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Iktimed- bluenove Final report. April 2013. Open and collaborative innovation by . Confidential. Table of content. Ecosystem analysis A shared strategic vision Mediterranean Innovation Communities action plans Communication strategy Monitoring and evaluation system The animator role
Iktimed- bluenove Final report April 2013 Open and collaborative innovation by Confidential
Table of content Ecosystem analysis A shared strategic vision Mediterranean Innovation Communities action plans Communication strategy Monitoring and evaluation system The animator role Final recommendations
Table of content Ecosystem analysis A shared strategic vision Mediterranean Innovation Communities action plans Communication strategy Monitoring and evaluation system The animator role Final recommendations
1. Ecosystem Analysis • The Iktimed project was about providing an online tool on the Iktimed website to 6 of its partners in order to foster the local and international collaboration of SMEs, around 6 main subjects: • Biomed • The BIOMed Community comprises those activities devoted to biosciences / biotechnology / biomedicine. It can include research groups, research centres, scientific and technological parks, public institutions, clusters, SMEs, large companies and all any other type or organization working or performing research, development and/or innovation in the mentioned fields. Projects in the bio fields are usually complex and require synergies among different institutions and companies in order to achieve the optimal results. • The MIC called BIOMed will aim to promote these links among entities and enhance cooperation among them to perform projects and share good practices models and experience. • Smart Home • The idea is to propose a interoperability framework open and free to permit a connection among home environment and all household devices as to increase energy efficiency, safety, and comfort for people who live inside. Home can be the node of a smart city facilities. To reach this goal it is fundamental to define a technological framework for all devices and systems and to elaborate all services and software for devices to be smart and connected. • Biotech for natural foods • This community aims to promote economical, environmental and social development, through the promotion and valorisation of regional natural species using biotechnology knowhow, that can contribute to the development of innovative and profitable products capable of reaching national and international markets.
1. Ecosystem Analysis • Eco-energy • The aim will be to promote more intelligent use of energy resources in the Mediterranean within its specific context related to climate, socio-economic realities and cultural. It will be promoting awareness initiatives and contributing to define incisive and targeted proposals and policies of intervention. • Tech Tourism • The goal of TechTourism MIC is to establish a network of partners across the med region, interested in establishing an area sustainable, advanced and/or ICT based tourism service providers. This community could help cultural and tourism sectors to make a better use of technologies in order to improve tourist experience and competitiveness of firms operating in this sector. • Digital • The idea is to help promote the local digital communities (SMEs, large groups, research & teaching organizations, P&P labs, local authorities, partners…) by using workshops, barcamps and promotional events. The network will aim to develop new offers and collaborations with the university, school engineers, local research centres and innovation actors. By creating a digital & creative MIC, we aim at enlarging the scope of B2B cooperation, collaborative projects ... and reach European partnerships!
1. Ecosystem Analysis – MICs users BIOTECH FOR NATURAL FOODS ECO-ENERGY TECHTOURISM DIGITAL BIOMED SMART HOME 26 users 48 users 38 users 58 users 40 users 57 users
Table of content Ecosystem analysis A shared strategic vision Mediterranean Innovation Communities action plans Communication strategy Monitoring and evaluation system The animator role Final recommendations
2. A shared strategic vision • Early after the launch of the different communities, we’ve conducted an online survey in order to identify each respondents expectations. • 34 people answered the survey. All MICs were represented. Here are the main results that came out of this study: • 76% of the respondents would like to use virtual communities more often, believing it could help them improve their market position, evaluatemarket opportunities and better define their strategy. • 70% would use it to improve their technological competitiveness. • 56% think it could have a positive influence on their organizational competitiveness. • Only 44% of the respondents already have some cooperation experiences with other regional organizations. • But 88% are interested in stepping ahead and cooperating with others. • 70% are ready to spend time on a virtual tool • 92% if they are supported to do so by a dedicated person or team • Only 34% are already using some social tools for professional matters • None of those tools are collaborative tools
2. A shared strategic vision This study also helped to highlight what could be the main objectives of the Mediterranean Innovation Communities. The assumption being that each community should have its own goals, but that all of them could be related at a Mediterranean level. Here is the list of macro-objectives the study helped us to identify: Develop business partnerships(commercial, industrial) Exchange oftechnical/ scientific information Access to market information (demand, consumer trend, internationalisation, market segmentation) Access to information on financing, call for proposal, tender, incentives Business planning Technology forecast University / enterprise cooperation All participants agreed on the fact that those MICs could help them to get more visibility and to present their respective activities. At first at a local level, their first expectation being to develop market opportunities in their geographical area. But in a second time, they also want to take benefits from the experiences of all their potential relatives all across the Mediterranean area.
