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Grant of Connectivity,LTA , MTOA In Interstate Transmission system Regulation 2009. Act and Regulatory Provisions. Generation was de-licensed in the Electricity Act 2003 Evacuation of power ensured through CERC notification of Long term open access in Jan 2004
Grant of Connectivity,LTA, MTOA In Interstate Transmission system Regulation 2009
Act and Regulatory Provisions • Generation was de-licensed in the Electricity Act 2003 • Evacuation of power ensured through CERC notification of Long term open access in Jan 2004 • Utilization of ISTS for generation projects was granted by CTU under the regulatory framework
Regulatory frame work - August 2009 • Who can apply • Connectivity • Generating station incl captive with installed capacity – 250 MW & above ( Modified in Sept 2010 to 50MW above for hydro/renewables) • Bulk Consumer – 100 MW and above • for hydro/renewables < 50 MW individually • collectively aggregated to > 50Mw through lead generator • Medium Term Open Access (MTOA) and Long Term Access (LTA) • a generating station including captive, • a consumer • an Electricity Trader • a distribution licensee
Chapter I: Definitions • Applicant • A Generating station of installed capacity >= 250MW • A Captive Plant of exportable capacity >= 250MW • A Bulk Consumer : minimum of 100 MW load • A Distribution Licensee • An Electricity Trader • Connectivity: • for a generating station, including a captive generating plant, a bulk consumer or an inter-State transmission licensee means the state of getting connected to the inter-State transmission system • Long Term Access: • Right to use the inter-State transmission system for a period exceeding 12 years but not exceeding 25 years;
Definitions….. continued • Long-term customer: • means a person who has been granted long-term access and includes a person who has been allocated central sector generation that is electricity supply from a generating station owned or controlled by the Central Government; • Medium-term open access: • means the right to use the inter-State transmission system for a period exceeding 3 months but not exceeding 3 years; • Medium-term customer • means a person who has been granted medium-term open access;
Definitions….. continued • Nodal agency: • means the Central Transmission Utility referred to in regulation 4 hereof • Regional entity • means a person whose metering and energy accounting are done at the regional level; • Short-term open access • has the meaning ascribed thereto in the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Open Access in inter-State Transmission) Regulations, 2008;
Definitions….. continued • State network: • means the intra-State transmission system owned by the State Transmission Utility, transmission licensee or the network of any other person who has been granted licence by the State Commission to establish or operate distribution lines within the State; • Stranded transmission capacity: • means the transmission capacity in the inter-State transmission system which is likely to remain unutilized due to relinquishment of access rights by a long-term customer in accordance with regulation 16.
Chapter 2: General Provisions • Scope • Provided that a generating station, including captive generating plant or a bulk consumer, seeking connectivity to the inter-State transmission system cannot apply for long-term access or medium-term open access without applying for connectivity: • Provided further that a person may apply for connectivity and long-term access or medium-term open access simultaneously. • Nodal Agency • The nodal agency for grant of connectivity, long-term access and medium term open access to the inter-State transmission system shall be the Central Transmission Utility.
General provisions….. contd • Filing of Application • Applications for grant of connectivity or long-term access or medium-term open access shall be made to the nodal agency • an application for connectivity is not required to be made by any transmission licensee, since transmission system planning is carried out in a coordinated manner by the Central Transmission Utility and the Central Electricity Authority • an inter-State transmission licensee other than Central Transmission Utility, nevertheless, shall sign a connection agreement with the Central Transmission Utility, as provided for in Clause (5) of regulation 8 of these Regulations.
