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NI-DO, d.o.o.

Halal Business center. NI-DO, d.o.o. BELGRADE. Introduction: Halal market is growing. Halal market has been growing rapidly in the recent years In the near future Halal products will represent up to 20% of the world ‘s food trade Halal products are seen as safe products

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NI-DO, d.o.o.

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  1. Halal Business center NI-DO, d.o.o. BELGRADE
  2. Introduction: Halal market is growing... Halal market hasbeengrowingrapidly in therecentyears In thenearfutureHalalproductswillrepresent up to 20% oftheworld‘s foodtrade Halalproducts are seen as safeproducts Halal market makesaround 573 $ billionannually There is a hugedemandforhalalproductsalso in non-muslimcountries Thenumberofmuslimsinnon-muslim: India (140 million), China (40 million), USA (8 million), Phillipines (6 million), France(6 million), Germany (3 million), Great Britain (1,5 million), Canada (800 thousand) Non-muslimsconsumehalalproducts as wellbecausetheyconsiderthemhealthyandofgoodquality
  3. Halal market is growing...
  4. The tradition of food processing in Serbia: Advantagesand opportunities for the production and supply of raw material of high quality Favorable geographical position and good road network with Europe, Middle East and North Africa A wide network of trade agreements concerning free market Outstanding quality of water European Halal market is estimated at 67$ billion a year The number of inhabitants of muslim origin is at 88,794 million* * Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/4385768.stm
  5. SERBIA InheartofEurope... B&H
  6. HalalBusinesscenterinBelgrade ThefirstHalalbusinesscenter in Europe with a productionwithaddedvalue StrategicallylocatedinBelgrade’s industrial zone Equipmentandservices in theHalal center Equipment for clean and durable production Center forresearchanddevelopment Trade center Sharedstorehouse Hotel Prayerroom Additional production and improved services
  7. Ground plan of the center Halal Surface from 200.000 m2
  8. The future appearance of the Halal business center
  9. Close to the roads, a railroad and an airport Locatednextto: A highway (Belgrade- Zagreb) TherailroadBelgrade InternationalairportBelgrade, PortRijeka, Ploče, Bar
  10. Monitoring
  11. Halal certification Cooperationwiththeagencyforcertificationofhalalquality in BosniaandHerzegovina, whichwasfounded in 2006 bytheislamiccommunity Theagencyissueshalalcertificates, halallogotypes , it is responsibleforthesurveillanceoftheprocessofproduction in companieswiththehalal standard. Theagenyissuescertificates in BiH, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedoniaand Slovenia. Official Halal logo used on certified products
  12. Support of the ageny for the halal certification Business partner S E R B I A Governmental supprot NIDO D.O.O.(proprietor of the zone)
  13. Vision To becometheeuropeancenterofhalalproducts. To offerlong-termfunctionalandcompetitivepreservationofthehalalcontent.
  14. Goals Offerinvestors a remarkableopportunityforcapitalisation, which is based on anincreaseddemandforthehalalproducts on theeuropean market. To beleadinginsatisfyingthemarket’s needs. To developbusinessmanagementbased on thehalaleticalprinciplesofhalalinSerbia. To buildqualitystandards for theinternationalhalalindustry To be a catalyst for otherhalalcentersinthecountryandtheregion. To improvepeople’s socialandeconomicconditionsinSerbiabycreatingbusinessopportunitiesandnewpostsandthusimprovingthequalityand standard ofliving for peopleinSerbia.
  15. Advantages One stop industrial zone: Cheaperinfrastructure, QuickerproceeduresofapprovalofthecertificateHalalanditsusage, Provided supply of highquality raw material Qualifiedmanpower, Strongislamicandbusinesstradition, Concentrationofcomplementaryindustries, Favourablegeographicalposition, Attractive priceforland, Employment with the state subsidizing.
  16. Surface of constructed parts and buildings
  17. NI-DO, d.o.o. Thank you for your attention. NI-DO,d.o.o. Address:Beloruska ulica 7, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia Tel:+38659366210 Fax: +386 59 366 211 Email: info@nido.si Web: www.nido.si
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