to maintain compliance on site. • Be involved in pollution prevention, waste minimization and accident prevention.
Risk Assessment/Hazard Analysis • As an employee/student/tenant/contractor, you are responsible for assessing the potential Safety and Environmental hazards presented by your tool, process, experiment or activity • Once the hazards have been assessed you must contact the EHS department to determine the control measures to put in place • When unusual or uncontrolled hazards may be predicted, you should consult with your supervisor and the EHS department
Job Hazard/Safety Analysis • Break down the tool, process, experiment or activity • Perform a step by step approach to the task • Identify the hazards associated with each step • Rank the hazards associated with each step • High • Medium • Low • Identify changes/controls necessary to reduce the hazard and risk • Engineering controls (Preferred!) • Administrative procedures (labels, training) • Personal protective equipment (glasses, gloves)
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) • Always wear required PPE! • Gloves for protection against chemicals, cuts burns or other physical and chemical agents. • Must select the correct type • Safety glasses are always required in the labs and cleanrooms! • Must be ANSI Z87 approved • Body protect from chemical splashes • Hearing protection where required • Look for signage
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) • PPE Cabinet Locations: • NFN and NFC Fab and Subfab • NFN and NFC HPM Corridors • NFE 2nd and 4th floor hallway • NFSX Fab (for both NFSX and NFS) • CESTM 2nd floor hallway (wall mounted cabinets) • Central Utilities Building • PPE will be discussed further in advanced safety for chemical and waste handlers
Signage • OSHA defines the meanings of many of the colors, shapes, and words used in accident prevention signs and tags in order to determine at a glance: • what level of risk is present and • what level of precaution is called for. • Signs may also have a picture instead of, or in addition to, words.
Signage • Please check with the EHS department before hanging a sign that is supposed to alert others working in the area aware of the hazard. • Handwritten signs are acceptable as long as they are legible and they identify the level of risk present e.g. CAUTION, DANGER, etc.
Signage Color Red = Orange = Yellow= Green = Blue= • DANGERsigns identify something as very high risk. • WARNING signs indicate a hazard level is somewhere between DANGER and CAUTION. • CAUTION signs alert personnel that there are either potential hazards that call for proper precautions to be taken or they are being cautioned against unsafe practices. • SAFETY instruction signs deliver a useful safety instruction or suggestion. • NOTICE signs deliver a general instruction or suggestion.
EXIT Signs • Every required sign designating an exit or way of exit access shall be so located and of such size, color and design as to be readily visible. • Nothing can block exit signs or detract attention from them.
The following are the TOP 10 cited OSHA Standards in 2010 • The following is a list of the top 10 most frequently cited standards following inspections of worksites by federal OSHA. • OSHA publishes this list to alert employers about these commonly cited standards so they can take steps to find and fix recognized hazards addressed in these and other standards before OSHA shows up. Far too many preventable injuries and illnesses occur in the workplace. • 1926.451 – Scaffolding • 1926.501 – Fall Protection • 1910.1200 – Hazard Communication • 1910.134 – Respiratory Protection • 1926.1053 – Ladders • 1910.147 – Lockout/Tagout • 1910.305 – Electrical, Wiring Methods • 1910.178 – Powered Industrial Trucks • 1910.303 – Electrical, General Requirements • 1910.212 – Machine Guarding Fines range from thousands of dollars to hundreds of thousands of dollars
Radiation Areas • How do I recognize areas where Radiation producing equipment are in use? • By the presence of signage: • “Caution - Radiation Area” • “Authorized Personnel Only” Radiation Badge Areas that pose potential for >5 mrem in any one hour at 30 cm due to certain gamma emitters are also posted as “Caution-Radiation Area”
Radiation Safety General Guidelines • Radiation Producing Equipment • Must have correct stickers attached • Shall be interlocked to prevent removal of shielding during operation • Must be surveyed annually and after any PM that removes shielding or adjusts radiation source • Never defeat interlocks or use device without authorization
Radiation Safety General Guidelines • Radiation Sealed Sources • All sources must we wiped when installed and at specific intervals to check for leaks • They must be labeled appropriately • Never tamper with sealed sources or use without authorization • All sources must be registered and are registered under CNSE’s general license from the Dept. of Health
Radiation Safety General Guidelines • All new radiation producing equipment and radiation sealed sources must be approved by the Radiation Safety Officer and EHS prior to being purchased and brought to CNSE • The RSO and EHS must be notified prior to moving any radiation producing equipment/ sources to a new location on site • Never operate radiation producing equipment/ sources without shielding in place • Records of all PMs and surveys by outside vendors shall be provided to EHS • Anyone performing maintenance on radiation producing tools must have additional radiation safety training • Contact the RSO about any questions regarding radiation producing equipment at CNSE
Penetrating Distance Paper Plastic Lead Concrete What controls are in place to protect me? Alpha Beta Gamma and X-rays Neutron
Laser Safety • All class 3B and 4 lasers must be on file with EHS • Must be interlocked to prevent injury and exposure • Never defeat a laser interlock • Wear eye protection when required
Introduction • Cryogenic fluids (liquefied gases) are characterized by extreme low temperatures, ranging from boiling points of -78.5°C(-109°F) for carbon dioxide to -269.9°C (-454°F) for helium . • Due to the great expansion ratio of cryogenic gases, a spillage can result in significant oxygen depletion within the room, which may be life threatening.
