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By Caitlin. DESERTs. A desert is a place with 10 inches or 25cm of rain or less a year. Deserts cover about one seventh of the earth's surface.
By Caitlin DESERTs
A desert is a place with 10 inches or 25cm of rain or less a year. Deserts cover about one seventh of the earth's surface. The landscape of deserts vary greatly; but all deserts have 1 thing in common . They are all extremely dry, and can be one of the harshest places on earth . Many deserts have extremes in temperature, with very high temperatures in the day and cold temperatures at night . Deserts are not only made of sand as many people think. They consist of rocks, mountains, and sand. Desert sands are often rock which has weathered down to sand over the centuries. There are 3 main ways in which a desert can be made. Deserts are formed because of lack of water. 1) Arid or dry regions are caused by not being near a large body of water. 2) Inland areas lack moisture from the air. 3) Mountains may prevent rain from reaching areas making the areas dry and after awhile a desert. There are many deserts on the earth's surface. What is a desert?
Did you know? The largest desert is the Sahara desert found in north Africa. The largest continuous stretch of sand is called the Empty Quarter which is part of the Arabian Desert that stretches 250,000 sq. miles . Are all deserts hot? Not all deserts are hot because the Antarctic is a desert and is cold. This means any land where it only rains once or twice a year and is very dry is classed as a desert. Not all desert area don’t have rainfall , occasionally rainfall can turn some areas of desert into pockets of green areas . Today vast areas of desert are green as a result of pumping water from deep bore wells.
Animals that live in the desert and Antarctic. Animals that live in the desert: • Bighorn sheep • Scorpion • Ostrich • Collared lizard • Kangaroo rat • Camel • Elf owl • Sidewinder • Pupfish • Echidna • Addax antelope • Greater roadrunner • Sand cat • Dung beetles • Animals that live in the Antarctic: • Welled seal • Orcas • Rock hopper penguins • Black-browed Albatross • Leopard seal • Blue whale • Adelie Penguin • Antarctic shag • Crab eater seal • Wandering Albatross • Antarctic fur seal • Emperor penguin • Southern Elephant seal • Chinstrap penguin • Ross seal
Plants that live in the Desert and the Antarctic. Plants that live in the desert: • Barrel cactus • Creosote bush • Desert sage • Saguaro • Palm trees • Desert marigold • Joshua tree • Desert pincushion flower • Desert lily • Desert primrose • Organ pipe cactus • Elephant tree Plants that live in the Antarctic: • Moss • Lichen • Grass
Where are they? The Sahara desert Antarctica