Table of content Ecosystem analysis A shared strategic vision Mediterranean Innovation Communities action plans Communication strategy Monitoring and evaluation system The animator role Final recommendations
3. MIC action plans - Biomed Biomed
3. MIC action plans - Biomed • Biomed main objectives: • Identify key partners and facilitate collaboration between them • Identify new projects that could be launched • Facilitate networking Biomed Registered members: 26 Subjects suggestions: Medical tools / Biomedicines 2. Different themes related to pharmaceutics • MIC results so far: • Last activity: April 2013 • Groups: 0 5posts (2 people) 0shared pictures 1 shard video 2shared files 0planned event
3. MIC action plans - Biomed Main actions to come and planning overview*: Biomed JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC MAY Set up Fill in the profiles Launch the first discussions Actions Get trained (webinar or physical session) Create an information file on your company Collect inputs on specific topics Evaluate the first results Communicate on the initiative Recruit more people *All MICs plannings have been designed in case Iktimed choose not to change the online tool for a more efficient one
3. MIC action plans - Smart Home Smart Home
3. MIC action plans - Smart Home • Smart Home main objectives: • 1. Universities / Enterprises cooperation • 2. Exchange of technical and scientific information • 3. Business partnerships (commercial, industrial) • 4. Access to market information (demand, consumer trend, internationalisation, market segmentation) Smart Home Registered members: 38 • Key outputs: • Advocacy • Promote • Develop technology services (through collaboration to enhance Marketing objectives) • Exchange of information • Market orientation (How do we communicate outside the concept of “Smart Home”) • Market orientations: • Access of information (technical, market, specific need) -> Eve (university of Western Macedonia) • Developing new business models specific for “Smart Home” -> Andrea Techno Marche • Developing partnership opportunities -> Alberto (FTZ) • Marketing -> Carla Arelato • Synergies for collaboration -> Joe (FTZ) • Funding and selling to stakeholders -> Giorgio Ingen
3. MIC action plans - Smart Home • Identified networks: • Fill Optic valley (Sweden) -> Joe • Spin offs -> Simone • EU Partners (ZFP) -> Simone • Malta Enterprises -> Alberto • Universities (University of Western Macedonia) -> Eve • Company in home automation -> Carla • Wood-furniture enterprises + KT Centres (foreign and Italian) -> Giovanni • Cooperative social services for disable people-> Andrea • Stakeholders-> All • Local administration -> Stefano Smart Home Registered members: 38 • MIC results so far: • Last activity: April 2013 • Groups: 1 14posts (5 people) 5shared pictures 1 shared video 4shared files 3planned event
3. MIC action plans - Smart Home Main actions to come and planning overview*: Smart Home JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC MAY Set up Fill in the profiles Launch the first discussions Actions Get trained (webinar or physical session) Create an information file on your company Select relevant discussions subthemes Collect inputs on specific topics Set up and organize a workshop in Fabriano Evaluate the first results Communicate on the initiative Recruit more people *All MICs plannings have been designed in case Iktimed choose not to change the online tool for a more efficient one
3. MIC action plans - Biotech For Natural Foods Biotech for Natural Foods
3. MIC action plans - Biotech For Natural Foods • Biotech For Natural Foods main objectives: • 1. Business partnerships (commercial, industrial) -> 5 votes • 2. Access to market information (demand, consumer trend, internationalisation, market segmentation) -> 5 votes • 3. Access to information on financing, call for proposal, tender, incentives -> 2 votes • 4. Universities / Enterprises cooperation -> 2 votes • 5. Technology forecast -> 2 votes • 6. Exchange of technical and scientific information -> 2 votes Biotech for Natural Foods Registered members: 40 • Suggested discussions subjects: • Consumers info (Data) • Macroeconomic studies for each country / region • Legal framework (E.U) • Food case studies / specific sectors • Forecast (social-economic) • Logistics / distribution • Trade fair calendar • Taxes • Market value • Food safety and authority link • Key outputs: • Potential users • Different applications • Distribution partners • Co-development
3. MIC action plans - Biotech For Natural Foods • Identified networks: • SYNBIOTECH – Food Application. Spin-off (Cristina + Stefania) • University of Ancona. Antioxidants – Personalized supplements (Luca + Patrick) • University of Western Macedonia • Miguel Salazar • Andrea Sebert • Agro-on • Agro-food consultant • Food Life Shelf Biotech for Natural Foods Registered members: 40 • MIC results so far: • Last activity: April 2013 • Groups: 0 6posts (4 people) 0shared pictures 1 shared video 0shared files 0planned event
3. MIC action plans - Biotech For Natural Foods Main actions to come and planning overview*: Biotech for Natural Foods JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC MAY Set up Fill in the profiles Launch the first discussions Actions Get trained (webinar or physical session) Create a database to be shared Ask the community a first set of questions Start a common market study Evaluate the first results Communicate on the initiative Recruit more people *All MICs plannings have been designed in case Iktimed choose not to change the online tool for a more efficient one
3. MIC action plans - Eco Energy Eco Energy
3. MIC action plans - Eco Energy • Eco Energy main objectives: • Academia – Industry relationship • Access to market information • Business planning Eco Energy Registered members: 57 • Key outputs: • Think of a new product -> Create a new business plan • First step is to have access to market information (usually the private sector has those information) • The public sector has access to finance information to cover all the new ideas of the private sector • The universities, through the collaboration with private and public sectors, will make the necessary research for the new product • All together will move with an appropriate business plan • Key players • Firms • Universities • Governmental bodies • MIC results so far: • Last activity: April 2013 • Groups: 0 5posts (2 people) 6shared pictures 1 shared video 0 shared files 0 planned event
