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Do You Know about Abraham Lincoln ?

Do You Know about Abraham Lincoln ?. By: Threasa Haskett & Cherry Devore. STATE GOAL 16: Understand events, trends, individuals and movements shaping the history of Illinois, the United States and other nations. A. Apply the skills of historical analysis and interpretation.

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Do You Know about Abraham Lincoln ?

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  1. Do You Know aboutAbraham Lincoln? By: ThreasaHaskett & Cherry Devore

  2. STATE GOAL 16: Understand events, trends, individuals and movements shaping the history of Illinois, the United States and other nations. A. Apply the skills of historical analysis and interpretation. Early Elementary 16.A.1a Explain the difference between past, present and future time; place themselves in time. 16.A.1b Ask historical questions and seek out answers from historical sources (e.g., myths, biographies, stories, old photographs, artwork, other visual or electronic sources).

  3. As You Explore.. Get into your groupsor 4-5 students See if you can answer these questions: • What life was like for Abraham Lincoln as a boy • What the United States was like during the life of Abe Lincoln. • Discover where Abe Lincoln and Mary Todd were married. • Learn some little known facts about Lincoln

  4. As you Explore, Take Notes!After you are done you can write.. Essay #1 A one page essay about what you have learned about Lincoln’s life. Essay #2 Write a one page essay with this prompt: “If I were president of the United States, this is what I would want to change”

  5. Evaluation • Students also will need to show their ability to work as a group to collect data • Students will be evaluated on how in depth the questions presented are answeredin their essay • Students will choose to read one of their essays aloud to the class to share knowledge and applied knowledge

  6. CHALLENGE!After your search… • Go and Visit any Lincoln national sites. • Explore Google Earth and look at where Lincoln has lived and were he is buried

  7. Check out these books on our 16th President

  8. Explore History! What was life like for Abraham Lincoln as a boy?

  9. Did Abraham Lincoln Always live in Illinois? Answer: No, the Lincoln family lived on the Knob Creek Farm in Kentucky from the time Abraham was two and a half until he was almost eight years old. Abraham talked about many memories from his childhood here.

  10. What States did Lincoln live in?

  11. What did Abraham do as a child? • Chores: Lots of chores. He carried water from the stream back to his house. He had to chop lots of firewood. Work was hard for young Abe Lincoln. Do you have chores? School: Abe Lincoln didn’t get to go to school very often as a child and when he did he had to walk over 2 miles in good weather or in bad. Do you have to walk to school? Abraham didn’t have cell phones, video games, TV or electricity. Think about how different life was for Lincoln as a child compared to your life.

  12. Hear and learn more about Lincoln. Click on the link below. • Lincoln Video Clip

  13. Explore the United States With Abraham Lincoln • State with where he was born and ha moved during his childhood. • Then follow him through his career as a Lawyer and what made him want to be President. • Follow him through all the campanesto be President • Find out why he did things the way he did and who might of helped. • Find out what he did during the Black Hawk War and the Civil War.

  14. What was the United States like when Abraham Lincoln was President? • During the time when Lincoln was President there was much unrest in the states. This was due to the fact that the Confederate’s did not want to abolish slavery, Economic Divide Between the North and South, and the Election of President Abraham Lincoln. The seven Southern slave states decide to secede from the Union, the Federal administration, under the leadership of Lincoln termed it a rebellion. This irked the Southerners even more, and what followed was the brutal Civil War which lasted for four years and killed millions of soldiers from both the sides.

  15. Did you Know!!!!!! • That a little girl only 11 years old write a letter to Mr. Lincoln telling him he would look better with a beard. • Lincoln was the tallest President • Before Abraham Lincoln, there had never been a U.S. President with a beard. Since his presidency, four presidents have had full beards. • One little-known fun fact about Abraham Lincoln is that he had a dream predicting his own death. In his dream, he heard crying in the White House. When he asked the person who had died, he was told that it was the President. • He wear a Top Hat to keep all his papers in for when he was not home.

  16. Where was he married at? • Mary and Abe were married on the evening of November 4, 1842 in Springfield, Illinois in the parlor of the home of her sister, Elizabeth Edwards.

  17. Edwards Home Where Abe Lincoln and Mary Todd were married

  18. Websites to check out! • Read more at Buzzle: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/why-did-the-civil-war-start.html • http://www.2020site.org/fun-facts/Fun-Facts-About-Abraham-Lincoln.html

  19. CONGRATULATIONS! You have learned a lot of Abraham Lincoln! The learning doesn’t have to stop here though. Keep doing your research. There is a lot to be learned from History. One day it just may come in handy. You never know, maybe one day YOU will be president!

  20. Resources: • http://www.biography.com/people/abraham-lincoln-9382540?page=4 • http://www.apples4theteacher.com/holidays/presidents-day/abraham-lincoln/timeline.html • .biography.com/people/abraham-lincoln-9382540 • http://marriage.about.com/od/presidentialmarriages/a/abelincoln.htm

  21. More sites to explore: • http://www.lincolnlogcabin.org • http://www.nps.gov/abli/index.htm • http://www.nps.gov/nr/travel/presidents/lincoln_boyhood.html

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