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Explore the groundbreaking work of Swiss-German doctor Franz Anton Mesmer and Austrian neurologist Sigmund Freud in the field of mental health. From mesmerism and Freud's complex theories to Maslow's hierarchy of needs and defense mechanisms, delve into the evolution of mental health understanding.
PIONEERS IN THE FIELD OF MENTAL HEALTH FRANZ ANTON MESMER 1734 - 1815 Mesmer a Swiss - German doctor he is associated with hypnotism, also know as the black art. Mesmerism = Hypnotism
Sigmond Freud 1856 - 1939 Austrian Neurologist Founding father of modern psychoanalyses (used the Black Art of Hypnotism)
FREUD'S COMPLEXSES OEDIPUS REX COMPLEX The positive sexual feelings of the child towards the parent of the opposite sex that may when unresolved Result in personality disorders. ELECTRA COMPLEX: Female
Oedipus Rex Electra and Orestes
ABRAHAM MASLOW (American Psychologist) Maslow developed: " The Hierarchy of Human Needs" Maslow Theorized: That if a need is not met and/or satisfied then depression, boredom, and other mental disorders may result. According to Maslow a person has Self-Actualized when they have developed a strong personality, can handle rejection, opposition, and other negative conditions.
THEORY v. sa v. LAW A Theory Test Hypothesis Evaluate Results Hypothesis Supports Disproves Process Data Interpret Data
SELF- ACTUALIZATION Order/Symmetry Beauty/Aesthetic COGNITIVE: To Know, To Explore, To Understand ESTEEM: Self-Esteem To achieve, To Gain Approval TO BELONG: To be Loved, and To Love SAFETY: Safe, Secure, Out of Danger PHYSICAL: Food, Clothing, Shelter
IVAN PAVLOV A Russian Psychologist 1849 - 1936 Pavlov conducted experiments with a dog's association with the ringing of a bell and food appearing. He conditioned the dog to associate the ringing of the bell with food causing the dog to salavate by the sound of the bell. Stimulus = Response Bell = Saliva
B. F. Skinner1904 -1990‘The consequence of behavior determines the probability that the behavior will occur again” • Dr. Skinner was a behaviorist who built his work on the conditioned responses of Ivan Pavlov. • He maintained that learning is a result of an organism responding to and/or operating on its environment and coined the term “operant conditioning”. • He designed an “Air-crib” to take care of infants needs and the “Skinner box” for animal experiments designed to study the effects of external stimuli.
PYGMALION A King of Cyprus and celebrated sculptor He had an aversion to woman and vowed never to marry. He carved a beautiful marble statue of a woman.
Cupid: Enter in and Pygmalion fell in love with his creation.
He prayed to aphrodite; who gave it life. He married his creation. PYGMALION PSYCOLOGY "If enough people believe it is true, (even if not true), then it becomes so!"
Before The Ball You Did It
DEFENSE MECHANISM DENIAL: A refusal to accept reality. RATIONALIZATION: An attempt to justify one's action and/or behavior rather than admitting one's mistake or failure. COMPENSATION: An attempt to make up for a deficiencies in one area by successes in another area.
DEFENSE MECHANISM CONTINUED IDENTIFICATION: Acting like and/or modeling one's behavior after a person one likes, respects, or looks up to. SUBLIMATION: Transforming an unacceptable behavior into an acceptable one. DISPLACEMENT: Expressing feelings towards someone and/or something not associated with the source of the feelings. PROJECTION: An attempt to project one's self-esteem by blaming unpleasant feelings or inappropriate actions on others.
DEFENSE MECHANISM CONTINUED ESCAPE "Running away from a problem" NOTA BENE: The following are methods of escape: REPRESSION: The unconscious method of escaping something unpleasent. SUPRESSION: The conscious method of blocking, (escaping), something unpleasent. REGRESSION: Retreating to an earlier time that seems less threatening and requires less responsibility. CONVERSION: Converting a mental problem into a physical one. Psycho (Mind) = Somatic (Body)
PERSONALITY To students of behavior your personality is the total you: your looks, attitudes, beliefs, values, experiences, your acting and re-acting to the world around you. Heredity plays a major part in our personality development. We recieve our basic traits from our parents and relatives. It may also influence our emotions and behavior.
PERSONALITY CONTINUED Our enviroment, (surroundings), i.e. family, location, and experiences are major influences in personality development. An atmosphere of physical/verbal abuse, rejection, and/or other negative conditions can establish a disfunctional personality.
