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Creating Learning Objects in a Team Environment

Creating Learning Objects in a Team Environment. MERLOT, August 2006. Glen Collins Lisa St. Croix. Purpose of Project. Distance Education and Learning Technologies (DELT) at Memorial University partnered with Memorial’s School of Nursing

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Creating Learning Objects in a Team Environment

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  1. Creating Learning Objects in a Team Environment MERLOT, August 2006 Glen Collins Lisa St. Croix Glen Collins and Lisa St. Croix, Memorial University

  2. Purpose of Project • Distance Education and Learning Technologies (DELT) at Memorial University partnered with Memorial’s School of Nursing • Purpose: To develop multimedia rich computerized learning modules and learning objects, to assist learners in their development/ review of selected psychomotor nursing skills Glen Collins and Lisa St. Croix, Memorial University

  3. Why do the Project? Original focus… • To find more stimulating and engaging ways to teach psychomotor nursing skills to nurses and other health professionals • To better accommodate the educational needs of nurses and other health professionals living in remote areas Glen Collins and Lisa St. Croix, Memorial University

  4. Why do the Project? Current focus… • To provide learning resources that support a variety of learner’s needs • To create Los suitable for use by our learners and for CLOE submission • Build expertise in creating learning objects • Take a leadership role in creating the foundation for a pan - Atlantic learning objects repository Glen Collins and Lisa St. Croix, Memorial University

  5. Project Funding Module development initiated under: • Canarie (Industry Canada) and a Memorial University Special Initiatives Fund Learning object development presently under: • Inukshuk Funding (Bell Canada and Rogers Communication ) Glen Collins and Lisa St. Croix, Memorial University

  6. LO Pedagogy • A blended approach that combines the traditional behaviorist approach to learning skills with… • Exploratory components that encourage learner interactivity (exercise, assessment, and reflection categories) with… • Adult Learning Principles Glen Collins and Lisa St. Croix, Memorial University

  7. Team Environment LO’s developed with team approach Team members: • Project Manager • Subject Matter Expert • Instructional Designer • Multimedia Team • Video Producers/Directors Glen Collins and Lisa St. Croix, Memorial University

  8. LO’s Under Current Development • Blood Sampling (Venepuncture) • IV Preparation • IV Insertion • IV Removal • IV Complications Glen Collins and Lisa St. Croix, Memorial University

  9. Blood Sampling Learning Object • Launch Object Glen Collins and Lisa St. Croix, Memorial University

  10. Strengths Development of a strong team environment • Strong work ethic already present • Build on individual strengths • Strong communication between members • Independent work time • Regular team meetings Glen Collins and Lisa St. Croix, Memorial University

  11. Challenges • Obtaining ongoing funding - high cost of development • Co-ordination of many team members • Controlling scope creep • Keeping the LO current Glen Collins and Lisa St. Croix, Memorial University

  12. Triumphs • The development of 5 very usable and pedagogically sound learning objects • The development of strong team relationships • Improved skill development by all team members Glen Collins and Lisa St. Croix, Memorial University

  13. Solutions Recyclable components • Framework/Template or “Engine” • Programmed pieces • Jeopardy – style game • Drag and drop • Interactive diagrams • Video, etc. • LOs that can be used in other environments • Use Flash, XML, MySQL/PHP Glen Collins and Lisa St. Croix, Memorial University

  14. Lessons Learned • Teamwork is effective if everyone understands the game plan and are kept current • “Can Do” attitude is vital • Don’t be afraid to try new things • The scope of the project needs to be clearlydefined upfront • Can rely on tried and true development methods if a particular project’s timeframe does not allow new ideas/technologies to be fully explored. Glen Collins and Lisa St. Croix, Memorial University

  15. Contact Information Glen Collins glenc@mun.ca 709 737 4067 Lisa St. Croix lstcroix@mun.ca Other Examples http://www.distance.mun.ca/media/samples/ Glen Collins and Lisa St. Croix, Memorial University

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