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Spatial Methods in Econometrics. Daniela Gumprecht Department for Statistics and Mathematics, University of Economics and Business Administration, Vienna. Content. Spatial analysis – what for? Spatial data Spatial dependency and spatial autocorrelation Spatial models Spatial filtering
Spatial Methods in Econometrics Daniela Gumprecht Department for Statistics and Mathematics, University of Economics and Business Administration, Vienna
Content • Spatial analysis – what for? • Spatial data • Spatial dependency and spatial autocorrelation • Spatial models • Spatial filtering • Spatial estimation • R&D Spillovers
Spatial data – what for? • Exploitation of regional dependencies (information spillover) to improve statistical conclusions. • Techniques from geological and environmental sciences. • Growing number of applications in social and economic sciences (through the dispersion of GIS).
Spatial data • Spatial data contain attribute and locational information (georeferenced data) . • Spatial relationships are modelled with spatial weight matrices. • Spatial weight matrices measure similarities (e.g. neighbourhood matrices) or dissimilarities (distance matrices) between spatial objects.
Spatial dependency • “Spatial dependency is the extent to which the value of an attribute in one location depends on the values of the attribute in nearby locations.” (Fotheringham et al, 2002). • “Spatial autocorrelation (…) is the correlation among values of a single variable strictly attributable to the proximity of those values in geographic space (…).” (Griffith, 2003). • Spatial dependency is not necessarily restricted to geographic space
Spatial weight matrices • W = [wij], spatial link matrix. • wij = 0 if i = j • wij > 0 if i and j are spatially connected • If w*ij = wij / Σj wij,W* is called row-standardized • W can measure similarity (e.g. connectivity) or dissimilarity (distances). • Similarity and dissimilarity matrices are inversely related – the higher the connectivity, the smaller the distance.
Spatial stochastic processes • Spatial autoregressive (SAR) processes. • Spatial moving average (SMA) processes. • Spatial lag operator is a weighted average of random variables at neighbouring locations (spatial smoother): Wy W nn spatial weights matrix y n1 vector of observations on the random variable Elements W: non-stochastic and exogenous
SAR and SMA processes • Simultaneous SAR process: y = ρWy+ε = (I-ρW)-1ε • Spatial moving average process: y = λWε+ε = (I+λW)ε y centred variable I nn identity matrix ε i.i.d. zero mean error terms with common variance σ² ρ, λ autoregressive and moving average parameters, in most cases |ρ|<1.
SAR and SMA processes • Variance-covariance matrix for y is a function of two parameters, the noise variance σ² and the spatial coefficient, ρ or λ. • SAR structure: Ω(ρ) = Cov[y,y] = E[yy’] = σ²[(I-ρW)’(I-ρW)]-1 • SMA structure: Ω(λ) = Cov[y,y] = E[yy’] = σ²(I+ λW)(I+ λW)’
Spatial regression models • Spatial lag model: Spatial dependency as an additional regressor (lagged dependent variable Wy) y = ρWy+Xβ+ε • Spatial error model: Spatial dependency in the error structure (E[uiuj] ≠ 0) y = Xβ+u and u = ρWu+ε y = ρWy+Xβ-ρWXβ+u Spatial lag model with an additional set of spatially lagged exogenous variables WX.
Moran‘s I • Measure of spatial autocorrelation: I = e’(1/2)(W+W’)e / e’e e vector of OLS residuals • E[I] = tr(MW) / (n-k) • Var[I] = tr(MWMW’)+tr(MW)²+tr((MW))² / (n-k)(n-k+2)–[E(I)]² M = I-X(X’X)-1X’ projection matrix
Test for spatial autocorrelation • One-sided parametric hypotheses about the spatial autocorrelation level ρ H0: ρ ≤ 0 against H1: ρ > 0 for positive spatial autocorrelation. H0: ρ ≥0 against H1: ρ < 0 for negative spatial autocorrelation. • Inference for Moran’s I is usually based on a normal approximation, using a standardized z-value obtained from expressions for the mean and variance of the statistic. z(I) = (I-E[I])/√Var[I]
Spatial filtering • Idea: Separate regional interdependencies and use conventional statistical techniques that are based on the assumption of spatially uncorrelated errors for the filtered variables. • Spatial filtering method based on the local spatial autocorrelation statistic Gi by Getis and Ord (1992).
Spatial filtering • Gi(δ) statistic, originally developed as a diagnostic to reveal local spatial dependencies that are not properly captured by global measures as the Moran’s I, is the defining element of the first filtering device • Distance-weighted and normalized average of observations (x1, ..., xn) from a relevant variable x. Gi(δ) = Σjwij(δ)xj / Σjxj, i ≠ j • Standardized to corresponding approximately Normal (0,1) distributed z-scores zGi, directly comparable with well-known critical values.