General provisions …contd Application Fees
General provisions …contd • Time frame for processing
Chapter 3: Connectivity • Grant of Connectivity • The application for connectivity shall contain details such as, proposed geographical location of the applicant, quantum of power to be interchanged that is the quantum of power to be injected in the case of a generating station including a captive generating plant and quantum of power to be drawn in the case of a bulk consumer, with the inter-State transmission system and such other details as may be laid down by the Central Transmission Utility in the detailed procedure: Once an application has been filed and thereafter there has been any material change in the location of the applicant or change, by more than 100 MW in the quantum of power to be interchanged with the inter-State transmission system, the applicant shall make a fresh application, which shall be considered in accordance with these regulations. 2 On receipt of the application, the nodal agency shall, in consultation and through coordination with other agencies involved in inter-State transmission system to be used, including State Transmission Utility, if the State network is likely to be used, process the application and carry out the necessary interconnection study as specified in the Central Electricity Authority (Technical Standards for Connectivity to the Grid) Regulations, 2007.
Connectivity…. contd • While granting connectivity, the nodal agency shall specify the name of the sub-station or pooling station or switchyard where connectivity is to be granted. In case connectivity is to be granted by looping-in and looping-out of an existing or proposed line, the nodal agency shall specify the point of connection and name of the line at which connectivity is to be granted. The nodal agency shall indicate the broad design features of the dedicated transmission line and the timeframe for completion of the dedicated transmission line. • The applicant and all Inter-State Transmission Licensees including the Central Transmission Utility shall comply with the provisions of Central Electricity Authority (Technical Standards for Connectivity to the Grid) Regulations, 2007. • The applicant or inter-State transmission licensee, as the case may be, shall sign a connection agreement with the Central Transmission Utility or inter-State transmission licensee owning the sub-station or pooling station or switchyard or the transmission line as identified by the nodal agency where connectivity is being granted: Provided that in case connectivity of a generating station, including captive generating plant or bulk consumer is granted to the inter-State transmission system of an inter-State transmission licensee other than the Central Transmission Utility, a tripartite agreement as provided in the Central Electricity Authority (Technical Standards for Connectivity to the Grid) Regulations, 2007 shall be signed between the applicant, the Central Transmission Utility and such inter-State transmission licensee.
Connectivity … contd • The grant of connectivity shall not entitle an applicant to interchange any power with the grid unless it obtains long-term access, medium-term open access or short-term open access. • A generating station, including captive generating plant which has been granted connectivity to the grid shall be allowed to undertake testing including full load testing by injecting its infirm power into the grid before being put into commercial operation, even before availing any type of open access, after obtaining permission of the concerned RLDC, which shall keep grid security in view while granting such permission. This infirm power from a generating station or a unit thereof, other than those based on non-conventional energy sources, the tariff of which is determined by the Commission, will be governed by the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations, 2009. The power injected into the grid from other generating stations as a result of this testing shall also be charged at UI rates. • An applicant may be required by the Central Transmission Utility to construct a dedicated line to the point of connection to enable connectivity to the grid: Provided that a thermal generating station of 500 MW and above and a hydro generating station of 250 MW and above, other than a captive generating plant, shall not be required to construct a dedicated line to the point of connection and such stations shall be taken into account for coordinated transmission planning by the Central Transmission Utility and Central Electricity Authority.
Chapter 4 : LTA & MTOA • Criteria for Grant: • CTU to consider augmentation of ISTS proposed under the plans made by the Central Electricity Authority. • MTOA shall be granted • if the resultant power flow can be accommodated in the existing transmission system or the transmission system under execution: • no augmentation shall be carried out to the transmission system for the sole purpose of granting medium-term open access: • Construction of a dedicated transmission line shall not be construed as augmentation of the transmission system for the purpose
LTA & MTOA…. contd Relative priority • Applications for long-term access or medium-term open access shall be processed • First-come-first-served basis separately for each of the aforesaid types of access: • Applications received during a month shall be construed to have arrived concurrently. • While processing applications for medium-term open access received during a month, the application seeking access for a longer term shall have higher priority. • In the case of applications for long-term access requiring planning or augmentation of transmission system, such planning or augmentation, as the case may be, shall be considered on 30th of June and 31st of December in each year in order to develop a coordinated transmission plan, in accordance with the perspective transmission plans • if an intra-State entity is applying for long-term access or medium-term open access, concurrence of the State Load Despatch Centre shall be obtained in advance and submitted along with the application to the nodal agency.. • State Load Despatch Centre shall convey its concurrence to the applicant within ten working days • Where necessary infrastructure required for energy metering and time-blockwise accounting already exists and required transmission capacity in the State network 3. In case SLDC decides not to give concurrence, the same shall be communicated to the applicant in writing, giving the reason for refusal within the above stipulated period.
