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Using Galileo in the Elementary Classroom to Promote Information Literacy. Christi Lenz University of West Georgia MEDT 7461. Read Me First.
Using Galileo in the Elementary Classroom to Promote Information Literacy Christi Lenz University of West Georgia MEDT 7461
Read Me First Rational: This module has been created for elementary teachers in grades K-5. The purpose of this module is to introduce teachers to Galileo for Kids so they can use it as a tool for promoting information literacy in the elementary school setting. Goals: The goal of this module is to introduce teachers to all of the resources available to them and their students through Galileo for Kids and demonstrate how it can build information literacy in their classroom. Objectives: • To introduce teachers to all of the resources available to them and their students through Galileo for Kids. • To demonstrate to teachers how Galileo for Kids can provide resources that correlate to the GPS. • To demonstrate to the teachers how Galileo for Kids meets the Standards for the 21 Century Learner and NETS. • To demonstrate to the teacher how students can benefit from using the resources available to them through Galileo for Kids. • To demonstrate to the teacher how Galileo for Kids can be used to help build a collaborative unit with the SLMS.
Guiding Questions • What resources are available to classroom teachers through Galileo for Kids? • What resources are available for elementary students through Galileo for Kids? • How can Galileo for Kids help promote information literacy school wide? • How can Galileo for Kids be used as a tool for the classroom teacher and the SLMS to build collaborative units/lesson?
What is Galileo GALILEO stands for GeorgiALIbrary LEarning Online. It is an Initiative of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia. GALILEO is a World Wide Web-based virtual library. It provides access to multiple information resources, including secured access to licensed products. Participating institutions may access over 100 databases and other resources including encyclopedias, business directories, and government publications. The community of more than 2000 GALILEO institutions includes the University System of Georgia, K-12 schools, public libraries, the adult technical institutes and colleges, and a group of private academic colleges and universities. GALILEO provides resources for the youngest learners in kindergarten all the way up to college and professional level resources.
Kids Search • Kids Search is EBSCO's interface designed for students in grades K through 5. Kids Search provides elementary school students with an easy-to-use, graphically-appealing interface they can use to search their EBSCO databases. Kids Search also has a teacher resource section that helps teachers to correlate information found in the database with lesson plans. • Databases included in Kids Search are as follows: • Book Collection: Nonfiction • EBSCO Animals • EBSCO Images • History Reference Center • Middle Search Plus • Newspaper Source • Primary Search • TOPICsearch Click here to view the Galileo presentation for Kids Search
Britannica Online • Britannica for Kids includes both the Britannica Elementary Encyclopedia and Compton's by Britannica geared to middle school students behind an interface designed for the younger public library audience. Britannica for kids also includes a teacher resource page which includes supporting lesson plans that correlate with the Georgia Performance Standards. • Features of Britannica for Kids include: • Video, animation, and audio clips • Help on writing research papers, book reviews, science reports, and oral presentations • Biography Browse • Discover America, statistics and summary information for each state • Learning Materials, interactive exercises and study guides • Workspace for organizing research projects • Spell checker Click here to view Galileo's guided tour of Britannica Online
Digital Library of Georgia Galileo for Kids has a link to The Digital Library of Georgia. Although this site is not specifically set up for K-5 students it is a rich source of historical information and has a nice section of Educators Resources. The Digital Library of Georgia is a gateway to Georgia's history and culture found in digitized books, manuscripts, photographs, government documents, newspapers, maps, audio, video, and other resources. The Digital Library of Georgia connects users to a million digital objects in more than 200 collections from 60 institutions and 100 government agencies. Though this represents only a fraction of Georgia's cultural treasures, the Digital Library of Georgia continues to grow through its partnerships with libraries, archives, museums, government agencies, and allied organizations across the state. Click here to visit The Digital Library of Georgia
Kids.gov • Galileo for Kids has a link to Kids.gov which is the official kids’ portal to the U.S. government. With links to over 1,200 web pages from educational organizations, schools, and government agencies, it’s geared to the learning levels and interests of girls and boys in grades K-5 and 6-8. Many of the sites and activities on Kids.gov provide lesson plans and classroom activities for teachers. The “Free for Teachers” page also has free publications, colorful posters, and practical lesson plans. • Hot Topics on this site include: • Activities and Games • Government • American History • Social Studies • Careers • State websites • Your Rights • Branches of government • Exercise and Fitness Click here to visit Kids.gov
Galileo and the Standards for the 21st Century Learner • The standards adopted in 2008 by the American Association for School Libraries describe how learners use skills, resources, and tools to • inquire, think critically, and gain knowledge; • draw conclusions, make informed decisions, apply knowledge to new situations, and create new knowledge; • share knowledge and participate ethically and productively as members of our democratic society; • pursue personal and aesthetic growth. Galileo helps support the Standards for the 21st Century learner by providing equitable access to information in an environment that is safe and conducive to learning for all students in the state of Georgia. Galileo for kids encourages students to inquire new knowledge and become independent learners. Click here for more information about the Standards for the 21st Century Learner.
