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IMMIGRATION. ROME VS. UNITED STATES. Why did Rome collapse?. Too many emperors in a short amount of time Lost control of the people Their army was stretched too thin because of their vast empire Had to raise taxes to get more money which made people unhappy.

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  2. Why did Rome collapse? • Too many emperors in a short amount of time • Lost control of the people • Their army was stretched too thin because of their vast empire • Had to raise taxes to get more money which made people unhappy

  3. How is America handling Immigration?

  4. Positives • Background checks weed out bad people • It expands the cultural diversity of the United States • Gives people the opportunity for a better life • New immigrants help the economy by opening businesses and spending money

  5. Negatives • The whole process to get in takes a long time • Because the process has faults people sneak in • These illegal immigrants hurt the economy by taking away jobs and not paying taxes • The government is focusing more time on illegal immigrants than what is causing grief to Americans

  6. What Immigrants Do • Millions of people have migrated to the U.S. by land, sea, + air • Unskilled immigrants take the jobs from the high school students who need those jobs to start their life in the career world • Immigrants are willing to work for low wages that Americans won’t work for

  7. Rome and the Conquered Lands

  8. Roman Border Control • Treated their defeated enemies with justice • Conquered peoples had to acknowledge Roman leadership, pay taxes and supply soldiers • In return Rome would let them keep their own customs, money and local government • As trade and travel increased, local people picked up Latin, adopted the many Roman customs and beliefs • Italy began to unite under Roman power

  9. Effects of Expansion • Wealthy grew wealthier, poor grew poorer • Slave labor hurt small farmers • Those farmers flocked to Rome in search of jobs • This caused the gap between rich and poor to widen and mobs formed with angry people.

  10. Effects of Immigration in America • Many go homeless or feed off our country’s welfare health benefits and education • This costs America 11 to 20 billion dollars • When immigrants pay less, citizens pay more

  11. Timeline of Immigration in the U.S. • 1821-1830: 143,439 immigrants arrive • 1831-1840: 599,125 immigrants arrive • 1841-1850: 1,713,251 immigrants arrive • 1851-1860: 2,598,214 immigrants arrive • 1861-1870: 2,314,825 immigrants arrive • 1871-1880: 2,812,191 immigrants arrive • 1881-1890: 5,246,613 immigrants arrive • 1881-1885: 1 million Germans arrive in the peak of German immigrations • 1881-1920: 2 million eastern European Jews immigrate • 1891-1900: 3,687,564 immigrants arrive • 1901-1910: 8,795,386 immigrants arrive • 1910-1920: 2 millions arrive in the peak of Italian immigration • 1911-1920: 5,735,811 immigrants arrive • 1921-1930: 4,107,209 immigrants arrive • 1931-1940: 532,431 immigrants arrive

  12. Are We Following Rome’s Footsteps? • The Roman Empire, like America had much land to rule • America is facing problems such as illegal immigrants today also like the Romans • Many worry that the invasion of the Visigoths that caused the collapse of Rome will have the same effect on America

  13. Background of Rome’s Fall • There were several groups of barbarians during Roman rule • One group was called the Visigoths • The Visigoths were a part of the Germanic tribes that invaded the Roman Empire • They are believed to cause the Roman’s fall

  14. Conclusion • Today’s U.S. and ancient Rome all felt the same effects of growing diverse population • U.S. has increasing number of people coming in while Rome had increasing number of land with people already settled • If America tries to gain land on top of its booming immigration rates, the possibility of a decline mirroring Rome’s could be in our future

  15. Works Cited • Behreandt, Dennis. "How immigration destroyed Rome. Oxford historian Peter Heather has reexamined the fall of Rome. His new book, The Fall of the Roman Empire, holds many lessons for today" The Free Library 06 February 2006. 21 Mar. 2009 <http://www.thefreelibrary.com/How immigration destroyed Rome. Oxford historian Peter Heather has...-a0141907543 • Boehlert, Eric. "Buchanan Likened Illegal Immigrants to "Goths" who ravaged Ancient Rome Foreshadowing "How America Ends." Media Matters For America. 25 Aug. 2006. . 24 Mar. 2009. <http://mediamatters.org/items/200608250009>. • Camarota, Steven. "Does Immigration Harm the Poor?" The Public Interest. Fall 1998. Center for Immigration Studies. 25 March 2009 http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http://www.cis.org%2Farticles%2F1998%2FsacPublicInterest.html • Esler, Anthony. World History Connections to Today. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, 1997. • Fellows, James. "Immigration; How it’s Affecting Us." November. 1983. The Atlantic Online. 26 March 2009 http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http://www.theatlantic.com%2Fpolitics%2Fimmigrat%2Ffallowf.htm%23language. • "Key Dates and Landmarks in United States Immigration History." Immigration to the US, 1789-1930. 17 October 2008. Harvard University Library. 25 March 2009 http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http://%3Chttp%3A%2F%2Focp.hul.harvard.edu%2Fimmigration%2Fdates.html%3E. • Murphy, Cullen. "Roman Empire: Gold Standard of Immigration." Los Angeles Times. 16 Jun. 2007. ESPN. 21 Mar. 2009 <http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/la-oe-murphy16jun16,0,7065340.story?coll=la-opinion-rightrail>. • For Pictures- we used Google Images: http://images.google.com/imghp?hl=en&tab=wi

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