LTA & MTOA… contd Interface Meters 1. Interface meters shall be installed – • by the Central Transmission Utility for and at the cost of the regional entities; • by the State Transmission Utility for and at the cost of the State entities. • Interface meters for the regional entities shall be open for inspection by • any person authorized by the Central Transmission Utility and the Regional Load Despatch Centre. 3. Interface meters for the intra-State entities shall be open for inspection • by any person authorized by the State Transmission Utility or the State Load Despatch Centre.
Chapter 5 : Long Term Access • Application • Name of the entity/ies • Quantum of power to be transacted • Name of the region where electricity is proposed to be interchanged • Exact source of source of supply/destination of offtake • To be firmed up at least three years prior to availing intended date of LTA • BG of `10000/- per MW of power to be transacted • In favor of Nodal agency • Validity till execution of LTA in case of augmentation • Encashment in case of withdrawal
Long Term Access….. contd System Studies • Nodal agency to carry out the necessary system studies through coordination with agencies including State Transmission Utility, if the State network is likely to be used.. • Based on the system studies, the nodal agency shall specify the inter- State transmission system that would be required to give long-term access. In case augmentation to the existing inter-State transmission system is required, the same will be intimated to the applicant. • The Empowered Committee established in accordance with the ‘Tariff based Competitive-bidding Guidelines for Transmission Service’ issued by the Central Government, may identify one or more elements needed for augmentation of inter-State transmission system to be developed through tariff based competitive bidding:.
Long Term Access….. contd Communication of Estimate of Transmission Charges, etc. • the date from which long-term access shall be granted • an estimate of the transmission charges likely to be payable based on the prevailing costs, prices and methodology of sharing of transmission charges specified by the Commission. Execution of Long-term Access Agreement The applicant shall • sign an agreement for long-term access with the CTU. • shall sign a tripartite long-term access agreement with the Central Transmission Utility and the inter-State transmission licensee • The long–term access agreement shall contain • the date of commencement of long-term access • the point of injection of power into the grid • point of drawal from the grid • the details of dedicated transmission lines, if any • In case augmentation of transmission system is required, the long-term access agreement • the time line for construction of the facilities • the bank guarantee required • other details in accordance with the procedure.
Long Term Access…..contd Information to RLDC and SLDC Immediately after grant of long-term access, the nodal agency shall inform the RLDCs and the SLDCs concerned so that they can consider the same while processing requests for grant of short-term open access Renewal of Term for Long-term access • On expiry the LTA shall stand extended on a written request provided by the long-term customer • LYA customer to mention the period for extension that is required • The written request shall be submitted by the customer to the Central Transmission Utility at least six months prior to the date of expiry • In case no written request, access shall stand withdrawn.
