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ALEC 604: Writing for Professional Publication

ALEC 604: Writing for Professional Publication. Week 13: Submission for Publication. Activities. Re-examine professional publication standards and guidelines Discuss cover letters and related materials Review the checklist for manuscript submission. Publication Standards and Guidelines.

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ALEC 604: Writing for Professional Publication

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  1. ALEC 604: Writing for Professional Publication Week 13: Submission for Publication

  2. Activities • Re-examine professional publication standards and guidelines • Discuss cover letters and related materials • Review the checklist for manuscript submission

  3. Publication Standards and Guidelines • Review journal submission guidelines • Follow those guidelines • Editors can help with the submission process • Experienced authors may help, but • YOU, are most responsible for attention to detail during the manuscript submission process

  4. Check Calls for Conference Papers • Deadline dates • Specifics for Conference Calls: • Topic or theme for the conference • Product: full papers vs. proposals • Format: sections, font-type/size, etc. • Submission: electronic or mail • Create a calendar for submitting research

  5. Check Journal Guidelines • No deadline dates, but very specific purposes for each journal: • Topics considered by each journal • Page/word limits • Formatting issues • Citation standards • Review processes • Submission guidelines

  6. Formatting Issues • Every publishing venue is different • Read and follow instructions to authors • Look at published articles • Search for “Outstanding” articles/papers • Collaborate with others in and outside your area

  7. Preparing Cover Letters • If the instructions include sending a cover letter with your manuscript, then: • Write a short introduction about your article • Focus less on the content, more on the context • Describe the type of paper submitted (article, book review, etc.) • Always include the title of your manuscript • Provide your complete contact information

  8. Online Submission Processes • No need for a formal cover letter • Online profile should reflect professionalism • No questionable e-mail addresses (baddude@aol.com) • Use a correct title (Mr., Ms., Dr., etc.) for yourself • Typical Online Procedure: • Create profile/account • Submit the abstract or full manuscript • Note file types (*.pdf, *.doc, *.rtf, etc.) accepted by system

  9. Related Issues • Some journals may charge for submission • Charges vary • If charges exist, discuss options with your supervisor BEFORE submitting your manuscript • Some journals have publication page charges • Charges vary per page or per article • If print charges exist, discuss options with your supervisor when your manuscript is accepted

  10. Checklists for Manuscript Submission • Conference/Journal manuscript preparation relies on style manual standards, but not always exactly as indicated in the manual • APA Standards • http://www.apa.org/journals/authors/manuscript_check.html • http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ • MLA Standards • http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/557/01/

  11. Checklists for Manuscript Submission • CMS Standards • http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/home.html • http://library.osu.edu/sites/guides/chicagogd.php • CBE/CSE Standards • http://www.monroecc.edu/depts/library/cbe.htm • http://www.wisc.edu/writetest/Handbook/DocCBE.html

  12. Summary • Submitting your manuscript for publication is a joyful event, but attention to detail is needed when heeding: • Conference- or journal-specific guidelines • Style manual standards • Differences between guidelines and standards • Cover letters are almost outdated elements • Publication processes can cost you money

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