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Introduction to SAS

Introduction to SAS. Lecture 2 Brian Healy. Why use statistical packages. Built-in functions Data manipulation Updated often to include new applications Different packages complete certain tasks more easily than others Packages we will introduce SAS R (S-plus). SAS.

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Introduction to SAS

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  1. Introduction to SAS Lecture 2 Brian Healy

  2. Why use statistical packages • Built-in functions • Data manipulation • Updated often to include new applications • Different packages complete certain tasks more easily than others • Packages we will introduce • SAS • R (S-plus)

  3. SAS • Easy to input and output data sets • Preferred for data manipulation • “proc” used to complete analyses with built-in functions • Macros used to build your own functions

  4. Outline • SAS Structure • Efficient SAS Code for Large Files • SAS Macro Facility

  5. Common errors • Missing semicolon • Misspelling • Unmatched quotes/comments • Mixed proc and data statement • Using wrong options

  6. SAS Structure • Data Step: input, create, manipulate or output data • Always start with a data line • Ex. data one; • Procedure Step: complete an operation on data • Always start with a proc line • Ex. proc contents;

  7. SAS System Options • System options are global instructions that affect the entire SAS session and control the way SAS performs operations. SAS system options differ from SAS data set options and statement options in that once you invoke a system option, it remains in effect for all subsequent data and proc steps in a SAS job, unless you specify them. • In order to view which options are available and in effect for your SAS session, use proc options; run;

  8. Log, output and procedure options • center controls whether SAS procedure output is centered. By default, output is centered. To specify not centered, use nocenter. • date prints the date and time to the log and output window. By default, the date and time is printed. To suppress the printing of the date, use nodate. • label allows SAS procedures to use labels with variables. By default, labels are permitted. To suppress the printing of labels, use nolabel. • notes controls whether notes are printed to the SAS log. By default, notes are printed. To suppress the printing of notes, use nonotes. • number controls whether page numbers are printed. By default, page numbers are printed. To suppress the printing of page numbers, use nonumber. • linesize= specifies the line size (printer line width) for the SAS log and the SAS procedure output file used by the data step and procedures. • pagesize= specifies # of lines that can be printed per page of SAS output. • missing= specifies the character to be printed for missing numeric values. • formchar= specifies the the list of graphics characters that define table boundaries. Example: OPTIONS NOCENTER NODATE NONOTES LINESIZE=80 MISSING=. ;

  9. SAS data set control options SAS data set control options specify how SAS data sets are input, processed, and output. • firstobs= causes SAS to begin reading at a specified observation in a data set. The default is firstobs=1. • obs= specifies the last observation from a data set or the last record from a raw data file that SAS is to read. To return to using all observations in a data set use obs=all • replace specifies whether permanently stored SAS data sets are to be replaced. By default, the SAS system will over-write existing SAS data sets if the SAS data set is re-specified in a data step. To suppress this option, use noreplace. Example: • OPTIONS OBS=100 NOREPLACE;

  10. Error handling options Error handling options specify how the SAS System reports on and recovers from error conditions. • errors= controls the maximum number of observations for which complete error messages are printed. The default maximum number of complete error messages is errors=20 • fmterr controls whether the SAS System generates an error message when the system cannot find a format to associate with a variable. SAS will generate an ERROR message for every unknown format it encounters and will terminate the SAS job without running any following data and proc steps. To read a SAS system data set without requiring a SAS format library, use nofmterr. Example: OPTIONS ERRORS=100 NOFMTERR;

  11. Statements for Reading Data • data statement names the data set you are making • Can use any of the following commands to input data • infileIdentifies an external raw data file to read with an INPUT statement • inputLists variable names in the input file • cardsIndicates internal data • setReads a SAS data set

  12. Looking at the data • To look at the variables in a data set, use • proc contents data=dataset; run; • To look at the actual data in the data set, • proc print data=dataset (obs=num); var varlist; run;

  13. Example data treat; infile “g:\shared\BIO271\treat.dat”; input id bpa bpb chola cholb; run; proc print data = treat (obs=10); run; proc contents data=treat; run;

  14. Delimiter Option • blank space (default) • DELIMITER= option specifies that the INPUT statement use a character other than a blank as a delimiter for data values that are read with list input