Long-term Access… contd Relinquishment of access rights 1. A long-term customer may relinquish the long-term access rights fully or partly before the expiry of the full term of long-term access, by making payment of compensation for stranded capacity as follows:- • Long-term customer who has availed access rights for at least 12 years (i) Notice of one (1) year – application to the CTU at least 1 (one) year prior to the date from which such customer desires to relinquish the access rights, there shall be no charges. (ii) Notice of less than one (1) year – application to the CTU at any time lesser than a period of 1 (one) year customer shall pay an amount equal to 66% of the estimated transmission charges (net present value) for the stranded transmission capacity for the period falling short of a notice period of one (1) year. (b) Long-term customer who has not availed access rights for at least 12 (twelve) years – such customer shall pay an • amount equal to 66% of the estimated transmission charges (net present value) for the stranded transmission capacity for the period falling short of 12 (twelve) years of access rights: • shall submit an application to CTU at least 1 (one) year prior to the date • in case a customer submits an application for relinquishment of long term access rights at any time at a notice period of less than one year, then such customer shall pay an amount equal to 66% of the estimated transmission charges (net present value) for the period falling short of a notice period of one (1) year, in addition to 66% of the estimated transmission charges (net present value) for the stranded transmission capacity for the period falling short of 12(twelve) years of access rights.
Chapter 6: MTOA Application for Medium-term Open Access • The application for grant of medium-term open access shall contain • the point of injection into the grid, point of drawal from the grid and the quantum of power for which medium-term open access has been applied for. • The start date of the medium-term open access shall not be • earlier than 5 months and • not later than 1 year from the last day of the month in which application has been made. System Studies by the Nodal Agency • On receipt of the application, the nodal agency shall, in consultation and through coordination with other agencies involved in inter-State transmission system to be used, including State Transmission Utility, if the State network is likely to be used, process the application and carry out the necessary system studies as expeditiously as possible so as to ensure that the decision to grant or refuse medium-term open access is made within the timeframe
MTOA…… contd Grant of MTOA The applicant shall • sign an agreement for MTOA with the CTU. • shall sign a tripartite MTOA with the Central Transmission Utility and the inter-State transmission licensee • The MTOA shall contain • the date of commencement of long-term access • the point of injection of power into the grid • point of drawal from the grid • the details of dedicated transmission lines, if any • Immediately after grant of MTOA, the nodal agency shall inform the RLDCs and the SLDCs concerned so that they can consider the same while processing requests for grant of short-term open access
MTOA ….. contd • Execution of Dedicated Transmission Line Medium-term customer may arrange for execution of the dedicated transmission line at its own risk and cost before the start date of the mediumterm open access. • No overriding preference On the expiry of period of the medium-term open access, the medium-term customer shall not be entitled to any overriding preference for renewal of the term. • Exit option for medium-term customers A medium-term customer may relinquish rights, fully or partly, by giving at east 30 days prior notice to the nodal agency: Provided that the medium-term customer relinquishing its rights shall pay applicable transmission charges for the period of relinquishment or 30 days which ever is lesser.
Chapter 7: Conditions of LTA & MTOA Curtailment • Transmission constraints or in the interest of grid security - transactions already scheduled may be curtailed by the Regional Load Despatch Centre. • Subject to provisions of the Grid Code and any other regulation specified by the Commission, • the short-term customer shall be curtailed first followed by the • medium-term customers, which shall be followed by • the long term customers and • amongst the customers of a particular category, curtailment shall be carried out on pro rata basis.
Conditions of LTA & MTOA • Transmission Charges • The transmission charges for use of the inter-State transmission system shall be recovered from the long-term customers and the medium-term customers in accordance with terms and conditions of tariff specified by the Commission from time to time • Provided that if the State network is also being used in the access as a part of inter-State transmission system for the conveyance of electricity across the territory of an intervening State as well as conveyance within the State which is incidental to such inter-State transmission of electricity, recovery of charges for such State network and terms and conditions thereof shall be in accordance with the regulation as may be specified by the Commission under 25 section 36 of the Act for intervening transmission facilities, if such charges and terms and conditions cannot be mutually agreed upon by the licensees; • Provided that any disagreement on transmission charges for such State network as specified above, shall not be the sole reason for denying access and either party may approach the Commission for determination of transmission charges for such State network.