3. MIC action plans - Eco Energy Main actions to come and planning overview*: Eco Energy JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC MAY Set up Fill in the profiles Launch the first discussions Actions Get trained (webinar or physical session) All firms to start sharing innovative products examples in the energy sector All universities involved to provide a database of knowledge and research All government bodies involved to share information about finances and projects Start a common market study Evaluate the first results Communicate on the initiative Recruit more people *All MICs plannings have been designed in case Iktimed choose not to change the online tool for a more efficient one
3. MIC action plans - Tech Tourism Tech Tourism
3. MIC action plans - Tech Tourism • Tech Tourism main objectives: • Concentrate on 3/5 ideas -> Translate it to local language -> PDF File • Every partner can bring a case study • Real Case studies form each Region • Identify problems • Common problems and common ideas • Using Community Logo as certificate of innovation (proud of being a part of the community) Tech Tourism Registered members: 48 • Challenges: • Feed communities with news • Keep It Alive • Find funding • Suggested discussions subjects: • Accessibility – web tools • GPS • Multimedia • How to develop tourism in less known / cultural / accessible regions? • How to valorise tourism outside from big cities? • How to fight against “crazy trips” touristic behaviours? • MIC results so far: • Last activity: April 2013 • Groups:0 12posts (5 people) 0shared pictures 8shared video 2shared files 0 planned event
3. MIC action plans - Tech Tourism Main actions to come and planning overview*: Tech Tourism JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC MAY Set up Fill in the profiles Launch the first discussions Actions Get trained (webinar or physical session) Define a community claim Open a closed group on LinkedIn to improve interactions Share problems and solutions to highlight best practices Arise a debate on common problems Evaluate the first results Communicate on the initiative Recruit more people Using the community logo as an innovative certificate *All MICs plannings have been designed in case Iktimed choose not to change the online tool for a more efficient one
3. MIC action plans - Digital Digital
3. MIC action plans - Digital • Eco Energy main objectives: • Shared Sales Desk • Create a common sales desk for digital services/products for the MIC members with the help of experts in marketing & commercial strategy • 2. Internationalisation support – soft-landing services • 3. Create a directory of qualified contacts • Have a “virtual fair” online to present the digital innovative services/products • 4. Knowledge network on digital HR & financing support. • Exchange information on support services & programs linked to HR (ex. Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs – Marie Curie program ) • 5. Obtain information on Financial support that could help SMEs • (ex. European Business Angels networks) Digital Registered members: 58 • MIC results so far: • Last activity: April 2013 • Groups: 0 8posts (4 people) 0shared pictures 1 shared video 0shared files 0 planned event
3. MIC action plans - Digital Main actions to come and planning overview*: Digital JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC MAY Set up Fill in the profiles Launch the first discussions Actions Get trained (webinar or physical session) Survey on the network’s members needs Identification of shared marketing and sales Identification of marketing and sales experts in each country / region Test / trial case with 5 members that share common commercial and sales objectives Evaluate the first results Communicate on the initiative Recruit more people *All MICs plannings have been designed in case Iktimed choose not to change the online tool for a more efficient one
Table of content Ecosystem analysis A shared strategic vision Mediterranean Innovation Communities action plans Communication strategy Monitoring and evaluation system The animator role Final recommendations
4. Communication strategy • An open innovation initiative comes along with a strong communication strategy, in order to recruit more participants, but also to value the work that has been done and make it a collaboration reference. • At first it is important to promote the MICs on the Iktimed website, but also on “regular”medias such as newsletters, email campaigns, paper documents, social medias if some accounts do exist. The messages that should be displayed are many: • A pitch of the open innovation initiative • A tool presentation • A list of partnership / collaborative success stories that happened thanks to the platform, both at a regional and at transnational size. • In terms of content, nothing has more impact than a testimony. Shooting some video interviews of MICs key users could be a way to bring value to the initiative and award the MIC member. • We can then imagine punctual events that boost the participation on the MICs and motivate potential new members: • Running a challenge. With all the required dedicated communication, Iktimed could organize a 1 to 3 months challenge on the online tool in order to generate efficient and innovative collaboration models on the online tool. • Those targeted campaigns are very efficient if they are well conducted and animated. • It is also very important to gather the MICs participants during physical events (like the Seminar in Barcelona) at least once a year. It could be a workshop, roundtables, or a communication event during which Iktimed and the MICs participants could present the first results they came up with. • In terms of communication, the possible mobilization of a public European organization could be a valuable asset.
