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E XPECTATIONS. What three major world powers followed after the exile and into Jesus’ time ? Above picture used courtesy of the British Museum. M ESSIAH and the 4 P’s. The Book of Acts - Luke’s Second Volume Fire Giuseppe Arcimboldo , 1566. P ENTECOST and the Book of Acts.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. EXPECTATIONS What three major world powers followed after the exile and into Jesus’ time? Above picture used courtesy of the British Museum

  2. MESSIAHand the 4 P’s

  3. The Book of Acts - Luke’s Second VolumeFireGiuseppe Arcimboldo,1566

  4. PENTECOSTand the Book of Acts • Acts is a playing out of the great event of Christ’s pouring out the Holy Spirit • This is the part of the Bible from which we follow

  5. S.O.A.R.ing with Acts speeches • Survey: Read the listed sermons • Observe: What are the common elements? What do these speeches not share in common? • Analyze: Why do the common elements keep coming up? • Respond: • How have these elements been important in your life in the past or present? • Name a friend, co-worker or family member and how these elements could be relevant to their own life. What would be an appropriate way to bring it up with them?

  6. Nations at PentecostPentecost attracted Jews from all over the world to Jerusalem to celebrate the annual festival. Those who heard the apostles’ message in their native languages at Pentecost came from various regions within the two great competing empires of the day—the Roman Empire and the Parthian Empire—with Jerusalem near the center

  7. South of the Triple Gate to the Temple, a very large mikveh (ritual bath) was found, unique in its size and design.  Stairs descend to the water on all four sides.  Its proximity to the Temple Mount suggests that it may simply have served a larger number of pilgrims.

  8. Geography of Acts

  9. Stoa of Attulus The two-tiered covered colonnade was a gift to the city by the king of Pergamum, Attalus II (159-138 BC).The stoa was restored in 1956.

  10. Repeated Accounts in Acts • Pentecost • Conversion of Gentiles • Paul’s Conversion

  11. Peter’s visit to Cornelius

  12. PhilistinesJean-Michel Basquait, 1982

  13. The Conversion of St. PaulCaravaggio,1600

  14. ??? Question ??? • Why are these events important enough to be repeated? • How do these events connect to larger themes in Acts? • How do these events connect to larger themes in the Bible? • CASKET EMPTY • 4 P’s • How do the effects of these events continue down into the present day?

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