Conditions of LTA & MTOA • Detailed Procedure • Subject to the provisions of these regulations, • the Central Transmission Utility shall submit the detailed procedure to the Commission for approval within 60 days of notification of these regulations in the Official Gazette: • Provided that prior to submitting the detailed procedure to the Commission for approval, the Central Transmission Utility shall make the same available to the public and invite comments by putting the draft detailed procedure on its website and giving a period of one month to submit comments; • Provided further that while submitting the detailed procedure to the Commission, the Central Transmission Utility shall submit a statement indicating as to which of the comments of stakeholders have not been accepted by it along with reasons thereof.
Conditions of LTA & MTOA 2.The detailed procedure submitted by the CTU shall, in particular, include— • The proforma for the connection agreement (b) The proforma for the long-term access agreement (c) The time line for phasing of construction/modification of the transmission elements by the Central Transmission Utility/transmission licensee, as the case may be, and the coming up of generation facilities or facilities of bulk consumer, as the case may be, so as to match the completion times of the two; (d) Aspects such as payment security mechanism and bank guarantee during the period of construction operation: Provided that the bank guarantee during construction phase shall not exceed Rs. 5 lakh per MW of the total power to be transmitted by that applicant through inter-State transmission system. • The proforma for the medium-term open access: agreement, referred to in the second proviso to clause (1) of regulation 21 above. • Provisions for collection of the transmission charges for inter- State transmission system from the long-term customers or medium-term customers, as the case may be, by the transmission licensee or the Central Transmission Utility as and when so designated in accordance with the first proviso to clause (1) of regulation 29 hereof and disbursement to the Central Transmission Utility and/or the transmission licensees as the case may be.
Conditions of LTA & MTOA • Fees and charges for the Regional Load Despatch Centre and the State Load Despatch Centre • The fees and charges for the Regional Load Despatch Centre including charges for the Unified Load Despatch and Communication Scheme shall be payable by the long-term customer and medium-term customer as may be specified by the Commission. • The fees and charges for the State Load Despatch Centre shall be payable as applicable.
Conditions of LTA & MTOA • Payment of transmission charges and Fees and Charges for the Regional Load Despatch Centre • The transmission charges in respect of the LTA and MTOA customer • payable directly to the transmission licensee: • CTU may be designated by the Commission as agency for the purpose of collecting and disbursing the transmission charges for ISTS • CTU shall enter into agreements with the long-term customers and medium-term customers for collection of transmission charges and with the transmission licensees whose inter-State transmission system is being used • disbursement of transmission charges: pro rata to the transmission charges payable to the transmission licensees and to the Central Transmission Utility • Provided also that the CTU shall be entitled to reimbursement of reasonable costs incurred by it in collecting the transmission charges 3. The fees and charges for RLDCs (including the charges for Unified Load Despatch Scheme) and SLDCs shall be payable by the long-term customer and medium-term customer directly to the RLDCs or the SLDCs concerned.
Conditions of LTA & MTOA Unscheduled Inter-change (UI) Charges • Scheduling of all transactions pursuant to grant of long-term access and medium-term open access shall be carried out on day-ahead basis in accordance with the Grid Code. • Based on net metering on the periphery of each regional entity, composite accounts for Unscheduled Interchanges shall be issued for each regional entity on a weekly cycle. • The State utility designated for the purpose of collection or disbursement of the Unscheduled Interchanges charges from or to the intra- State entities shall be responsible for timely payment of the State’s composite dues to the regional Unscheduled Interchanges Pool Account Fund.
Conditions of LTA & MTOA • Any mismatch between the actual drawal and schedule for the intra- State entities shall be determined by the concerned State Load Despatch Centre and covered in the intra-State Unscheduled Interchanges accounting scheme. • Unless specified otherwise by the State Commission concerned, the Unscheduled Interchanges rate for intra-State entity shall be 105% (for overdrawals or under generation) and 95% (for under-drawals or over generation) of the Unscheduled Interchanges rate at the periphery of regional entity. Transmission Losses The buyers of electricity shall bear apportioned losses in the transmission system as estimated by the Regional Power Committee. Redressal Mechanism All disputes arising out of or under these regulations shall be decided by the Commission on an application made in this behalf by the person aggrieved.
