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Preparing a Training Plan for an Archaeological Organisation

Preparing a Training Plan for an Archaeological Organisation. CPD Logs, PDPs and Training Plans IfA Conference, University of Reading,13 & 14 April 2011 . Kenneth Aitchison Executive Director Landward Research Ltd. What is a skills audit?.

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Preparing a Training Plan for an Archaeological Organisation

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  1. Preparing a Training Plan for an Archaeological Organisation CPD Logs, PDPs and Training Plans IfA Conference, University of Reading,13 & 14 April 2011 Kenneth Aitchison Executive Director Landward Research Ltd

  2. What is a skills audit? to determine the role(s) performed by individual staff, work groups or programs, to identify the gap between the knowledge and skills they currently have and what they need to do their job competently, to plan how to work with staff in their personal development in order to fill those gaps

  3. Why undertake a skills audit? to improve competitiveness, to support organisational planning, to retain and attract staff, to meet external quality requirements

  4. Labour Market Intelligence: Profiling the Profession 2007-08 Do you identify training needs for individuals? 93% YES 7% NO 0% D/K image: MoLAS

  5. Labour Market Intelligence: Profiling the Profession 2007-08 Do you identify training needs for the organisation as a whole? 76% YES 20% NO 4% D/K image: MoLAS

  6. Labour Market Intelligence: Profiling the Profession 2007-08 Does your organisation have a training budget? 70% YES 28% NO 2% D/K image: MoLAS

  7. Labour Market Intelligence: Profiling the Profession 2007-08 Do you formally evaluate the impact of training on individuals? 48% YES 47% NO 4% D/K image: MoLAS

  8. Labour Market Intelligence: Profiling the Profession 2007-08 Do you formally evaluate the impact of training on the organisation? 28% YES 61% NO 11% D/K image: MoLAS

  9. Employer Commitments IfA Registered Archaeological Organisations Annual Form: asks precisely the questions from LMI, plus: Do you conduct personal development performance (appraisal) reviews for all staff? If not, state how you ensure that your staff are adequately trained. What was the average number of training days for each member of staff last year? <5triggers query or recommendation image: MoLAS

  10. Skills NEEDS Analysis • Review the organisation to list skills: • we must have • that would improve performance • Based on business plan: • work that is core • other work that is important • future plans and aspirations • Based on National Occupational Standards (NOS)

  11. Skills AUDIT • Identify the skills that individual members of staff can demonstrate: • that we must have • that would improve performance • that might be useful in the future • Undertaken by small teams: • detail levels of competence • staff and director skills capabilities • Based on NOS

  12. Development TARGETS Cross-reference skills needs analysis against skills audit to compile list of skills to develop Compare results with existing staff person specs

  13. Annual Performance REVIEWS Individual targets combine both individual and organisational objectives

  14. Development PLAN Plan for the year generated from development targets Allocation of resources on the basis of organisational development targets, taking into account individuals’ learning and development targets

  15. Potential Problems • Process takes time • use flexible and opportunistic approaches • Staff fear that the skills audit is going to affect their employment status • explain process and purpose in detail at group meetings • allow potential for confidentiality • involve trade union representative image: MoLAS

  16. Key Addresses The National Occupational Standards in Archaeological Practice www.archaeologyskills.com The Foundations Archaeology case study http://www.archaeologists.net/sites/default/files/node-files/ifa_nos_foundations.pdf The IFA CPD page http://www.archaeologists.net/development/cpd This presentation http://www.landward.eu/preparing-a-training-plan-for-an-archaeological-organisation.html

  17. kenneth.aitchison@landward.eu

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