What kinds of cryogenic gases are you likely to use? • The most commonly used gases that are transported, handled, and stored in the liquid state at cryogenic temperatures are: • Argon • Carbon Dioxide • Helium • Hydrogen • Nitrogen • Oxygen
Hazards of Cryogenic Liquids • Severe cold burns (frostbite) • Asphyxiation • Oxygen Enrichment • Pressurization and Explosion • Damage to Equipment
Frostbite • Contact of the skin with cryogenic liquids (or even cold gas) can cause severe cryogenic burns; similar to frost bite or thermal burns. • Contact with non-insulated parts or equipment or vessels containing cryogenic liquids can produce similar damage. • Inhalation of cold vapor can cause damage to the lungs and may trigger an asthma attack in susceptible individuals. • Hypothermia is a risk due to the low temperatures arising from the proximity of cryogenic liquids. Seek medical attention, if you feel pain in exposed areas OR your skin has turned white
Oxygen Deficiency and Asphyxiation • If someone is seen unconscious in a cryogenic handling or storage area it is likely that they are already dead. • In such circumstances the first actions should be to raise the alarm, evacuate the immediate area opening doors and windows if safe to do so on the way out.
Oxygen Enrichment • Although not flammable, oxygen when present in higher concentrations, can significantly increase the chance of fire or an explosion. • Oxygen enriched environment can lead to the ignition of normally non-combustible materials. Oil and grease may spontaneously ignite.
Pressurization • Evaporated gas can build-up pressure in a closed containers • Every container must have a way to relief that pressure: either through the cap or relief valve
Damage To Equipment • The very cold temperatures of cryogenic liquids can damage equipment and materials, which can result in danger. Examples of damage include the following: • Spilled liquid nitrogen can crack tiles and damage flooring such as vinyl • Rubber tubing may become brittle and crack during use • Condensation of water around electrical cables may result in an electrical shock hazard
Storing Cryogenic Liquids • Only store dewars in well-ventilated rooms with a minimum of six air changes per hour. • Storage units should be placed so that vents and openings are oriented away from personnel and lab equipment.
Transporting Cryogens When transporting dewars the following aspects should be taken into consideration: • Is the correct PPE worn? • Is the destination ready to accept it? • Does route take you through populated work areas? • Are there any slip or trip hazards (including stairs) which could result in spillage? • If transported on a wheeled cart, is the route passable (steps, curbs)? • Is the material secure to prevent spills?
Transporting Cryogens • In an elevator: • Make sure the material is secure and cannot spill • Meet the elevator at its destination or have someone assist you • DO NOT travel in the elevator with cryogenic material or allow anyone else in the elevator
Procedure for Filling a Dewar When handling LN2 (or any other cryogen) always: • Inspect all PPE and cryogenic equipment prior to use. • Wear safety glasses and a face shield. • Wear waterproof, loose-fitting, cryogenic gloves. • Wear cuffless pants and shoes made of nonabsorbent material. • Wear a long-sleeved shirt and a lab coat or cryogenic apron. If a lab coat or cryogenic apron is not worn, shirts are to be worn outside of the pants. • Stand clear of any LN2 boil off, vapors, or splashes
Cryogenic Containers • Verify that the container is constructed to withstand cryogenic temperatures. • Unapproved materials (such as plastic, rubber, wrought iron, hollow tubes, and carbon steel, styrofoam cups) will become brittle and shatter, or in the case of hollow tubes become over pressurized.