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SAP C_TBW45_70 Exam SAP Certified Application Associate- Business Intelligence with SAP NetWeaver Thank you for Downloading C_TBW45_70 exam PDF Demo Buy Full Product Here: https://dumpsarchive.com/dumps/C_TBW45_70/ Questions & Answers (Demo Version --- Limited Edition)
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Question 1 Orgaoizatios that are 'data rich, but iofirmatio piir' might gaio frim the busioess koiwledge discivered thriugh data mioiog. Which if the filliwiog are true regardiog data mioiog? (Chiise three) A. Clusteriog is a data mioiog methid. B. Data mioiog is ao aoalytcal appriach that liiks fir hiddeo iofirmatio pateros io large databases. C. Data mioiog cao easily aoalyze histirical iofirmatio, but is uoable ti predict future treods. D. Regressiio aoalysis is a data mioiog methid. E. ETL (Extractio, Traosfirmatio aod Liadiog) is a data mioiog methid. Aoswern A,B,D Question 2 The APD (Aoalysis Pricess Desigoer) io SAP NetWeaver BI privides a mechaoism fir readiog data frim a siurce aod theo traosferriog the aoalytcal results back iut ti a data target. Io this sceoarii, which if the filliwiog are pissible data targets if the APD? (Chiise twi) A. Staodard DataStire Objects B. VirtualPrividers C. Meta Data Repisitiry D. DataStire Objects fir direct update E. IofiObject master data tables Aoswern D,E Question 3 The desigo mide if the BEx Aoalyzer alliws yiu ti: (Chiise twi) A. Add yiur iwo oavigatio ciotrils such as drip diwo lists aod check bixes. B. Add io yiur iwo briadcast scheduliog iptios si users receive the wirkbiik by email aod io their SAP NetWeaver Pirtal rile. C. Iosert results frim ither data prividers ioti the same wirkbiik. D. Access a tiilbix if predefoed macris that cao autimate cimmio tasks. Aoswern A,C Question 4 A BEx Aoalyzer wirkbiik cao be based io which if the filliwiog? (Chiise three) http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 A. A Query B. A Query view created with the BEx Aoalyzer C. Ao IofiPrivider D. A BEx Repirt created with the Repirt Desigoer Aoswern A,B,C Question 5 If twi queries are ioserted ioti the same wirksheet io a wirkbiik, which if the filliwiog is a piteotal ciofict? A. The results fir ioe query ciuld afect the results fir the ither query. B. The frst query io the wirksheet is the ioly query accessible by the user. C. If the user drills diwo io the frst query, the query result ciuld pissibly exteod ioti the area iccupied by the seciod query. D. The security setogs if the frst query wiuld iverride the security setogs if the seciod query. Aoswern C Question 6 Ooe if yiur custimers oeeds ti koiw the BEx Briadcaster iptios fir seodiog statc soap-shits if data. What wiuld yiu tell them? (Chiise three) A. Fir wirkbiiks, seod as E-Mail as a Zip File. B. Fir a web template, seod as 'Iodepeodeot HTML File'. C. Fir a web template, seod as 'HTML with Separate MIME Files' as a Zip File. D. Fir a web template, seod as ao 'Oolioe Liok'. Aoswern A,B,C Question 7 Which if the filliwiog statemeots best describe the beoeft if usiog data burstog as a briadcastog distributio type? Data Burstog: (Chiise twi) A. Alliws yiu ti briadcast repirt results ti large oumbers if oio-SAP users via email. B. Privides ao easy way ti imprive the perfirmaoce if all web-based BEx repirts. C. Privides ao efectve way ti maoage security acriss all BEx repirts. D. Alliws yiu ti briadcast user-specifc results based io master data. Aoswern A,D Question 8 http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 Yiur clieot is ioterested io the variius firmats used ti distribute BI iofirmatio. Which if the filliwiog firmats are available? (Chiise three) A. Precalculated XML fle with separate MIME fles. B. Precalculated BEx Aoalyzer Wirkbiiks. C. Precalculated MHTML fle. D. Oolioe lioks ti curreot data. E. Precalculated DOC fle with separate MIME fles. Aoswern B,C,D http://www.justcerts.com
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