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Effective banking products CC evaluations.

Effective banking products CC evaluations. CHIOCCA Martine Banking products Security Risk Manager. 8 th I.C.C.C. Rome, September 26th , 2007. Context of efficient CC evaluations. French Banking products required security evaluation since 1995 and annual certificate survey:

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Effective banking products CC evaluations.

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  1. Effective banking products CC evaluations. CHIOCCA MartineBanking products Security Risk Manager 8th I.C.C.C. Rome, September 26th, 2007.

  2. Context of efficient CC evaluations • French Banking products required security evaluation since 1995 and annual certificate survey: • 1995-2000: ITSEC xxxxx, • 2000-now : CC EAL 4 + (VLA.4,..) • Scope of the evaluation : all payment applications on the card: • National & International EMV Payment • Legacy Payment • National purse Monéo • Protection profiles : • PP/9911 (payment) & PP/0101(purse) • New European CAS Security Target

  3. Evaluation & Certification processes DCSSI Certificat EAL4+ CESTI Evaluation Technical Report (ETR) Certificate Survey FOURNITURES Sponsor or Observer IC manufacturer Preparation Smart Card S/W developer Security Target

  4. Gemalto evaluation strategy • Capitalize working with the same evaluation laboratory for each banking products’ type : native, java, contactless,… • Advantages: • Parallelize as much as possible product design & evaluation • Capitalize on laboratory’s knowledge of the product • Better chance to get productive lab’s feedback • Reusabilityof assurance deliverables • Quicker and less expensive security evaluation

  5. Development and Evaluation processes Development Process Emulator Testing Card roming Card Testing Specification Development . 2 to 3 months Generic process Evaluation Process Analysis Target & Devpt.specifications Devpt.Method. & Environment Card Testing & VLA End Eval. Imp., Code. . 11

  6. Synchronizes design and evaluation • First step of evaluation : ASE, ADV deliveries ,to reach the source code review • An card emulator and associated tools are given to the laboratory • Goal => get as much comments before Roming • Second step : others deliveries ACM, ADO, ATE, • During roming most deliveries are updated • Last step: AVA deliveries and penetration testing • Duration : 2-3 months after the deliveries of the first cards • Cards characteritics : • With & without “coating” to gain time in preparation • With known & unknown data

  7. Security : Ever moving target • What do we learn from the evaluations: • All code review gave feedback taken into account before roming. • Most penetration tests reveals us investigation tracks that could be enhanced in future products to make those tracks even less accessible • Certification is a GOOD…. starting point…… • Annual survey : required by French baking organizations • Each year the same laboratory re-assesses the product resistance • Second evaluation derivates from exiting certified product => 50% less on Cost and Duration.

  8. SmartCard Security : Still keep ahead • ONLY WAY TO IMPLEMENT EFFICIENT SECURITY MECHANISMS => Internal Gemalto laboratory: • Equivalent technical level as external ITSEF • State of the Art at attacks techniques • More 10 experts investigating in S/W and H/W attacks • New security mechanisms efficiency. • Privately evaluated to assess robustness • Internally and externally evaluated

  9. Conclusion of our CC evaluation experiences • Effective CC evaluations • Operational way of practicing CC evaluation • Efficient CC evaluations • All CC evaluated products gets certified at once. • All our banking customers are confidentin the security level of the products. • Our experience in security proved our products do resist over time.

  10. The end… Questions ? Contact : martine.chiocca@gemalto.com Tel : 33(1) 01 55 01 59 25

  11. 2007 Effective Smartcard Evaluations Process Jean-Pierre KRIMM Technical Manager of CESTI-LETI jean-pierre.krimm@cea.fr 8th ICCC, Rome, September 26th, 2007. Effective smartcard evaluations process - Jean-Pierre KRIMM

  12. Context • Smartcard evaluations • In the French Scheme of Certification • Using a composition scheme with CC v2 • Based on the experience of a developer (Gemalto) and an evaluator (CESTI-LETI) • The goal wishes is • To reduce time and cost of an evaluation • Keeping the same efficiency as usually • This part presents the evaluator point of view Effective smartcard evaluations process - Jean-Pierre KRIMM

