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THE HISTORY OF TiMS (in 5 minutes!)

THE HISTORY OF TiMS (in 5 minutes!). Happy 8 th Birthday !. 2003 – initiated at MS Trust Conference, Harrogate, by Jenny Thain & Michelle Ennis To put Specialist Therapy Services for People with MS “on the map” “Core group” to undertake projects.

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THE HISTORY OF TiMS (in 5 minutes!)

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  1. THE HISTORY OF TiMS (in 5 minutes!)

  2. Happy 8th Birthday ! • 2003 – initiated at MS Trust Conference, Harrogate, by Jenny Thain & Michelle Ennis • To put Specialist Therapy Services for People with MS “on the map” • “Core group” to undertake projects

  3. 2005, 4 Project groups to specifically address the Aims of TiMS, namely • Communication • Publication (completed 2006) • Education • Research • Audit (commenced 2007) • Meet 3 times per year

  4. Revisit Aims • Proactive Voice • Document “Therapists in MS – • delivering the Long-Term Solutions”, launched March 2006 l

  5. Revisit Aims • 2. Support UK MS Therapists • TiMS Core Group • Contact Directory • TiMS Website (discussion forum, references) • Study days • Audit tool • Conference presentations

  6. Revisit Aims • 3. Increase Awareness of Role • Publication (and forthcoming update) • Articles in professional publications • Presentations and posters at conferences • Contribution to Competencies for MS Services

  7. Revisit Aims • 4. Raise the Profile • Publications • Core group • Website • Audit tool

  8. Revisit Aims • 5. Develop Educational Initiatives • Study days • Booklets • MS Therapists Education Fund

  9. Revisit Aims • 6. Encourage Research in MS • 1st research project completed and published in 2010 – “Core Stability”

  10. Revisit Aims • 7. Forge Links locally and internationally • Good relationship with UKMSSNA • Education fund is a joint initiative with MS Society and drug companies • Website • RIMS attendance

  11. OTHER ACHIEVEMENTS • 180 therapists on contact directory • Additional 40 HPC registered practitioners with viewing rights • Members spread from Shetland to Cornwall, Wales and Northern Ireland to Kent.

  12. OTHER ACHIEVEMENTS • 1 x PhD; 3 or 4 Masters’ • Couple of weddings • 4 babies • Numerous job changes • Enduring friendships • Lots of fun and lots of learning !!

  13. …and finally Despite government changes, increasing restrictions on budgets, study leave and time away from work, the TiMS group remains an enthusiastic, dedicated and passionate group. As always, grateful thanks to the MS Trust, Nicola and Brenda for their ongoing support.

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