Alberta Education Curriculum and Program Implementation Meeting Update October, 2011
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Alberta Education Curriculum and Program Implementation Meeting Update October, 2011. Programs of Study Links and Schedules. Overall information on Education Website
Alberta Education Curriculum and Program Implementation Meeting Update October, 2011
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Alberta Education Curriculum and Program Implementation Meeting Update October, 2011
Programs of Study Links and Schedules Overall information on Education Website The Quick Reference Chart for the Implementation Schedule for Curriculum and Related Activities are available on the Alberta Education website in English and French at (English), (Francophone) and (French Immersion). Provincially Authorized Sr. High School Courses and Course Codes: Information in new document available on the Education website at Update Information about 2011 School Programs for Kindergarten to Grade 12 Copies of the new amendment packages may be downloaded from the .
Education Updates Parent Information: The 2011/2012 Curriculum Handbooks for Parents, Curriculum Summaries and the Curriculum Express for Parents are available on the Education website in English at and in French at Connection: Information for Teachers Three editions of Connection: Information for Teachers will be published in the 2011–2012 school year (in October, January and May) at The October 2011 edition of Connection: Information for Teachers is scheduled to be published on October 17, 2011. Notification e-mails regarding this new edition will be sent to principals, superintendents and subscribers on that date. Principals and superintendents automatically receive notification of new editions of Connection: Information for Teachers. In order for teachers to receive direct notification of new editions of Connection, they must subscribe to the newsletter at
Education Action Links Action On Activities: See the September Issue of the Deputy Minister’s In the Loop Newsletter New government commitment to develop a three-year funding cycle for education, and to introduce a new Education Act Fall Transformation Meetings (ASBA, ATA, AB Ed) Action on Inclusionis found at CCC Folder Action on Curriculum: Curriculum Standards and Process Redesign is aimed at ensuring Alberta’s curriculum (programs of study, assessment, learning and teaching resources) remains responsive and relevant for students. The project goals are to revise standards and guidelines for curriculum and associated curriculum development processes to enable ‘Engaging curriculum that inspires every student every day’. (See CCC Folder and Handout)
Mathematics Update (See Math Presentation in CCC Folder – October 2010) High School Mathematics: Critical Information for Students in Pure and Applied Mathematics 30 The Pure and Applied Mathematics 30 courses will be withdrawn as of the start of the 2012/2013 school year. Therefore, students enrolled in Pure and Applied Mathematics 30 for this school year must be aware of their options should they not successfully complete either course before the end of August 2012. For more details, see the Critical Information fact sheet at: . Mathematics Webpage For all the latest information about the revised mathematics program and new supports for implementation, see our webpage at Implementation support via the Alberta Regional Professional Development Consortia with the next two High School Mathematics Institutes tentatively scheduled for January 26, 2012 [More information about Math at Open Mic Session]
Assessment Mathematics Assessment: Reminder of nomination letter for committee work that was sent out to superintendents a few weeks ago. Sessions for teachers and administrators with information about the design and development of the new Mathematics 30-1 Diploma Examination and the new Mathematics 30-2 Diploma Examination – Schedule as of October 2011: October 22 – MCATA; October 24 – Calgary (CRC); October 25 – Red Deer (CARC); Dec 8 – Grande Prairie (NRLC); Dec 16 – Edmonton (ERLC); Feb 14 – Lethbridge (SAPDC); April 25 – Peace River (NRLC); April 30 – Edmonton (ERLC) - More information is available at consortium website(s) at Assessment Bulletins: The Achievement Testing Program and Diploma Examination Program General Information Bulletins for the 2011/2012 school year are available on the Education website at and,
Education Updates K–12 Wellness Education: Informationcan be found on the Education website at Framework for Kindergarten to Grade 12 Wellness Education is available online in English at and in French at . Locally Developed Courses: Information and FAQs are available on website at Off-campus Education: The new Handbook mandatory for September 1, 2011 (English and French) and is available on the Education website in English at and in French at ESL Update: The Alberta K-12 ESL Proficiency Benchmarks are available on using the keyword “ESL” or through the following direct link: (See CCC)
Literacy Update: The ARPDC will continue for a second year with the Literacy Professional Learning Pilot in select jurisdictions where they willcontinue with their professional learning using the 13 Parameters resource and session work with Dr. Carol Rollheiser so that they can continue to support literacy in their jurisdictions. Literacy: A World to Discover videos are available The series of videos will be accompanied by Conversation Guides. Contact - or by phone at 780-427-3776. Note: See Document in CCC Folder School Libraries Transformation:The learning commons perspective is developed through a plan that is part of the whole school plan and focused on student learning outcomes. Ideas for getting started, video examples, draft planning templates and other documents are available in the school library folder on the Curriculum Coordinators website at CCC
Workforce Planning Information:Got a question about the ECS-12 Education Workforce? Ask Amber? CCC Folder) Early Learning Branch Orientation- webcast 2011 Early Learning branch will share highlights from a variety of projects and initiatives during a webcast on October 19, 2011 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. To register for the webcast please click here: For those who wish to view the webcast at a later date, the videos and resources will be hosted at For more information, please contact Natalie Prytuluk, Senior Manager, Early Learning at or 780-422-6537 High School Completion Strategic Framework (See CCC Folder and Open Mic this afternoon) Online Reference Centre (See CCC Folder)
Review of the Teaching Quality Standard: In 2009 the Minister askedfor a review of the Teaching Quality Standard. The review was to ensure the standard is current, relevant and appropriate for a transforming education system and recognizes teachers’ lifelong engagement with professional learning. After external and internal consultations, an initial draft titled Professional Practice Competencies for Teachers (PPCT) was prepared. The draft was presented to the PPCT External Advisory Committee on April 26, 2011 and to the Deputy Minister’s Dialogue on Teaching Quality in May 2011. Agreement was reached at those meetings to continue the review process together by breaking the work into collaborative phases. See ATA link: The PPCT External Advisory Committee will meet over the next several months to develop the following: competencies to propose; a “process” to use the competencies in Alberta; and a communication/implementation plan.
Update on Proposed Alberta Professional Practice Competencies for School Leaders: In support of Alberta Education’s School Leadership Framework initiative, a research study on the current state of school leadership in Alberta will be undertaken in October 2011. Representatives of Alberta’s education sector stakeholder organizations and institutions, including the Alberta Teachers’ Association, have endorsed the study Contact Dr. Bob Garneau, Senior Manager, Professional Standards Branch at 780-422-8233 or at (See CCC Folder) Bridging Career and Technology Studies (CTS) Bridging Program Foreign Prepared Teacher Bridging Program CCC Folder) Rural PracticumSupport for APT – U of A (See CCC Folder)
AB Ed. and Education / PD Partners and Other Links Alberta Education Alberta Regional Professional Development Consortium (ARPDC) Alberta Teachers Association (ATA) Alberta Assessment Consortium (AAC) 2Learn Education Society The Critical Thinking Consortium Alberta PD Pilot Guide to Support Implementation: Essential Conditions
Curriculum Coordinator Meetings and Communication Zone meetings two times per year (October / November and May) Registration and agenda Information out two to three weeks in advance Schedules and material posted on Curriculum Coordinator Corner Curriculum Coordinator Program under development in 2011-12 CASS / Alberta Education Learning Symposium (March 2011) Contacts: Jim Rubuliak, Coordinator, Teacher Development, Workforce Planning, Alberta; Ph: (780) 644-7139 Cell: (780) 913-0998