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Introduction to Computer Sciences References: [1] Fortran 95/2003 for Scientists and Engineers (3e) by Stephen J. Chapman. [2] Using Fortran 90 by Chester Forsythe. Grading system: 1. Performance (quizzes): 30% 2. Midterm: 30% 3. Final: 40%. Office hours: (PH224)
Introduction to Computer Sciences References: [1] Fortran 95/2003 for Scientists and Engineers (3e) by Stephen J. Chapman. [2] Using Fortran 90 by Chester Forsythe. Grading system: 1. Performance (quizzes): 30% 2. Midterm: 30% 3. Final: 40% Office hours: (PH224) 1. Mon. 13:40~15:30 2. Wed. 10:10~12:00
An Intuitive Walk Through the World of Computers What is a Computer Program? A computer program consisters of a collection of instructions that put together In a specific order to make a computer accomplish some task. e.g., PROGRAM sq_root REAL :: square_root square_root = SQRT(2.0) WRITE(*,*) square_root END PROGRAM What a Computer Can’t do? Computers have no built-in intelligence. They are not smart.
Computer Languages • Machine language: The actual language that a computer • recognizes and executes. • High-level languages: Basic, C, Fortran, … • The History of the Fortran Language • Fortran = Formula translation • Fortran 66 Fortran 77 Fortran 90 Fortran 95 • (1966) (1977) (1991) (1996) Fortran 2003 (2004)
High-Level Languages Fortran program Fortran compiler Machine language • Learn to Design First • Think before you act! • It is essential to use your mind first and create designs for your • programs. • Program Design: • Grasp the problem. • Break the problem down. • Shape the solution for each main idea. • Debug/Test the program. • Make each program unit clear and understandable.
The Structure of a Fortran Program (A simple Fortran program) PROGRAM my_first_program ! Purpose: … ! Declare the variables INTEGER :: i, j, k !All variable are integers ! Get the variables WRITE (*,*) " Enter the numbers to multiply:" READ (*,*) i, j k = i * j ! Write out the result WRITE (*,*) 'Result = ', k STOP END PROGRAM (Declaration Section) (Execution Section) (Termination section)
List-directed (or free-format) Input and Output Statements • The list-directed input statement: • READ (*,*) input_list • I/O unitformat • The list-directed output statement: • WRITE (*,*) output_list • I/O unitformat
The IMPLICIT NONE Statement When the IMPLICIT NONE statement is included in a program, any variable that does not appear in an explicit type declaration statement is considered an error. e.g., PROGRAM test_1 REAL :: time time = 10.0 WRITE(*,*) ‘Time=‘,tmie END PROGRAM Output: Run-timeerror! (depends on machines)
+ IMPLICIT NONE, PROGRAM test_1 IMPLICIT NONE REAL :: time time = 10.0 WRITE(*,*) ‘Time=‘,tmie END PROGRAM Output: Compile-timeerror! (depends on machines)
Program Examples Example (Temperature conversion) T (0F) = (9/5) T(0C) + 32
Example (extra) Write a program for converting a 4 bits integer into a base 10 number, e.g., 1 0 1 1 = 1 x 23 + 0 x 22 + 1 x 21 + 1 x 20 = 11
Assignment Statements and Logical Calculations • Assignment statements: • logical variable name = logical expression • Logical operators: • relational operators • combinational operators Relational Operators a1 op a2 a1, a2: arithmetic expressions, variables, constants, or character strings. op: the relational logical operators. (see Table below)
operation meaning = = equal to / = not equal to > greater than > = greater than or equal to < less than < = less than or equal to e.g., operation result 3 < 4 .TRUE. 3 < = 4 .TRUE. 3 = = 4 .FALSE. ‘A’ < ‘B’ .TRUE. (in ASCII, A 65, B 66) 7+3 < 2+11 .TRUE.
Combinational Logic Operators l1 .op. l2 and .NOT. l1(.NOT. is a unary operator) l1, l2: logical expressions, variables, or constants. op: the binary operators. (see Table below) operation meaning .AND. logical AND .OR. logical OR .EQV. logical equivalence .NEQV. logical non-equivalence .NOT. logical NOT
Example L1 = .TRUE., L2 = .TRUE., L3 = .FALSE. (a) .NOT. L1 .FALSE. (b) L1 .OR. L3 .TRUE. (c) L1 .AND. L3 .FALSE. (d) L2 .NEQV. L3 .TRUE. (e) L1 .AND. L2 .OR. L3 .TRUE. (f) L1 .OR. L2 .AND. L3 .TRUE. (g) .NOT. (L1 .EQV. L2) .FALSE.