  15. Delimiter Example Sometimes you want to input the data yourself Try the following data step: data nums; infile datalines dsd delimiter=‘&'; input X Y Z; datalines; 1&2&3 4&5&6 7&8&9 ; Notice that there are no semicolons until the end of the datalines

  16. Cards • Another way to input data using the keyboard (and often a last resort if having problems input the data) is cards • Similar to datalines • data score; input test1 test2 test3; cards; 91 87 95 97 . 92 . 89 99 ; run;

  17. Inputting character variables • Sometimes your data will have characters • Example:data fam; input name$ age; cards; Brian 27 Andrew 29 Kate 24 run; proc print data=fam; run; • What is different and what happens if you don’t have the dollar sign?

  18. Using the libname command • The final way we will show to input data is if you have a SAS data set , you can use a libname command libname summer "g:\shared\bio271"; data treat2; set summer.treat2; run; • Look at the data set with proc print

  19. Labeling variables Variable label: Use the label statement in the data step to assign labels to the variables. You could also assign labels to variables in proc steps, but then the labels only exist for that step. When labels are assigned in the data step they are available for all procedures that use that data set. Example: DATA labtreat; SET treat; LABEL id=“patient id” bpa =“BP on treatment A" bpb =“BP on treatment B" cholA=“Cholesterol on treatment A” cholB=“Cholesterol on treatment B"; RUN; PROC CONTENTS DATA=labtreat; RUN;

  20. Try on your own • Make a data set with the following data calling it redsox • 8, 58, 491, 163 7, 50, 469, 133 31, 107, 458, 136 33, 111, 410, 117 • Label the variables HR, RBI, AB, HITS • Use proc print to ensure that you have input the data correctly

  21. Data Manipulations • One of the best parts of SAS is the ability to complete data manipulations • There are four major types of manipulations • Subset of data • Drop / keep variables • Drop observations • Concatenate data files • Merge data files • Create new variables

  22. Drop / Keep • SAS easily allows you to make a data set with a subset of the variables • What do you think happens with this code? DATA redsox2; SET redsox; KEEP ba rbi; RUN; • How do you think you could use drop to do the same thing?

  23. Dropping observations • We can also get a subset of the observations • Read in treat2 from the g: drive • This is helpful when we want to remove missing data DATA notreat2; SET treat2; IF cholA ^= . ; RUN;

  24. Concatenating data files in SAS • SAS allows us to combine dataset by adding more observations, using data tottreat; set treat treat2; run; • Check that it worked using proc print • If a variable is called by a different name in each dataset, you must use: data momdad; set dads(RENAME=(dadinc=inc)) moms(RENAME=(mominc=inc)); run;

  25. Merge data files • SAS also allows us to add more variables by merging data files • The data set demo gives demographic information about the patients in treat • Read in demo • Now, use this code to combine the information data extratreat; merge treat demo; by id; run; • Note: the data in each data set must be sorted to use this code

  26. Making new variables • We can make new variables in a data step • Let’s make a new variable in the redsox data set by finding batting average and a variable for hr30 data redsox2; set redsox; ba=hits/ab; if hr>=30 then hr30=1 else hr30=0; run;

  27. Try on your own • Make a new data set called redsox3 using the following data and combine it with redsox 7, 51, 378, 113 4, 41, 367, 99 20, 58, 361, 109 • Make a new variable in redsox3 that equals 1 if rbi is more than 100 and 0 if rib is less than or equal to 100

  28. Statements for Outputting Data • file:Specifies the current output file for PUT statements • put:Writes lines to the SAS log, to the SAS procedure output file, or to an external file that is specified in the most recent FILE statement. Example: data _null_; set redsox; file ‘p:\redsox.csv' delimiter=',' dsd; put hr rbi ab hits; run;

  29. Comparisons • The INFILE statement specifies the input file for any INPUT statements in the DATA step. The FILE statement specifies the output file for any PUT statements in the DATA step. • Both the FILE and INFILE statements allow you to use options that provide SAS with additional information about the external file being used. • An INFILE statement usually identifies data from an external file. A DATALINES statement indicates that data follow in the job stream. You can use the INFILE statement with the file specification DATALINES to take advantage of certain data-reading options that effect how the INPUT statement reads in-stream data.

