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Technology in the Renaissance

Technology in the Renaissance. By Mike, Daniel, Moosa , Alex, Cameron. Historical Context. Religion supressed scientific thinking Fall of R ome led to declined scientific knowledge De-urbanization Black Plague struck, left profound impact on population

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Technology in the Renaissance

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  1. Technology in the Renaissance By Mike, Daniel, Moosa, Alex, Cameron

  2. Historical Context • Religion supressed scientific thinking • Fall of Rome led to declined scientific knowledge • De-urbanization • Black Plague struck, left profound impact on population • Mindset of population began to change • Birth of medieval universities • Texts translated into Latin to be studied • Individualism and Humanism began to flourish

  3. Ships and Trade (Pre-Renaissance) • Ships pre-renaissance couldn’t sail very far from land • Trade mostly restricted to land, took much longer by sea • Ships not very advanced • Trade began to increase greatly due to Crusades • Money gained from Crusades reinvested into trade industry • Due to growth in trade and money earned, Italian states able to financially survive effects of Black Plague

  4. Ship Building • After Black Plague, trade began to rise again • People began to have more and more money • Society began focusing on scientific growth • Advances in science led to advances in ship technology • Ships were made: • Faster • Stronger • Larger (able to carry more)

  5. Ships and Trade(During Renaissance) • Advancements furthered trade significantly, allowed for trading with farther away places • Wool trade started • Due to large amounts of profit, Italian states allowed to grow and change even more • Cities began to be run by aristocratic merchants, growing trade industry further • Trade industry, because of ship building, funded the Renaissance

  6. Clocks and Time Keeping (pre-Renaissance) • Tools were crude and unreliable • Hour glasses • Sundials • Basic day breaks • Most accurate “water clocks” • measured in flow and out flow of water • Still inaccurate

  7. Clocks • Refined to be more accurate • At first just series of bells to tell the hours • Alert the towns people of hours • Work • Prayer • Used a system of weights • Clock towers wide spread in 15th century • Now used dial and face method

  8. Clocks • Galileo created pendulum 15th century (cut down on inaccuracy by 15 min) • Peter Henlein spring-driven clocks immerged 15th century(smaller lighter) • ChristiaanHygens created pendulum clock • Based ideas of Galileo’s ideas

  9. Printed Word • Used the Chinese method of wooden block printing until 1451 • Several causes for the creation of the press: • Rag paper • Block printing • Oil-based inks • The Black Plague

  10. Printed Word • Around middle of 1500s, Europe switched to more durable paper • Made paper much cheaper and easier to acquire • Changed life during Renaissance • Governments switched to print

  11. Printed Word • Wider literate reading public • More books of secular nature • Scientists shared results with each other • Church could no longer censor what was written

  12. Scientific Advancements • Many innovations happened during the such as astronomical • Galileo observed a supernova of 1604 • Galileo built his own telescope when the lens was invented in 1609 • Nicolaus Copernicus was the first to discover the earth revolved around the sun

  13. Scientific Advancements 2. Chemistry & Medical • Some believed in alchemy, being able to transmute items and others into gold • Paracelsus a well known for his attempts at alchemy but also known as the father of toxicology , also made great advancements in the field of technology • Antonio Benivieni, known for his work in autopsy and pathology

  14. Scientific Advancements 3. Mechanical • Leonardo Da Vinci made great strands in mechanical engineering • Known for the making and conceptualism of hydraulics, canal system, locks, bridges, weaponry

  15. How did Technology Impact Renaissance society? • Created more jobs • More skilled labour • Booming economy • Let people control their lives • Life become more scheduled • More people became educated • New ways of spreading ideas • Critical for urbanization • Medical advancments

  16. A Break from the Past • Unlike medieval times • Placed value on Greek texts • New age in economic developments • Urbanization to a larger scale • Led to Scientific Revolution

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