Chapter 8: Information System • The nodal agency shall post the following documents / information on its website in a separate web-page titled “Long-term access and Medium-term open access information”: • These regulations; • Detailed procedure; • List of applications, separately, for LTA and MTOA received by the nodal agency along with necessary details. • Separate lists for LTA and MTOA granted, indicating- (i) Name of customers; (ii) Period of the access granted (start date and end date); (iii) Point or points of injection; (iv) Point or points of drawal; (v) Transmission systems used (in terms of regions and States); (vi) Capacity (MW) for which access has been granted. e) List of applications where approval for connectivity or LTA or MTOA, as the case may be, has not been granted along with reasons thereof. • nodal agency to take steps in accordance with the requirements herein to provide as much information suo motu to the public at regular intervals through various means of communications, including internet, so that information is disseminated widely and in such form and manner which is easily accessible to the public.
CONNECTIVITY PROCEDURES • Eligibility • Nodal agency • No additional connectivity for same capacity • Connection agreement / tripartite agreemen • Information tot be submitted alongwith connectivity application: • Site identification and land acquisition • Environmental clearance • Forest clearance(if applicable) • Fuel arrangements • Water linkage • Affadavit alongwith these docs as per format CON-1 • Application as per Format CON-2 • Application during a month treated as received concurrently
CONNECTIVITY PROCEDURES • change in connectivity requirementEligibility • fresh application for change in requirement by > 100Mw/40% of IC, aggregate IC as per format CON-2 • Intimation to applicant for grant of connectivity within 60days of last day of month on which app. Received as per –CON3 • Additional information as per CON-4 at least > 2 yrs prior to physical connectivity • Further processing by CTU & intimation of connectivity details as per CON-5 • Connection agreement as per CON-6 & tripartite agreement in case of any other ISTS licensee • Nodal agency to provide copy of connectivity agreement to concerned SLDC/RLDC
CONNECTIVITY PROCEDURES • No interchange of power except LTA/MTOA/STOA • A generating station, including captive generating plant which has been granted connectivity to the grid shall be allowed to undertake testing including full load testing by injecting its infirm power into the grid before being put into commercial operation, even before availing any type of open access, after obtaining permission of the concerned Regional Load Despatch Centre, which shall keep grid security in view while granting such permission. This infirm power from a generating station or a unit thereof, other than those based on non-conventional energy sources, the tariff of which is determined by the Commission, will be governed by the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations, 2009. The power injected into the grid from other generating stations as a result of this testing shall also be charged at UI rates. • In the procedures • drawal of power for commissioning activities mentioned as allowable without OA • Station shall submit likely date of synchronization, likely quantum and period of injection of infirm power before being put into commercial operation to the SLDC and RLDC concerned at least one month in advance.