Table of content Ecosystem analysis A shared strategic vision Mediterranean Innovation Communities action plans Communication strategy Monitoring and evaluation system The animator role Final recommendations
5. Monitoring and evaluation system In order to measure and analyse the efficiency of the 6 MICs , a dedicated Leader board must be created and filled in by the animators.That way, the participation progress will be analysed, and the animation team will know what leverage should be activated in order to correct any misconduct or negative effect. Here are some examples of quantitative key performance indicators that could be analysed: • Number of users • Number of active users (more than 5 interactions a week : post / comment / vote) • Number of visits • Page views • Number of post • Number of comments • Number of votes • Number of multimedia files posted • Number of documents posted • Number of events planned • Number of web links • Number of questions • Number of answers / solutions per question • Number of projects • Timing of projects • Number of business driven contributions • Contributors / readers • Number of contributions per month • Audience (measure the amount of members who read conversations) • Initiative (measure of member’s use of posting features) • Responsiveness (members reaction to conversations: comments, votes, participation to events) • Liveliness (how much members engage others with notifications and messages) • Share of “phatic conversations” (animation messages, politeness, humour, announcements…) • Share of collaborative interactions • Concrete results / best practices / success stories
5. Monitoring and evaluation system This quantitative analysis should be completed with a qualitative survey after 3 to 4 months of collaboration. Here are some examples of qualitative elements that could be analysed: • Level of global satisfaction • Connexion regularity • Feedbacks on the different collaboration steps on the online tool (user experience) • Feedbacks on the online tool functionalities • Feedbacks on the quality of information available on the online tool • Level and nature of collaboration (interactions with others) • Global improvement recommendations
Table of content Ecosystem analysis A shared strategic vision Mediterranean Innovation Communities action plans Communication strategy Monitoring and evaluation system The animator role Final recommendations
6. The animator role - Actions and responsibilities • RECRUIT • members • Integrate new users: send the Welcome Packs, invite new members • Set up the platform • PUBLISH • content • Diffuse posts: thematical intelligence, reporting… • Sum up : report hot topics, Leader Boards, interesting resources… 5% 25% Set up 20% Integrate Diffuse Analyse Sum up 5% 5% • Follow • The Dashboard • Filter the content : select the content, moderate • Analyse the indicators: publications, discussions, active members and key users • INTERACT • with the community • Organizethe discussions : ask questions to the community, open new debates, conduct surveys. • Keep contact: personal rebounds, links, ideas incubation … Organize Filter Keep contact 10% 20% 10%
6. The animator role - Actions and responsibilities • Integrate (25%) : • Identify and approach potential new members • Invite them • Publically welcome the new members • Individually engage new members • Send « welcome packs » and reportings to the community • Reengage inactive members Recruit members 30% of overall time • Set up (5%) : • if back-office access
6. The animator role - Actions and responsibilities • Diffuse (20%) : • Post qualitative content from web searches • Individually discuss with all Publish content 25% of overall time • Sum up (5%) : • Make monthly reports on the community activity
6. The animator role - Actions and responsibilities • Keep contact (10%) : • Welcome and guide new members • Keep contact with key users (motivated and active members) • Follow members day-to-day activity Interact with the community 20% of overall time • Organize (10%) : • Anticipate regular animation: questionnaire, survey, ideas, expertise, etc. • Launch animations
6. The animator role - Actions and responsibilities • Filter the content (20%) : • Select the relevant content • Moderate the content Follow the Leaderboard 25% of overall time • Analyse the indicators(5%) : • Amount of publications • Amount of discussions • Amount of active members • Completion of all community objectives
Table of content Ecosystem analysis A shared strategic vision Mediterranean Innovation Communities action plans Communication strategy Monitoring and evaluation system The animator role Final recommendations
7. Final recommendations We’ve seen over the past months that such an initiative can’t live by itself. And that the first participation results could be much better than what they are today. It is not only required to identify MIC animators to recruit, mobilize and stimulate each community. It is also very important to gather some key contextual elements that help start a common experimentation. An adapted communication plan An efficient web tool A perfect timing A physical relay event A common vision Dedicated micro and macro-objectives Community Management trainings for the animators A first pool of key participants A relevant and regular results analysis A strong sponsorship
