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Starters. Content. Mark (a maximum of 5 shields ). Paper. 4 parts 20 questions. Listening ( about 20 minutes). 5 parts 25 questions. Reading & Writing (20 minutes). 5 parts. Speaking (3-5 minutes). Speaking. Reading. Listening. Listening. Part 1
Starters Content Mark (a maximumof 5 shields) Paper 4 parts 20 questions Listening (about 20 minutes) 5 parts 25 questions Reading & Writing (20 minutes) 5parts Speaking (3-5 minutes)
Speaking Reading Listening
Listening Part 1 Listen and draw lines. There is one example.
Part 2 Read the questions. Listen and write a name or a number. There are two examples.
Part 3 Listen and tick (√) the box. There is one example.
Part 4 Listen and colour. There is one example.
Reading and writing Part 1 Look and read. Put a tick or a cross in the box. There are two examples.
Part 2 Look and read. Write yes or no.
Part 3 Look at the pictures. Look at the letters. Write the words. There is an example.
Part 4 Read this. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct word next to the numbers 1-5. There is one example.
Part 5 Look at the pictures and read the questions. Write one-word answers. Examples Where are the children? in the classroom . What colour is the cat? white
Notes to teachers Slide 2- Notes: There are no pass or fail grades. Every child is given a certificate with a certain number of shields showing how well they demonstrated each skill. TIPS: Many marks are lost because letters and /or words are not clearly written. It is often better not to use joined-up writing, as letters can become confused and unclear. Candidates need to write only as much as they need to. They should avoid unnecessarily long answers which provide more opportunities for making mistakes. When doing classroom tasks, set time limits to improve concentration. Make sure candidates are familiar with the vocabulary, grammar and structures in the Starters syllabus. STARTERS topics: animals, the body and the face, clothes, colours, family and friends, food and drink, the home, numbers 1-20,places and directions, school, sport and leisure, toys, transport, the world around us.
Slide 4- Notes: All the texts are heard twice. Part 1 tests five different lexical items – normally taken from two or three different semantic fields. The context is provided by a picture, within which objects are ‘placed’ by the candidate, who has to draw a line from the named object to a location within the picture. Tips: Use pictures, puzzles and vocabulary games to ensure that candidates can recognize all of the nouns on the Starters vocabulary list. Give plenty of practice in understanding and using prepositional phrases. Encourage candidates to draw straight lines. Answer key: Lines should be drawn between: 1. Clock and the place between two pictures on the wall 2. Book and under table
Slide 5- Notes: All the texts are heard twice. There is one picture to set the context, and five comprehension questions. Each answer is either a name or a number. The numbers dictated can be written as digits or words. All names must be spelled correctly for the mark to be awarded. Tips: Make sure candidates know what’s expected of them. All the names candidates are asked to write come from the Starters vocabulary list. Give plenty of practice in the letters of the alphabet. Candidates will only hear numbers from 1 to 20. They should be encouraged to write digits rather than words to avoid spelling mistakes Answer key: ALEX 8/eight
Slide 6- Notes: All the texts are heard twice. Part 3 consists of five three-option multiple-choice questions, with pictures. Tips: Encourage candidates to look carefully at the pictures and think about what they’re illustrating. Train candidates to listen to the whole of each dialogue, as the answer may well be provided in several parts of the dialogue rather than just one turn. Answer key: A B Slide 7- Notes: All the texts are heard twice. Part 4 is a test of lexis, particularly names of colours and prepositions of place. Tips: Reassure them this is an English test and not a test of their colouring skills. Make sure candidates are familiar with the names of colours they are expected to know at this level (black, blue, brown, green, grey, orange, pink, purple, red, yellow). Answer key: Bird on man’s head – pink Bird in tree - yellow
Slide 9- Notes: In Part 1 the candidate reads five statements, each accompanied by a picture, and the candidate has to place a tick if the statement matches the picture and a cross if it does not. Tips: Encourage candidates to read the sentences and look at the pictures carefully, at least twice. The mark they put in the box must be an unambiguous tick or a cross – if it looks as if it could be either, they will lose the mark. Answer key: √ √ X
Slide 10- Notes: In Part 2 candidates look at a picture and five statements, some of which correctly describe the picture and some which do not. Tips: Give candidates plenty of practice in matching sentences to pictures. Make sure candidates are familiar with action verbs that they are likely to come across in this section (run, ride, walk, play, throw, sing, etc) Make sure they realize that if any element of the sentence is false, then they must write no. Answer key: Yes No No
Slide 12- Notes: Part 3 is a test of words and spelling. There are five pictures of objects, each accompanied by a word given as jumbled letters. The candidate must write the word. Dashes indicate the number of letters. Tips: Candidates should have practice in writing all the words in the Starters vocabulary list. Reinforce candidates’ knowledge of common letter patterns in English – ea, ck, ight, ou, er, etc. Remind candidates that they must only use the letters provided. Answer key: jeans shoes jacket Slide 13- Notes: In Part 4 candidates read a text and look at the words with pictures in a box below the text. All the missing words are singular or plural nouns. There are two extra words which candidates should not use.
Tips: Candidates should be encouraged to read holistically for a sense of the text before trying to answer the questions. Practice in guessing which word could go into each gap is very useful. Remind candidates that each answer is only one word and must make sense in the story. It must also fit grammatically. Give candidates plenty of practice matching pictures and words and mixing up singulars and plurals to encourage them to be alert to such distinctions. Answer key: hair house carrots water man
Slide 15- Notes: In Part 5 a story is told through three pictures, with five questions, each of which requires a one-word answer. The correct word may be a noun, verb or number. Tips: Train candidates to learn the correct spelling of Starters words. Key question words like ‘Where’ and ‘When’ are often misinterpreted or confused in Part 5, so do exercises which encourage quick, accurate reading, so that key question words are correctly identified and understood. Candidates should practice answering questions with single words, with the emphasis on selecting key information. Answer key: fish (school)girl/student/child/pupil writing
Slide 16- Notes: Tips: Part 1 - Candidates should practice identifying people, animals and things in different pictures by pointing in response to questions such as: Where’s the snake? Where are the fish?
Part 2 - Candidates should practice placing smaller pictures on a larger picture in response to instructions like this: Put the cake in the boat. Candidates should not worry if the required position does not seem to be an appropriate one! Part 3 – Candidates should practice answering simple questions about a picture. For example: What’s this? An elephant. What’s the boy doing? Drinking water. Encourage them to extend their answers a little, e.g. by using an article before the noun and naming two items (pizza and hot dogs; tennis and footaball). Parts 4 & 5, candidates need to feel confident that they can give basic information about themselves: How old are you? What’s your favourite food? The examiner asks the candidate some personal questions on topics such as age, family, school and friends.