MENTAL ILLNESS Mental illness is a medical disease and/or disorder that affects the mind and prevents the person from leading a happy, healthful life. Organic mental disorders are caused by a physical illness or injury to the brain i.e. brain tumors, stroke, alcoholism, infection (syphilis and meningitis). Functional mental disorders occur as a result of psycological causes in which there is no physical damage involved.
MENTAL ILLNESSES NEUROSIS PSYCHOSIS A Neurosis is a mental and emotional disorder which is accompanied by various bodily and mental disturbances. High levels of worry, fear, anxieties, and/or phobias. A Psychosis is a serious mental illness characterized by defective or loss of contact with reality. (People with Psychosis are legally insane)
ANXIETY DISORDERS (Even when there is no danger the fear of danger is still real to the person) Hydrophobia Arachnophobia Claustrophobia Acrophobia
POST -TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER Is a condition where a person has experienced A traumatic event and feels severe and long – lasting after effects. Symptoms may included dreams of the event, feelings of guilt, or an extreme reaction to a image or a sound that reminds them of the event.
SOMATOFORM DISORDERS (Psycho "Mind" - Soma "Body") A Somatoform disorder describes a condition in which a person complains of disease symptoms, but no physical causes can be found. Hypochondria is a somatoform disorder where a person has a preoccupation with the body and a fear of a presumed disease.
AFFECTIVE DISORDERS (Are moods that interfere with everday living) CLINICAL DEPRESSION Is a long lasting feeling of sadness or hopelessness which interferes with daily activities and interests. MANIC-DEPRESSION Is a disorder that involves two phases a manic phase, periods of wild elation, followed by a depressed phase, long periods of depression and dispondency.
POSTPARTUM DEPRESSION Postpartum Depression is depression that occurs soon after having a baby. Some mental health professionals call it Postpartum Non-Psychotic Depression. • Symptoms: Depressed mood, tearfulness, trouble sleeping • May interfere with a woman’s ability to care for her baby • Risk Factors: psychosocial stress, inadequate social support • Postpartum Depression may interfere with a woman’s Ability to care for her baby.
PERSONALITY DISORDERS ANTISOCIAL PERSONALITY DISORDERS Are those which are characterized by a person in constant conflict with society. Demonstrates behavioral traits that may be cruel, uncaring, irresponsible, and aggressive. PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE DISORDERS A personality disorder which is uncooperative with others i.e. may forget to show up or come late to a scheduled event.
PERSONALITY DISORDERS CONTINUED SCHZOPHRENIA (A PYSCHOSIS) Schizophrenia is a mental disorder which means split or shattered mind. A schizophrenic may exhibit abnormal emotional responses or no response at all. Some lose their sense of time and space while others withdraw, talk to themselves, act oddly, or neglect to care for themselves.
PARANOID A paranoid person might experience delusions of grandeur or of persecution.
OUR EMOTIONS HATE ANGER ENVY(JEALOUSY) REVENGE LIKE LOVE ADMIRE TRUSTING FAITH FEAR It is what you do with the feeling that counts!!! Good v-sa-v Bad??????
INFLUENCES ON OUR EMOTIONS Physical health Hormone Secretions Values Family-Friends Environment (Home-Community)
SUICIDE "A cry for help!!!!" WARNING SIGNS Depression Change in sleep habits Increase or decrease in appetite Loss of interest in sports, school, etc. Personality changes i.e. withdrawal Drop in and/or a concern for grades Giving away possessions Increase in risk taking Prior attempts and/or frequent accidents Loss of a love one i.e. divorce or death Abusing drugs and alcohol Difficulties with parents, school, employment and the law Low Self-esteem
HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS PSYCHIATRIST: A medical doctor who deals with the mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders of the mind. NEUROLOGIST: A medical doctor who specializes in disorders of the brain and nervous system. CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST: A psychologist who specializes in the abnormal human behavior in a clinical setting. They can practice psychotherapy, group therapy, and individual counseling. EDUCATIONAL COUNSELOR: An education and/or a school counselor who helps students with personal and/or school problems.
HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS CONTINUED PASTORAL COUNSELOR: The clergy, (ministers, priest, rabbis), they help people within the context of mental and social problems. SOCIAL WORKER: They provide a link between the medical service center, the client, and his or her family. OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST: Evaluates a person’s abilities in light of their emotional or physical handicap. BEHAVIORAL THERAPIST: They help patients to change their habits/addictions i.e. smoking, drinking, drugs, etc.
1972 Presidential race Senator George S. McGovern Senator Thomas Eagleton