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A Dynamic Worldwide Industry Leader in On-site Medical, Safety and Audit Services

A Dynamic Worldwide Industry Leader in On-site Medical, Safety and Audit Services. Mission Statement.

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A Dynamic Worldwide Industry Leader in On-site Medical, Safety and Audit Services

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  1. A Dynamic Worldwide Industry Leader in On-site Medical, Safety and Audit Services

  2. Mission Statement Trinity Medical Management exists to maximize industrial worksite efficiency and profitability. Our vision: provide intelligent application of onsite health & safety services for our customers. We create value by providing on demand, pro-active, cost-effective medical , safety , and audit/compliance programs which are customized to meet the unique industrial and remote requirements of our customers .

  3. Trinity Operates Worldwide = regional locations = targeted locations

  4. Trinity Trademarks • Customer Focus • Dependability • Cost Effectiveness • Process Experts • Deep back office operational support

  5. A Sharper Focus A Higher Standard of Excellence • TMM is an onsite specialist • Our sharp focus in medical management results in fewer lost man-hours • Our sharp focus on safety programs significantly reduces total recordable incidents rates • Our sharp focus on specialization contributes to a significantly more profitable operations The main strength of Trinity Medical Management : highly experienced, highly trained people. Our firm employs the highest level of expertise in the industry.

  6. General Service Overview Trinity’s expertise is concentrated in four main areas

  7. Medical Services Trinity Medical Management is a premier medical provider. Our in house staff of two board certified surgeons and an Occupational Medicine physician provide cost competitive medical support for our clients. Our clients enjoy the best medical care for their employees without having to choose between care and cost. We know this field better than any provider in the industry-take advantage of it.

  8. Best practices=Better 0perations=fewer lost-time accidents • Trinity’s real time medical management system effectively addresses problems as they occur. • As part of your on-site team, we assess the scope and level of treatment needed and determine the action required. • Consultations with offsite staff physicians and safety professionals are utilized to plan and execute the necessary response. • Trinity’s uniquely integrated approach results in both a superior medical response and a measurable reduction in overall lost man-hours, operations down-time, and fewer unnecessary medical evacuations • This process provides significant savings in both cost and time

  9. Frontline Defense = Bottom line assets • Trinity onsite personnel are rigorously trained professionals • Trinity moves beyond standard certification of basic, intermediate or paramedic levels by training our employees to Trinity’s higher standards. • Our internal performance evaluations and continuing education programs are among the most stringent and demanding available. • Bottom line-we know what to do and how to do it.

  10. Proprietary Medical Management Software • Trinity software facilitates our personnel in creating a safer, more efficient environment for your employees. Our paramedics have constant access to this software 24 hours a day, seven days a week, from any location! Trinity’s software has multiple major functions: • Medical encounter management. • Information management. • Resource identification. • Reporting • Providing safety guidelines. • Provide Protocols. • Education and Testing. • Improved job performance through a highly organized and auditable system designed to provide organization, process, and improve accountability. • Level One: Patient Information Management • Trinity’s Medical Management Software™ provides paramedics and physicians with immediate and constant access to your patient • encounter files. • Secure information transfer to Trinity M.M. • Review by Physician • Monitor patient progress. • Resource identification allows us to use your preferred clinics and physicians!

  11. Proprietary Medical Management Software Level Two: Safety Resources Trinity’s Quick Reference Guide, an electronic database, supplies information on the latest safety standards from OSHA and other medical information sources. The Quick Reference Guide assists employees in keeping the work place safe and accident free!

  12. Safety Services Trinity Safety Systems is considered a premier provider yet we offer highly competitive rates. We provide our clients with the best safety personnel for their employees without requiring you to choose between a strong safety presence and cost. This helps your bottom line , service level, and your reputation.

  13. Worldwide Service Coordination Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS) Online Generation of Emergency Management Plans Based on Proximity Trinity takes traditional attempts to construct a list of the nearest Emergency Management facilities to a whole new level of automation in order to better prepare onsite personnel in the event of an emergency. If your worksite has the ability to have GPS coordinates retrieved electronically, then the nearest heliports, burn facilities, and other emergency services can be automatically located and verified by skilled Trinity Medical Management staff, and this key list of facilities can be provided to essential personnel onsite each time the worksite location changes.

  14. Audit & Compliance Services General Overview Trinity Audit and Compliance Solutions help you save money and time Trinity provides comprehensive EH&S assessments for our clients which create an opportunity to bring greater operating efficiency, greater financial efficiency, and improved teamwork. We know this field better than any provider in the industry-take advantage of it.

  15. A Part of your Team. Not APART from it. • Being onsite means being on a team – YOUR TEAM. • Our role is to seamlessly integrate our services and our people into your site specific operations • Our highly trained and fully certified personnel will implement our existing programs or develop customized programs designed to fit your companies unique needs. • Our team has years of hands-on experience and demonstrate an astute understanding and ability to respond to the special demands of remote location industrial workplaces Chief among Trinity Medical Management’s assets is a stellar reputation built upon a thorough knowledge of and proven experience in the industrial workplace.

  16. Downtime? What downtime? Our personnel do not sit and wait for work to be created. We provide personnel trained to perform ancillary tasks and steeped in a culture of “Can I help?”. Our personnel are not only helpful but Integral to your work team. Such task may include: • Dispatching • Environmental Compliance • Clerical Duties • Records maintenance • Materials Manifesting • Other administrative duties

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