8. Final recommendations • In order to make sure the MICs project is in line with its ambition, a key elements has to be challenged. • The most important one relies on the tool hosting the MICs. • From bluenove’s perspective and experience, this tool is not appropriate. And we know that everything relies on the tool in first place. This improved version of a regular forum is not adapted to the communities 'needs. • If Iktimed wants to lead this MIC project and to make it a success, we strongly recommend the teams to choose an adapted platform that could answer all the specific needs communities such as MICs could express: • Real groups creation • One single platform. One group per MIC • Allcollaborative functionalities available: posts with a strong editorial tool, comments, votes, notifications, ideas, questions, surveys, agenda, projects, multimedia players… • Possibility to create private messages • Mobile accessibility. A lot of tools are now accessible from a Smartphone or a tablet thanks to dedicated free applications • Possibility to personalize the general design of the platform • Possibility to personalize the messages • Possibility to display some relevant information to the users • Possibility for each MIC animator to manage the back-office of his group • A strong reporting section. With an automated analysis of the main performance indicators • A strong back-office management tool • A confidentiality levels management depending on the group Iktimed will open • ….
8. Final recommendations A lot of reasonable tools do exist today. Ideas management tools, professional social networks, micro-blogging tools, crowdsourcing tools, problem solving or beta-test tools. It could be key to adopt such a tool in order to give the MICs a rebirth. However, those tools are rarely free. It is also important to anticipate the budget that could be necessary to implement such a platform. To give an example, such tools could go from 5 000 euros a year to 30 000 or 40 000 euros a year, depending on what the customer chooses for functionalities and what kind of tool he decides to use. This tool will then need someone to parameter it, do the design and think its global architecture. It could be managed by an external consultant that could allocate some man/days to do this production. Then, the tool needs off course to rely on animators. But they are usually very well designed to help those animators to do their work efficiently. In terms of budget, and considering that June 2013 / June 2014 would be the first year of experimentation with this new project design, an overall budget (platform + consulting + communication) could amount to 25 000 to 60 000 euros.
8. Final recommendations - bluenove key inputs 1 CONDUCT A QUICK BENCHMARK ON COLLABORATION TOOLS Due to its knowledge of the market and its experience of such deployments with several customers, bluenove could conduct a fast study on the most appropriate tools for the MICs project. 2 ADOPT A NEW TOOL Before any reengagement of the MIC participants, and since those ones haven’t participate that much so far, the Iktimed team must adopt an appropriate tool to host the MICs. 3 COMMUNICATE ON THE INITIATIVE Using all possible medias, Iktimed should find a sponsor (an European organization for instance) and communicate on the initiative REENGAGE ALL MIC REGISTERED PARTICIPANTSEach MIC animator should be involved on this project new version and all registered participants should be addressed with a message drawing Iktimed new ambition for the project before they start to apply their respective strategies 4 5 ORGANIZE A SMALL CHALLENGE TO BOOST THE WORK ON THE PLATFORM The tool will be designed to host a challenge. Iktimed should launch a targeted challenge that will reward the most innovative initiatives on the platform 6 ORGANIZE A PHYSICAL EVENT IN 2014 A Seminar or a similar physical event could be an excellent mean to fix some results objectives for each MIC, and will allow to analyse how the new project went
3. MIC action plans – 6 months planning JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC MAY Set up Platform benchmark Platform adoption and set up (design, architecture, invitations) New MIC Launch Actions Animators training sessions (webinars) Users invitation and strategy / objectives integration in the new environment Start an Alpha test with key users Start a beta phase with more participants Evaluate the first results Recruit more people
3. MIC action plans – 1 year planning 2014 2013 JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY Set up Platform benchmark Platform adoption and set up (design, architecture, invitations) New MIC Launch Actions Animators training sessions (webinars) Users invitation and strategy / objectives integration in the new environment Start an Alpha test with key users Start a beta phase with more participants Evaluate the first results Recruit more people Other operations Challenge preparation Challenge run phase Challenge rewards ceremony Physical seminar Communication operation