CONNECTIVITY PROCEDURES • Conditions for construction of dedicated transmission system by CTU • BG as per con-7 • 2.5L/mw FOR < 20kM & • 5L/MW for > 20MW or only for connectivity work in case line constructed by applicant • Agreement with CTU as per CON-8 • For Connectivity/LTA concurrently max 5L/MW • Time frame for commissioning from dt. of signing of BPTA/TSA • Sharing of dedicated line
MTOA PROCEDURES • Nodal agency : CTU • earlier than 5 months and later than 1 year from the last day of the month in which application has been made • MTOA > 3 mo & < 3yrs with exception cl. For delay in CTU construction • MTOANo augmentation of transmission system is envisaged & Construction of dedicated transmission line shall not be construed as augmentation of the transmission system. • A power transaction involving combination of both multiple injections and one drawl point in case the MTOA is sought by a single bulk consumer shall not require filing of separate applications. • Eligibility for MTOAgenerating station/captive generating plant/ consumer/Electricity Trader/distribution licensee/State Government owning some quantum of power (like free power given to the State Government in which the hydro station is located, equity power given to a State for allowing a power station to be set up in the State), who desires to utilize ISTS for Inter state transfer of power, provided the power station from which the power is being sourced or the load, as the case may be, is already connected to the grid, whether the State grid or the inter-State grid, or is likely to get connected to the grid before the intended start date of MTOA • Documentary evidences
MTOA PROCEDURES • No application for medium-term open access without applying for connectivity(if not connected) Whether connectivity reqd. in case embedded in a control area? • Correctness of Application info to affirmed vied affidavit MTOA-I • Application MTOA-II with SLDC clearances • SLDC clearances MTOA-III within 10days or reasons for refusal • Application fees:
MTOA PROCEDURES • MTOA timelines: • All apps. In a month construed to have come together on last day of month(M0) • Approval on FCFS basis • CTU studies & circulation to SLDC/RLDCs 15th of M1 • Calculation methodology for TTC , RM • Comments on studies upto 25th of M1 • Provisional decision to grant MTOA 10th of M3 • Within a month, priority more for those seeking MTOA for longer duration • CTU shall notify the following on 31st day of March of each year: • Total Transfer Capability (TTC) for 4 (four) years. This may be revised by CTU due to change in anticipated network topology or change of anticipated generation or load at any of the nodes, giving reasons for such change. Transmission Reliability Margin considered along with basis. • Available Transfer Capability (ATC) for MTOA will be worked out after allowing the already approved applications for Long-term access, Medium Term Open Access and Transmission reliability margin. • The grant of MTOA shall be subject to ATC as per MTOA-IV • Sharing of transmission charges agreement MTOA-V-30days • BG for 2 months transmission charges – 30days bi-annual review • Informtion to RLDC/SLDCs • Tripartite agreement for other ISTS licensee • No over-riding preference for previous holder
MTOA SCHEDULING • Priority Underutilization of corridor • If request for scheduling is consistently (for more than 5 days) lower than the capacity granted by the Nodal Agency (i.e.; CTU), RLDC may issue a notice to such MTOA customer asking the reasons for such under-utilization. The MTOA customer shall furnish the reasons for such under-utilization and will provide such details like the reduced requirement, likely period, etc. by the following day. The un-utilized transfer capability will then be released for scheduling of Short-term open access transaction. • No refund of transmission charges shall be made due to above curtailment • Transmission charges as per Terms & conditions of Tariff-9-14 • Billing/collection & disbursement by CTU & administrative charge payable • STU charges as per SERC norms • Irrevocable revolving LC for 105% of average monthly charges 15 days before MTOA commencement • BG of 2mo also to be concurrently < 3mo prior to scheduled commencement date and > 1mo after expiry of MTOA period • RLDC/ULDC fees & charges payable to RLDC • BG encashed in case of default & to be recouped • Downsizing of application BG adjusted after expiry of MTOA period
MTOA EXIT/DOWNSIZING • At least 30 days notice • Exit charges minimum of [30 days of period of relinquishment] • Exit charges used for reducing transmission charges payable by other long-term customers and medium-term customers in the year in which such compensation payment is due in the ratio of transmission charges payable for that year by such long term customers and medium-term • For upward revision fresh application
LTA PROCEDURES • Eligibility conditions same as MTOA • For LTA applicant: (i) already be connected to grid, whether the State grid or the inter-State grid, (ii) have already been granted permission for connectivity to the grid (iii) have already applied for connectivity to the grid (iv) be making application for connectivity to the grid simultaneously with this application in line with the Regulations Documents with application • LTA 12 -25 Yrs period • May require Transmission augmentation • Provision of target regions in case PPAs(purchasing entities) not firmed up • applicant shall have to firm up exact source of supply or destination, as the case may be, at least 3 years prior to the intended date of availing long term access at least for a capacity equivalent to 50% of the quantum of power for which LTA has been sought for through signing of PPA with such grid connected entity(ies)/ State Utilities.
