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First Impress ions are Lasting Career Management Seminar Office of Career Services September 27, 2010 Presented by Ronni Burns www.ronniburns.com. Southwest Airlines is Memorable. Learning from a Master Teacher.
First Impressions are Lasting Career Management Seminar Office of Career Services September 27, 2010 Presented by Ronni Burns www.ronniburns.com
Learning from a Master Teacher “Your careers will be determined largely by how well you speak, by how well you write, and by the quality of your ideas… in that order” Patrick Henry Winston MIT Professor Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science Delivers yearly lecture, How to Speak to beyond capacity crowd
Agenda Paying Attention: -Perception affects Communication Preparation: -Think about your Audience -Tailor Your Communication -Differentiate Yourself Attitude Check: -Increase Your Likeability Quotient Presenting Yourself: -Visual Vocal and Verbal Aspects
Notice the Cues and Clues STOP LOOK LISTEN
How Perceptions are Affected Culture Age Technical Expertise Gender
So, What is Your First Impression?What is their favorite type of food/cuisine?What is their favorite type of music?What is their hobby or special interest?How are First Impressions Formed?
The meaning of a communication is how it isreceived, not how it was intended
Step 2: PREPARATIONKnow Your Audience, Know Your Objective, Know Their Objective and Know Your Topic
People do things for THEIR reasons not your reasons “That’s enough on reducing our carbon footprint, Stevens. Wilson, any luck on finding a new planet?”
People remember what THEY think is important …not what WE think is important
“Tailor” Your Communication • “One size fits all” doesn’t work • Know Your Subject and your Audience • Present Effectively
Finding Core Values Find out the most important thing to your classmate about either: their dream house, dream job or dream life? MONEY IS NO PROBLEM Find out how they will know they bought the right house, or have their dream job or their created their dream life Find out the next most important things to them about their dream house, dream job or dream life List the VALUES that you discovered are most important 1. 2. 3.
Differentiate yourself to become more memorable Be original, be personable and connect.
S T A R in Your STORY S: Situation (with inherent challenges) T: Task A: Action You Took (to handle the difficult situation) R: Results
How Would I LIKE to be Seen? Agreeable Enthusiastic Soft-Spoken Animated Gentle Sweet Calm Gracious Trusting Cheerful Mature Understanding Confident Modest Vivacious Considerate Intellectual Warm Decisive Outgoing Witty Dignified Radiant Sincere Direct
Deeper Listening = Tighter Connection • Use WHAT or HOW Questions (not “why”) • Tell me more… • That’s interesting, what else? • Go on… • Oh? • Tell me more…
More Memorable Mel Gibson Lindsey Lohan Simon Cowell Julia Roberts Sandra Bullock George Clooney Less Likable More Likable Who is that actor? I always liked him/her! Most Members of Congress Less Memorable
VISUAL VOCAL VERBAL • How you look • How you sound • The words you use
VISUAL: How You Look • Clothes and appearance • Facial expressions • Eye contact • Gestures: target behaviors, hands, congruent or mixed messages • Movement and posture • Signs of nervousness
Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in what oredr the ltteers in a word are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is that frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can still raed it wouthit porbelm. This is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by istlef but the word as a wlohe.
VOCAL: How You Sound • Tone • Pauses • Speed • Volume • Clarity • Sub Ticks: “Um”,“Ah”,“You Know” • Signs of nervousness
VERBAL:Words You Use • Watch jargon or technical language • Use stories or analogies to emphasize key points. • Use appropriate language • Have a sound bite or key phrase
What are you taking away from today’s session?What specific actions can you put in place to improve your presence and likeability to make a stronger impression?What will you DO differently?
First Impressions are Lasting Career Management Seminar Office of Career Services September 27, 2010 Presented by Ronni Burns www.ronniburns.com