Spatial filtering • Expected value of Gi(δ) (over all random permutations of the remaining n-1 observations) E[Gi(δ)] = Σjwij(δ) / (n-1) represents the realization at location i when no autocorrelation occurs. • Its ratio to the observed value indicates the local magnitude of spatial dependence. • Filter the observations by: xi* = xi[Σjwij(δ) / (n-1)] / Gi(δ)
Spatial filtering • (xi-xi*) purely spatial component of the observation. • xi* filtered or “spaceless” component of the observation. • If δ is chosen properly the zGi corresponding to the filtered values xi* will be insignificant. • Applying this filter to all variables in a regression model isolates the spatial correlation into (xi-xi*).
Spatial estimation • S2SLS (from Kelejian and Prucha, 1995). It consists of IV or GMM estimator of the auxiliary parameters: (ρ̃,σ̃²) = Arg min {[Γ(ρ,ρ²,σ²)-γ]’[Γ(ρ,ρ²,σ²)-γ]} with Ω̃=Ω(ρ̃,σ̃²) = σ̃²[I-W(ρ̃)]-1[I-W(ρ̃)’]-1 where ρ[-a,a], σ²[0,b] FGLS estimator: β̃FGLS = [X’Ω̃-1X]-1X’Ω̃-1y
R&D Spillovers • Theories of economic growth that treat commercially oriented innovation efforts as a major engine of technological progress and productivity growth (Romer 1990; Grossman and Helpman, 1991). • Coe and Helpman (1995): productivity of an economy depends on its own stock of knowledge as well as the stock of knowledge of its trade partners.
R&D Spillovers • Coe and Helpman (1995) used a panel dataset to study the extent to which a country’s productivity level depends on domestic and foreign stock of knowledge. • Cumulative spending for R&D of a country to measure the domestic stock of knowledge of this country. • Foreign stock of knowledge: import-weighted sum of cumulated R&D expenditures of the trade partners of the country.
R&D Spillovers • Panel dataset with 22 countries (21 OECD countries plus Israel) during the period from 1971 to 1990. • Variables total factor productivity (TFP), domestic R&D capital stock (DRD) and foreign R&D capital stock (FRD) are constructed as indices with basis 1985 (1985=1). • Panel data model with fixed effects.
R&D Spillovers • Model: logFit = it0+itdlogSitd+itflogSitf regional index i and temporal index t Fit total factor productivity (TFP) Sitd domestic R&D expenditures Sitf foreign R&D expenditures it0intercept (varies across countries) itd coefficient, corresponds to elasticity of TFP with respect to domestic R&D itf coefficient, corresponds to elasticity of TFP with respect to foreign R&D (itf)
R&D Spillovers • Assumption: variables R&D spending are spatially autocorrelated => no need to use separate variables for domestic and foreign R&D spendings. • Trade intensity: average of bilateral import shares between two countries = connectivity- or distance measure.
R&D Spillovers • The bilateral trade intensity between country i and j: w̃ij = (bij+bji)/2 w̃ij = 0 for i = j • bij are the bilateral import shares of country i from country j
R&D Spillovers • Distance between two countries: inverse connectivity 1 / w̃ij • The higher the connectivity the smaller the distance and vice versa. dij = w̃ij-1 for all i and j dii = 0 • Distance matrix D: symmetric nn matrix (231 distances for n = 22).
R&D Spillovers • Plot the distances between all countries. • Project all 231 distances from IR21 to IR2. • Minimize the sum of squared distances between the original points and the projected points: minx,yΣi(di-diP)2 xnx1, ynx1 coordinates of points di original distances diP distances in the projection space IR2
R&D Spillovers • C&H results: using a standard fixed effects panel regression they yielded logFit = it0+0,097 logSitd+0,0924 logSitf (10,6836)*** (5,8673)*** • Domestic and foreign R&D expenditures have a positive effect on total factor productivity of a country.
R&D Spillovers • Results using a dynamic random coefficients model: logFit = it0+0,3529 logSitd-0,085 logSitf (7,7946)*** (-1,1866) • Domestic R&D expenditures have a positive effect on total factor productivity of a country, foreign R&D spending have no effect.
R&D Spillovers • Spatial analysis: standard fixed effects model with a spatial lagged exogenous variable: • logFit = it0+0,0673 Sitd+0,1787 bijtSitd (4,1483)*** (8,2235)*** • Domestic and foreign R&D expenditures have a positive effect on total factor productivity of a country.
R&D Spillovers • Spatial analysis: dynamic random coefficients model with a spatially lagged exogenous variable: logFit = it0+0,1252 Sitd+0,1663 bijtSitd (2,2895)** (2,1853)** • Domestic and foreign R&D expenditures have a positive effect on total factor productivity of a country.
R&D Spillovers • Conclusion: • Different estimation techniques lead to different results • Still not clear whether foreign R&D spending have an influence on total factor productivity. • Further research needed