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Family Counselling Bureaus: the First Level Health Services Maria Edoarda Trillò materno.infantile@aslrmc.it. The First Level Health Services. The integrated set of services targeted to a person.
Family Counselling Bureaus: the First Level Health Services Maria EdoardaTrillò materno.infantile@aslrmc.it
The First Level Health Services The integrated set of services targeted to a person. Activities and services to promote the wellbeing of all people needing social-sanitary support
The First Level Health Services: a network The primary health care The family paediatrician The family counselling bureau The vaccination services The mental health centres The services for the protection of mental health and handicap The drug addict services (Ser.T) The services for adolescents The health education services The screening programmes The ambulatories for foreign people temporary in Italy and cultural mediation The birth houses The hygiene and public health services, and worker protection The pharmaceutical assistance Community
What is the Health Services Network? The integrated set of services targeted to a person It goes out from the paradigm of assistance : anamnesis objective examination diagnosis and prognosis care towards the model of taking in charge of “global taking in charge" of the person in her/his territorial context and unique approach. It has a guiding role in integrated interventions for people with special assistance needs. It consists in activating, in each single case, systematically, an integrated process of taking in charge of the socio-sanitary needs between Health Services with different professionalism. Eg. One Entry Point (PUA) For chronic diseases Eg. Active Offer
To build a network in the Health Services To map the Territorial Health and Social Services and professional staff To choose the appropriate counterpart - target To know the respective fields of expertise, objectives and activities To know the respective prevention, diagnosis and treatment programmes To meet in order to define the assistance needs and possible solutions To define a common and shared approach and indicators for the evaluation process Institutional recognition of the chosen approach To try and implement
To make a network is a public health activity The First Level Health Services:a network
What is the meaning of Active Offer? It is a process of communication using all potential channels acting synergistically, starting from the institutional ones…. with modalities adapted to specific characteristics of each person and group of population to be involved, fully aware of the complexity of dimensions in which the communication is embedded (physical, relational, psychological, ethical, cultural, social, anthropological)… (source: P.O.M.I.) Offer : approach people with kindness, empathy, compassion and humility, which are professional competencies and not only ethical options Active: feel oneself responsibility to be accepted and question oneself, as serious professional, on factors constituting possible barriers Result: better quality and better values of health indicators
To understand what is happening to her Easy accessibility Integrated prevention, assistance and diagnostic services Communication Efficiency and professionality Quality ....................... Complete wellbeing with herself, with her children and her family ! The Italian and Foreign Women:what does she want from the Health Service?
The Family Counselling Bureau Primary Health and Gender Services with a low threshold of access characterized by horizontal, non directive and non paternalistic communication SEXSUALITY AND REPRODUCTION
The Family Counselling Bureau The Family Counselling Bureaus, formally established in 1975 (law 405/75), were implemented in Italy in different periods and with different modalities, following the approval of the Regional laws. Born during the first Health Reform on the wave of the “women movement” including, among its claims, the re-appropriation of health –empowerment – and the recognition of the sexed body. The originality of the Family Counselling Bureau services (multidisciplinary, non directivity, gender vision) is a common heritage and should not be missed, in fact the Mother and Child Project constitutes an integral part of the National Health Plan since 1998-2000.
The role of Family Counselling Bureau To spread the culture of prevention of the health of woman, intended as human being, within the couple and family context, in the all-day life concerning health, psychological and social aspects. Important role in the women empowerment on the reproductive sphere: sexual behaviours and health, contraception, and maternity awareness.
Family Counselling Bureau: individual activities Fields of activity: Maternity and Paternity Awareness: pregnancy, puerperium, infertility, sexual psychological and social counselling, contraception, Italian law 194/78 on abortion, abuse prevention and child abuse, cultural mediation Marital and Parenting: breastfeeding promotion and support, adoptions, family mediation Woman wellbeing: sexually transmitted diseases prevention. cancer prevention, menopause, assistance to abused women, psychological counselling, specific empowerment for foreign women Infant wellbeing: health checks, vaccinations, education and correct lifestyle promotion, counselling Adolescent wellbeing: “space for young people”, vaccinations, sexually transmitted diseases prevention
Family Counselling Bureau: group activities Preconception counselling for groups of students (at school, in the family Counselling), for young couples, for women promotion, information, education on contraception (for groups, in Family Counselling, at school) antenatal and birth preparation courses information and health education for groups of parents of less than 1 year children Breastfeeding support Groups on adolescent problems Groups for parents preparation in couples asking to adopt a child prevention and information groups on problems caused by menopause
The Mother and Child Project P.O.M.I. • establish requirements and standards of needs for Family CounsellingBureaus • give them an important role in the health promotion for women and adolescents The organizational model is the departmental one, allowing: the coordination of interventions to fulfil health promotion and health prevention objectives, through a synergic integration of Hospitals and Territorial Services
The institutional mandate of Family Counselling Bureau It is ensured by a multi-professional equipe where all participants have the same dignity (the social assistant is the key person) Working in equipe is the key factor to guarantee an unique and global preventive approach in the complete consciousness that working together with different professional roles is not easy, but a must
The multi professional staff of Family Counselling Bureau Social assistant Midwife Health assistant Nurse Psychologist Gynaecologist Paediatrician Cultural mediator Reception and information Interview, examination of histories, requests and resources. Taking in charge Gynaecologic visits, pregnancy status and certificate Appointment for examinations and intervention and post abortion control Contraception and prevention of repeated abortion
The multi professional staff of Family Counselling Bureau Social assistant Midwife Health assistant Nurse Cultural mediator Reception and information Interview, examination of histories, requests and resources. Taking in charge Appointment for examinations and intervention and post abortion control Contraception and prevention of repeated abortion
The multi professional staff of Family Counselling Bureau Health assistant Psychologist Gynaecologist Cultural mediator Interview, examination of histories, requests and resources. Taking in charge Gynaecologic visits, pregnancy status and certificate Appointment for examinations, intervention and post abortion control
The multi professional staff of Family Counselling Bureau Midwife Health assistant Nurse Psychologist Gynaecologist Paediatrician Cultural mediator Contraception and prevention of repeated abortion Care of family health and psychological problems
A girl The Family Counselling Bureau is the place where they give you a hand