The Block IF Construct This construct specifies that a block of code will be executed if and only if a certain logical expression is true. IF (logical_expr) THEN Statement 1 Statement 2 . . . END IF a block
Example: ax2+ bx + c = 0, -b ± ( b2 – 4ac )1/2 x = 2a b2 – 4ac > 0 two distinct real roots If b2 – 4ac = 0 a single repeated root b2 – 4ac < 0 two complex roots
Fortran: IF ( (b**2 – 4.*a*c) < 0. ) THEN WRITE(*,*) ‘Two complex roots!’ END IF The ELSE and ELSE IF Clauses For many different options to consider, IF + ELSE IF (one or more)+ an ELSE
IF (logical_expr_1) THEN Statement 1 Statement 2 . . ELSE IF (logical_expr_2) THEN Statement 1 Statement 2 . . ELSE Statement 1 Statement 2 . . END IF Block 1 Block 2 Block 3
Fortran: IF ( (b**2 – 4.*a*c) < 0. ) THEN WRITE(*,*) ‘two complex roots’ ELSE IF ( (b**2 – 4.*a*c) == 0. ) THEN WRITE(*,*) ‘two identical real roots’ ELSE WRITE(*,*) ‘two distinct real roots’ END IF (Try it out!) Write a complete Fortran program for a quadratic equationax2 + bx + c = 0. Input: a, b, c (e.g., 1., 5., 6. or 1., 4., 4. or 1., 2., 5.) Output: ‘distinct real’ or ‘identical real’ or ‘complex roots’
Examples Using Block IF Constructs Example The Quadratic Equation:(ax2 + bx + c =0) Write a program to solve for the roots of a quadratic equation, regardless of type. Input: a, b, c real Output: roots repeated real complex
Control Constructs: Loops • while loops • iterative (or counting) loops The While Loop DO . . . IF (logical_expr) EXIT . . . END DO a code block
Evaluation a Function of Two Variables: x + y, x≧0 and y ≧ 0 x + y2, x≧0 and y < 0 x2 + y, x < 0 and y ≧ 0 x2 + y2, x < 0 and y < 0 f(x,y)= Input: x, y Output: f
Test: (Try it out!) x y f 2. 3. 5. 2. -3. 11. -2. 3. 7. -2. -3. 13.
Named Block IF Constructs [name:] IF (logical_expr_1) THEN Statement 1 Statement 2 . . ELSE IF (logical_expr_2) THEN [name] Statement 1 Statement 2 . . ELSE [name] Statement 1 Statement 2 . . END IF [name] Block 1 optional Block 2 optional Block 3
Notes Concerning the Use of Logical IF Constructs Nested IF Constructs: outer: IF ( x > 0. ) THEN . . inner: IF ( y < 0. ) THEN . . END IF inner . . END IF outer
The Logical IF Statement IF (logical_expr) Statement e.g., IF ( (x >= 0.) .AND. (y >= 0.) ) f = x + y
The Iterative or Counting Loop DO index = istart, iend, incr Statement 1 . . . Statement n END DO e.g., (2) (1) Do i = 1, 10 Statement 1 . . . Statement n END DO Do i = 1, 10, 2 Statement 1 . . . Statement n END DO ( i = 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 ) ( incr = 1 by default)
Example The Factorial Function: N ! = N × (N-1) × (N-2) … × 3 × 2 × 1, N > 0. 0 ! = 1 e.g., 4 ! = 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 24 5 ! = 5 ×4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 120 Fortran Code: n_factorial = 1 DO i = 1, n n_factorial = n_factorial * i END DO
Problem: Write a complete Fortran program for the factorial function. N ! = N × (N-1) × (N-2) … × 3 × 2 × 1, N > 0. 0 ! = 1 Input: n ( n > = 0 ) Output: n!
Named Loops While loop: [name:] DO . . . IF (logical_expr) CYCLE [name] . . . IF (logical_expr) EXIT [name] . . . END DO [name] optional
Counting loop: [name:] DO index = istart, iend, incr . . . IF (logical_expr) CYCLE [name] . . . END DO [name] optional
Nesting loops within IF constructs and vice versa: e.g., outer:IF ( a < b ) THEN . . . inner: DO i = 1, 3 . . . ELSE . . . END DO inner END IF outer illegal!
legal: outer:IF ( a < b ) THEN . . . inner: DO i = 1, 3 . . . END DO inner . . . ELSE . . . END IF outer
Example Statiscal Analysis: Average: x_ave = N Σxi i=1 N Standard deviation: N N Σxi )2 1/2 N Σxi2 – ( i=1 i=1 S = N (N-1) Input:x (i.e., xi , i = 1, 2, …, N) ≧ 0 Output: x_ave and S
Character Assignments and Character Manipulations • Character operators: • substring specifications • concatenation Character Assignment character variables name = character expression
Substring Specifications E.g., str1 = ‘123456’ str1(2:4) contains the string ‘234’. PROGRAM substring CHARACTER (len=8) :: a,b,c a = ‘ABCDEFGHIJ’ b = ‘12345678’ c = a(5:7) b(7:8) = a(2:6) WRITE(*,*) 'a=', a WRITE(*,*) 'b=', b WRITE(*,*) 'c=', c END PROGRAM a = ? b = ? c = ? (Try it out!)
Solu: a = ‘ABCDEFGH’ (∵ len = 8) ∵ b(7:8) = a(2:6) = ‘BC’ b = ‘123456BC’ c = a(5:7) = ‘EFG’ = ‘EFG□□□□□‘ (∵ len = 8) (Cont.)
The Concatenation Operator E.g., PROGRAM concate CHARACTER (len=10) :: a CHARACTER (len=8) :: b,c a = ‘ABCDEFGHIJ’ b = ‘12345678’ c = a(1:3) // b(4:5) // a(6:8) WRITE(*,*)’c=‘,c END PROGRAM c = ? (Try it out: c =‘ABC45FGH’)