LTA PROCEDURES • The augmentation of the transmission system as identified for grant of LTA shall be undertaken only after fulfillment of above condition. In case a common system augmentation/strengthening has been identified for more than one generator, then the above condition of signing of PPA for at least 50% of LTA sought for, with the grid connected entity(ies)/ State Utilities, shall have to be met by all the generators. • In the event of failure of any generator meeting above condition of 3 years prior to the intended date of availing long term access, the implementation of augmentation/strengthening of system shall be undertaken in due consideration of the same and if necessary with the approval of CERC for the same.(Grant of regulatory approval for xexcution of ISTS schemes to CTU) • For the balance capacity (not exceeding 50% of LTA sought for) for which exact source of supply or destination could not be firmed up on long-term basis, the augmentation/system strengthening further from the target region shall be taken up only after identification of exact source/destination. CTU shall be allowed up to 3 years time for such augmentation/system strengthening from the target region to the exact source/destination. During such period the applicant shall be liable to pay the transmission charges up to the target region.
LTA PROCEDURES • Payment of such transmission charges for the balance capacity for which exact source on long term basis is not known, shall not entitle the applicant any right over the transmission system up to the target region and CTU may release this balance transmission capacity up to target region for short-term open access or the medium term open access till the applicant firms up source/destination on long-term basis and its operationalisation. • However, applicant may seek short-term open access or the medium term open access separately till such time it gets long-term access for the balance capacity as any other short-term open access customer or the medium term open access customer. • As it takes about 9 months for pre-investment activities and in addition construction time for the transmission project as given in the CERC (Terms and Conditions of Tariff)Regulations, 2009, applicant should expedite the finalization the beneficiaries and intimate to CTU. The date of commencement of LTA shall be applicable from atleast 3 years and 9 months (9 months time required for project preparation and investment approval) from firming up beneficiaries and signing of BPTA/TSA with them. • Application for change in quantum/location as per MTOA procedures • Nodal agency CTU
LTA PROCEDURES • Application in Format LTA-2 with affidavit as per LTA-1 • Period for 12 to 25 yrs • Not earlier than 3 ysr from last date of mothn of receipt of application • Multiple injection to single pt or single injectionto multiple point allowable • Connectivity information to be furnished • Embedded utilities concurrance as per LTA-3 • BG of Rs.10,000/MW as per LTA-4 • BG will stand discharged with operationalization of long-term open access, when augmentation of transmission system is not required or the submission of appropriate bank guarantee required to be given by the applicant to the CTU during construction phase when augmentation of transmission system is required • The bank guarantee may be encashed by the nodal agency, (i) if the application is withdrawn by the applicant or (ii) the long-term access rights are relinquished prior to the operationalisation of such long-term access when augmentation of transmission system is not required.
LTA PROCEDURES (iii) If the applicant fails to sign the Long Term Access Agreement with CTU or a tripartite agreement with CTU and transmission licensee, as the case may be, and fails to furnish appropriate BG for construction phase, within stipulated time as indicated in the intimation letter. (iv) If the applicant fails to revalidate the earlier furnished BG at least 30 days prior to its expiry. (v) If the applicant fails to firm up beneficiaries,3 years prior to intended date of Long Term Access. Genuine requests for extension of time shall be suitably accommodated on merit upon furnishing of documentary evidence(s). • Empowered Committee established in accordance with the ‘Tariff based Competitive-bidding Guidelines for Transmission Service’ issued by the Central Government, may identify one or more elements needed for augmentation of inter-State transmission system to be developed through tariff based competitive bidding: • Provided that the agency identified to construct one or more elements needed for augmentation of the inter-State transmission system for long-term access shall be eligible for grant of transmission licence in accordance with the regulations specified by the Commission from time to time and the guidelines for competitive bidding for transmission issued by the Central Government.