Galileo and the National Education Technology Standards The International Society for Technology in Education has developed the National Education Technology Standards to guide administrators, teachers and students in navigating the growing world of technology and becoming more literate in the world of information. Galileo helps administrators and teachers infuse their teaching with technology and information that is relevant to the Georgia Performance Standards. Galileo for Kids help students to access the information they need to gain skills and knowledge to increase their level of information literacy. NETS•Students: The skills and knowledge students need to learn effectively and live productively in a digital world. NETS•Teachers: The skills and knowledge educators need to change the way they teach, the way they work, and the way they learn in an increasingly connected global and digital society. NETS•Administrators: The skills and knowledge school administrators and leaders need to lead and sustain a culture that supports digital-age learning, builds a vision for technology infusion, and transforms the instructional landscape. Click here for more information about NETS.
Using Galileo to build information literacy in your classroom Information literacy forms the basis for lifelong learning. It is common to all disciplines, to all learning environments, and to all levels of education. It enables learners to master content and extend their investigations, become more self-directed, and assume greater control over their own learning. An information literate individual is able to: • Determine the extent of information needed • Access the needed information effectively and efficiently • Evaluate information and its sources critically • Incorporate selected information into one’s knowledge base • Use information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose • Understand the economic, legal, and social issues surrounding the use of information, and access and use information ethically and legally By using Galileo for Kids in your classroom you are teaching students the beginning step of building information literacy. As your students grow and mature Galileo resources will grow with them and support them in life long learning through each grade level all the way up through college and beyond.
Using Galileo to teach a collaborative lesson with your SLMS • Bats, Research Project • Appropriate Grade levels: The standards pulled for this lesson are based on the first grade GPS, but this lesson would be appropriate up through third grade. • Required time: 2-3, 45 minute class periods • Collaborative Potential: This unit is intended to be co-taught by the classroom teacher and the media specialist. Parts of this lesson might take place in the classroom, media center or computer lab. • Content Topic: Bats, inquiry, research • Overview: The goal of this lesson plan is for the students to learn to use Galileo for kids as a method of research and inquiry as we learn about bats. This lesson will start with a story from the first grade reading curriculum, “Stelleluna” by Janell Cannon. The students will begin a KWL chart and use Galileo for Kids/Britannica Online to complete the chart. The students will then complete an interactive lesson from Britannica Online, “Let’s Go Bats” and complete the “What’s Special About the text” worksheet to check for understanding. • Procedures: • The classroom teacher will read “Stellaluna” by Janell Cannon to the students. • The students will complete the first two portions of KWL chart about bats. • The students will go to the computer lab or use lap tops, the classroom teacher and media specialist will guide the students in accessing Galileo for Kids/Britannic Online to complete a search about bats. As they explore on Galileo for Kids they will finish the last section of the KWL chart. • The students will then complete an interactive lesson on the computers using Galileo for Kids/Britannica Online titled “Let’s Go Bats”. • Assessment: At the end of the online lesson they will complete the online quiz and then complete the worksheet provided by Galileo titled, “What’s Special about the text”.
Standards for Bats, Research Project • Georgia Performance Standards: • ELA1R6. - Comprehension: The student uses a variety of strategies to understand and gain meaning from grade-level text. The student • ELA1W3.f.- Begins to use a variety of resources (picture dictionaries, Internet, books) and strategies to gather information to write about a topic. • S1L1. - Students will investigate the characteristics and basic needs of plants and • animals. • AASL Standards for the 21st century Learner • 2.1.1 Continue an inquiry based research process by applying critical thinking skills (analysis, synthesis, evaluation, organization) to information and knowledge in order to construct new understandings, draw conclusions, and create new knowledge. • 2.1.2 Organize knowledge so that it is useful. • 2.1.4 Use technology and other information tools to analyze and organize information. • NETS for Students • Communication and Collaboration: Students use digital media and environments to collaborate, communicate and interact with other students, teachers and professionals. • Research and Information Fluency: Students apply digital tools to plan, organize and gather information, in order to be able to inquire, analyze, organize and evaluate information. • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving and Decision Making: Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources. • Digital Citizenship: Students demonstrate personal development to be lifelong learners because they are aware of the human, cultural and social issues related to technology and they practice ethical and legal digital behavior. • Technology Operations and Concepts: Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts.
Practice Tasks For our practice session we will complete a scavenger hunt that Galileo designed to help K-5 teachers become more familiar with the resources available to them through Galileo for Kids. Before you begin check with your media specialist to make sure you have the most recent password to access Galileo for Kids. Click here to print the scavenger hunt directions. Click here to login in to Galileo.
Evaluation & In-service Credit Evaluation In order to evaluate the instructional effectiveness and overall value of this module please complete the survey by clicking on the link below. Click here to begin the survey. In-service Credit With prior approval from an administrator, participation in this professional development opportunity is worth one hour of PLU credit. Please complete the school system in-service survey provided by your administrator and return it to central office to receive credit for completing this module.
Helpful Web Sites The Digital Library of Georgia http://dlg.galileo.usg.edu/?Welcome Galileo Login http://www.galileo.usg.edu/welcome/ Georgia Performance Standards https://www.georgiastandards.org/Standards/Pages/BrowseStandards/BrowseGPS.aspx Kids.gov http://www.kids.gov/ National Education Technology Standards http://www.iste.org/standards.aspx The Standards for 21st Century Learners http://www.ala.org/ala/mgrps/divs/aasl/guidelinesandstandards/learningstandards/standards.cfm