  13. Presentation Outline • Smartcard evaluations • General presentation of the composition scheme • Description of the standard evaluation tasks sequencing • How to save time: 4 recipes • Adaptation of the standard tasks sequencing • The entire source code is provided • An IC emulator is kept available • The scheme is deeply involved in the evaluation • Conclusion Effective smartcard evaluations process - Jean-Pierre KRIMM

  14. Smartcard Evaluation Process Applications OS Integrated Circuit (IC) • A typical smartcard architecture (closed) • The composition scheme • First, the IC is evaluated and certified • Then, the whole product is evaluated, using the results of the IC evaluation • These steps are not necessary performed by the same lab. Effective smartcard evaluations process - Jean-Pierre KRIMM

  15. Standard evaluation tasks sequencing • The path in red is the critical one • In practice • Conformity tasks are performed first for acquiringthe knowledge of the TOE, i.e. ADV, ACM, ALC, ADO, AGD • Efficiency ones are performed in last, i.e. AVA • Some of them shall be performed on the TOE suitable for testingi.e. ATE_IND, AVA_VLA, ADO_IGS, ACM_CAP, AVA_MSU Effective smartcard evaluations process - Jean-Pierre KRIMM

  16. How to save time in the evaluation • Identifying vulnerabilities or anomalies earlier to correct them as soon as possible • Penetration testing will be divided in two sub-sets • A standard made of state of the art’s attacks related to a well known application • A specific which refines the standard one, and adds new ones strongly dependent to the implementation and the IC vulnerabilities • To achieve this goal, 4 recipes: • Adaptation of the standard tasks sequencing:a code review and standard attacks will be performed in advance • The entire source code is provided • An IC emulator is kept available • The scheme is deeply involved in the evaluation Effective smartcard evaluations process - Jean-Pierre KRIMM

  17. 1 - Adaptation of the standard tasks sequencing • Context reminded: applications are well known • French banking applications: legacy, EMV, e-purse • Some evaluation tasks can be performed in advance • A partial code review can be performed on its finale version.=> a first feedback on the quality of the implementation can be provided to the developer • The standard sub-set of attacks can be performed in advance, in each banking application, as soon as samples are available=> a first feedback on the resistance of the product can be provided to the developer • this leads to identify common vulnerabilities earlier and thus allows corrections earlier • The standard evaluation tasks sequencing will be completed, performing the complete code analysis (ADV_IMP) and the specific sub-set of attacks Effective smartcard evaluations process - Jean-Pierre KRIMM

  18. 2- The entire source code is provided • The entire application source code is provided • To the lab. premises • Including cryptographic implementations • Including the generated assembler • Benefits • The evaluator has the source code always available • Guarantee the independence of the evaluator • Both levels of language are necessary for attacks,i.e. the high level to identify a vulnerability, and the low level for its exploitation Effective smartcard evaluations process - Jean-Pierre KRIMM

  19. 3 - An IC emulator is kept available • An IC emulator is kept available • In the case the evaluator needs it • Helpful to understand both H/W and S/W behaviors, • To save time simulating the feasibility of attacks • Due to the composition scheme • The IC is usually not well known by the lab. • Some H/W countermeasures are not fully explained • The IC is seen as a “grey box” Effective smartcard evaluations process - Jean-Pierre KRIMM

  20. 4 - The scheme is deeply involved in the evaluation • The French Scheme is deeply involved in each evaluation • Benefits • It allows an earlier detection of evaluation anomalies, which are taken into consideration when they appear • It allows to find a solution quickly when a problem occurs • It guarantees the level of the evaluation in real time, for a specific way to work Effective smartcard evaluations process - Jean-Pierre KRIMM

  21. Conclusion • It is possible to improve an evaluation process • in terms of time (and cost) • for a well-known specific domain, i.e. smartcard • experience driven, for both developer and evaluator • through a specific scheme • without a specific interpretation of the CEM • keeping the same level of evaluation Effective smartcard evaluations process - Jean-Pierre KRIMM

  22. Thank you for your attention Contact : jean-pierre.krimm@cea.fr Tel: +33 (0)4 38 78 49 13 Effective smartcard evaluations process - Jean-Pierre KRIMM

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