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The History of the Universe in 60 Minutes. Max Tegmark, MIT. 100dpi. 500 BC 2000 AD. Cosmology timeline:. Overduin & Priester 2001, astro-ph/0101484. 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020. Cosmology timeline:. Einstein’s theory of gravity.
The History of the Universe in 60 Minutes Max Tegmark, MIT
500 BC 2000 AD Cosmology timeline: Overduin & Priester 2001, astro-ph/0101484
1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 Cosmology timeline: Einstein’s theory of gravity Expanding Universe theoretically possible (Friedmann) Universe is expanding (Hubble) CfA Galaxy Redshift Survey Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (Gamow) CMBPOL satellite? JDEM? JWST? LSST? SKA? Inflation invented (Guth, Linde, Albrecht & Steinhardt) CMB anisotropies detected (COBE) WMAP CMB, SDSS galaxy clustering Planck CMB satellite Dark energy discovered with supernovae (2 teams), CMB peaks detected Cluster cosmology Derision cosmology Cosmic microwave backgroud anisotropies Cosmic Microwave Background predicted (Alpher & Herman) Supernova cosmology Lyman a forest cosmology Weak gravitational lensing Galaxy redshift surveys 1st quasar discovered (Schmidt) Cosmic Microwave Background detected (Penzias & Wilson) 21 cm cosmology Weak lensing detected (4 teams) 2dF galaxy clustering Precision cosmology CMB polarization detected (DASI)
Flyabout + SDSS movie
Brief History of the Universe Fluctuation generator Fluctuation amplifier Hot Dense Smooth Cool Rarefied Clumpy (Graphics from Gary Hinshaw/WMAP team)
What do we want to measure? Fluctuation generator Fluctuation amplifier Hot Dense Smooth Cool Rarefied Clumpy (Graphics from Gary Hinshaw/WMAP team) Cosmological functions (z), G(z,k), Ps(k), Pt(k)
To 0th order: Fluctuation generator Fluctuation amplifier Hot DenseSmooth H(z) Cool Rarefied Clumpy (Graphics from Gary Hinshaw/WMAP team) Cosmological functions (z), G(z,k), Ps(k), Pt(k)
To 1st order: Fluctuation generator Fluctuation amplifier Hot Dense Smooth H(z) P(k,z) Cool Rarefied Clumpy (Graphics from Gary Hinshaw/WMAP team) Cosmological functions
Measuring expansion
Arthur Geoffrey Walker 1909-? (British; 1935 paper with H P Robertson showed that F(L)RW metric is only homogeneous & isotropic metric) Alexander Friedmann 1888-1925 (Russian; 1922 paper) George Lemaître 1894-1936 (Belgian; indep. 1927 paper)
Cosmic scale factor a(t) t [Gigayears]
The Universe is expanding: • H>0 today • v≈Hr for v«c
Edwin Hubble 1889- (American; 1930 paper) Mt. Wilson Observatory 1931
Hubble 1929: H550 km/s/Mpc Riess et al 1996: H70 km/s/Mpc How measure distance & redshift?
Cosmic scale factor a(t) t [Gigayears]
Boomzoom Standardizable candles (From Saul Perlmutter’s web site)
Boomzoom Using galaxy correlations as a standardizable ruler: (Eisenstein, Hu & MT 1998; Eisenstein et al 2005; Cole et al 2005) Easiest to understand in real space (Bashinsky & Bertschinger, PRL, 87, 1301, 2001; PRD 123008, 2002)
Boomzoom (Eisenstein et al 2005, for the SDSS collaboration astro-ph/050112) We’ve measured distance to z=0.35 to 5% accuracy
Big Bang nucleosynthesis as a standardizable clock: Tytler et al 2000, astro-ph/0001318
H = dlna/dt, H2 Assumes k=0 SN Ia+CMB+LSS constraints Yun Wang & MT 2004, PRL 92, 241302
Measuring clustering
History CMB Foreground-cleaned WMAP map from Tegmark, de Oliveira-Costa & Hamilton, astro-ph/0302496
Boomzoom z = 1000
Boomzoom z = 2.4 Mathis, Lemson, Springel, Kauffmann, White & Dekel 2001
Boomzoom z = 0.8 Mathis, Lemson, Springel, Kauffmann, White & Dekel 2001
Boomzoom z = 0 Mathis, Lemson, Springel, Kauffmann, White & Dekel 2001
1parmovies CMB Clusters LSS Lensing Lya Tegmark & Zaldarriaga, astro-ph/0207047 + updates
1parmovies CMB Clusters LSS Lensing Lya Tegmark & Zaldarriaga, astro-ph/0207047 + updates
000619 Galaxy power spectrum measurements 1999 (Based on compilation by Michael Vogeley)
1parmovies LSS
1parmovies Clusters LSS Tegmark & Zaldarriaga, astro-ph/0207047 + updates
1parmovies CMB Clusters LSS Tegmark & Zaldarriaga, astro-ph/0207047 + updates
History (Figure from Wayne Hu) (Figure from WMAP team)
History CMB Foreground-cleaned WMAP map from Tegmark, de Oliveira-Costa & Hamilton, astro-ph/0302496
Boomzoom Guth & Kaiser 2005, Science
1parmovies CMB Clusters LSS Tegmark & Zaldarriaga, astro-ph/0207047 + updates
1parmovies CMB Clusters LSS Ly Tegmark & Zaldarriaga, astro-ph/0207047 + updates
Boomzoom Lyman Alpha Forest Simulation: Cen et al 2001 LyF Quasar You
1parmovies CMB Clusters LSS Ly Tegmark & Zaldarriaga, astro-ph/0207047 + updates
1parmovies CMB Clusters LSS Lensing Ly Tegmark & Zaldarriaga, astro-ph/0207047 + updates
GRAVITATIONAL LENSING: A1689 imaged by Hubble ACS, Broadhurst et al 2004