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Changing Patterns of Substance Abuse Miami-Dade County Winter 2011. Declining Cocaine Indicators Underage Alcohol Increasing Rising Rx Nonmedical Use Consequences Escalating Marijuana Use New Synthetic Drugs. Number of Cocaine Reports Detected Among
Changing Patterns of Substance Abuse Miami-Dade County Winter 2011 • Declining Cocaine Indicators • Underage AlcoholIncreasing • Rising Rx Nonmedical Use Consequences • Escalating Marijuana Use • New Synthetic Drugs
Number of Cocaine Reports Detected Among Decedents in Florida: Jan. 2000 - June 2010 NUMBER of COCAINE OCCURRENCES Including “Present” & “Cause of Death” SOURCE: Florida Medical Examiners Commission Interim Report 2010
Rates per 100,000 of Cocaine Emergency Dept. Reports Miami-Dade County, and USA:2004-2009 Miami-Dade Rates per 100,000 USA SOURCE: US Dept HHS-SAMHSA, CBHSQ: DAWN Emergency Dept. Estimates.
Number of South Florida* Crime Lab Reports forCocaineandAll Other Drugs:2007-Jun ‘10 *Miami-Dade, Broward, & Palm Beach Counties Combined 2007 Cocaine 67% 10,449 2008 Cocaine 65% 2009 Cocaine 62% 2010 Cocaine 57% Number of Crime Lab Samples Source: US DEA National Forensic Laboratory Information System
Percent of Primary Treatment Admissions by Substance for the State of Florida: 1999 (n= 84,524) Compared to 2009 (n= 77,604) SOURCE: US Dept. HHS-SAMHSA, CBHSQ: Treatment Episodes Data Set (TEDS) as reported by the Florida Department of Children and Families 09/30/2010
Price and Purity of all USA Law Enforcement Cocaine Purchases January 2006 - June 2009 Source: Based on unpublished US DEA System to Retrieve Information from Drug Evidence (STRIDE) Data
Miami-Dade & USA Data1997-2009 Current Alcohol Use Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance
Current (past 30-day) Drug Use Among Miami-Dade CountyHigh SchoolStudents 2000-2010 Source: Florida Youth Substance Abuse Surveys 2000-2010
Current (past 30-day) Drug Use Among Miami-DadeCountyMiddle SchoolStudents2000-2010 Source: Florida Youth Substance Abuse Surveys 2000-2010
Percent of Miami-Dade County High SchoolStudents Reporting Alcohol Use by Age 13 or Younger2000-2010 % Reporting Use by Age 13 Source: Florida Youth Substance Abuse Surveys 2000-2010
Perceived Attitudes about Alcohol Among Miami-Dade CountyMiddle and High School Students 2000-2010 Source: Florida Youth Substance Abuse Surveys 2000-2010
Rx Nonmedical Misuse Conclusion: It's an Epidemic! Rx Rx Rx Rx
Number of Oxycodone Reports Detected Among Decedents in Florida: Jan. 2007 - June 2010 Florida NUMBER of Oxycodone OCCURRENCES Including “Present” & “Cause of Death” SOURCE: Florida Medical Examiners Commission Interim Report 2010
Rates per 100,000 of Nonmedical UseOxycodone Emergency Dept. Reports Miami-Dade, Broward,andUSA: 2004-2009 Broward Rates per 100,000 USA Miami-Dade SOURCE: US Dept HHS-SAMHSA, CBHSQ: DAWN Emergency Dept. Estimates. .
Number of Primary Treatment Admissions for Marijuana in Miami-Dade County, Florida: 2008 and 2009 Number of Primary Marijuana Admissions 57 % of 2009 Primary Marijuana Clients Under Age of 18 years 2008 2009 Source: Florida Department of Children and Families Substance Abuse and Mental Health Program Office
Number of Primary Treatment Admissions for Marijuana in Miami-Dade County, Florida: 2008 and 2009 Number of Primary Marijuana Admissions Source: Florida Department of Children and Families Substance Abuse and Mental Health Program Office
Percent of High School Students Reporting Any Past 30-Day Marijuana Use Miami-Dade & Broward Counties: 1991-2009 Marijuana Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance
Current (past 30-day) Drug Use Among Miami-DadeCountyMiddle SchoolStudents2000-2010 Source: Florida Youth Substance Abuse Surveys 2000-2010
Perceived Attitudes about Marijuana Among Miami-Dade CountyMiddle and High School Students2000-2010 Source: Florida Youth Substance Abuse Surveys 2000-2010
Synthetic Cannabinoids • Widely Available • Now Illegal
65 percent of South Florida Crime Lab Alleged Ecstasy is BZP in 2010 BZP TFMPP ?
MDPV (3,4-Methylenedioxypyrovalerone)
upfrontin@aol.com Jim Hall