  30. Missing values • Missing values in SAS are shown by . • As a general rule, SAS procedures that perform computations handle missing data by omitting the missing values, including proc means, proc freq, proc corr, and proc reg • Check SAS web page for more information

  31. Missing values in logical statements • SAS treats a missing value as the smallest possible value (e.g., negative infinity) in logical statements. data times6; set times ; if (var1 <= 1.5) then varc1 = 0; else varc1 = 1 ; run ; Output: Obs id var1 varc1 1 1 1.5 0 • 2 . 0 • 3 2.1 1

  32. Basic procs • proc print and proc contents- we have seen these • proc sort • proc means • proc univariate • proc plot

  33. Options in most procs • var: lists the variables you want to perform the proc on • by: breaks the data into groups • where: limits the data set to a specific group of observations • output: allows you to output the results into a data set

  34. Sort data • We can use proc sort to sort data • The code to complete this is proc sort data=extratreat ; by gender ; run ; proc sort data=extratreat out=extreat ; by gender ; run ; proc sort data=extratreat out=extreat2; by descending gender ; run ; proc sort data=extratreat out=extreat3 noduplicates; by gender ; run ;

  35. proc means / univariate • The basic form of proc means is • proc means data=extratreat; var ______; by _______; where _______; output out=stat mean=bpamean cholamean; run; • The basic form of proc univariate is the same, but much more information is given • It is helpful to use the output window to get the info you need

  36. proc plot • To make different plots in SAS, you use proc plot • Scatterplot • proc plot data=redsox; plot rbi*ab; run; • You can also make plots using • proc univariate data=redsox plot; var rbi; run;

  37. Try on your own • Find the mean blood pressure on treatment A in women • Make a scatterplot of blood pressure on treatment B versus blood pressure on treatment A in men • Find the median number of home runs hit by the Red Sox

  38. SAS Macro Macros are the SAS method of making functions • Avoid repetitious SAS code • Create generalizable and flexible SAS code • Pass information from one part of a SAS job to another • Conditionally execute data steps and PROCs

  39. SAS Macro Facility • SAS macro variable • SAS Macro • There are many discussions of macro variables on the web; one good one is given here: http://www2.sas.com/proceedings/sugi30/130-30.pdf

  40. SAS Macro Delimiters Two delimiters will trigger the macro processor in a SAS program. • &macro-variable This refers to a macro variable. The current value of the variable will replace &macro-variable; • %macro-name This refers to a macro, which consists of one or more complete SAS statements, or even whole data or proc steps.

  41. SAS Macro Variables • SAS Macro variables can be defined and used anywhere in a SAS program, except in data lines. They are independent of a SAS dataset.

  42. SAS Macro Variables %LET: assign text to a macro variable; %LET macrovar = value 1. Macrovar is the name of a global macro variable; 2. Value is macro variable value, which is a character string without quotation or macro expression. %PUT:display macro variable values as text in the SAS log;%put _all_, %put _user_ &macrovar:Substitute the value of a macro variable in a program;

  43. SAS Macro Variables • Here is an example of how to use a macro variable: • %let int=treat; proc means data=&int; run; • Now we can rerun the code again simply changing the value of the macro variable, without altering the rest of the code. • %let int=redsox; proc means data=&int; run; • This is extremely helpful when you have a large amount of code you want to reference

  44. Create SAS Macro • Definition: %MACRO macro-name (parm1, parm2,…parmk); Macro definition (&parm1,&parm2,…&parmk) %MEND macro-name; • Application: %macro-name(values of parm1, parm2,…,parmk);

  45. SAS Macro Example Import Excel to SAS Datasets by a Macro %macro excelsas(in, out); proc import out=work.&out datafile=“g:\shared\bio271\&in" dbms=excel replace; getnames=yes; run; %mend excelsas; % excelsas(practice.xls,test) Use proc print to ensure that you have the data input properly

  46. What is this macro doing %let int=treat; %let dop=%str(id bpa); %macrohappy; data new; set &int; drop &dop; run; proc means data=new; run; %mend happy; %happy

  47. In class practice Use the auto data from the g: drive • read data into SAS (variables: id, weight, mpg, foreign) • create a new variable for better than 20 mpg • get means/frequencies for weight and mpg for foreign and domestic vehicles • Are there any missing values? • Write a macro to sort a data set by a variable and then print the first 10 observations (use macro variables)

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