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Update on SEARCH Observing Change Panel. Activities: SEARCH Data Advisory Group (report by Steve Oberbauer) Interagency coord’n of obs’g programs (NOAA, USGS, NPS & others) Sea Ice Outlook (separate report by Jim Overland) AON PI Mtg Nov 30 – Dec 2 (Chair OC Craig Lee) ADI
Update on SEARCH Observing Change Panel • Activities: • SEARCH Data Advisory Group (report by Steve Oberbauer) • Interagency coord’n of obs’g programs (NOAA, USGS, NPS & others) • Sea Ice Outlook (separate report by Jim Overland) • AON PI Mtg Nov 30 – Dec 2 (Chair OC Craig Lee) • ADI • Assessment of AON implementation status, priorities etc. by UCP (report by John Walsh); communication with Arctic Research Commission • Priorities for next year: ADI, interagency coordination of observations, international coordination, assessment of observing efforts from responding perspective? • Membership: (Hajo Eicken,) Craig Fleener, Larry Hinzman, Ron Kwok, Craig Lee, Peter Murdoch, Maribeth Murray, Steve Oberbauer, Don Perovich, Eric Rignot, Taneil UttalCraig Lee & Taneil Uttal as designated Co-Chairs
AON Design & Implementation (ADI): Status & state • Status of AON: >35 projects, CADIS for data dissemination and archival, OCP guidance • State of AON & points to discuss within SSC: • Strong alignment of interests among scientific community, federal/state/local agencies, stakeholders and general public; all with a vision for an AON • How do these visions converge beyond the SIW, NAS & Observation Integration Workshop Reports? information : data, local : pan-Arctic, aggregation : network, communication : coordination • AON projects address such challenges & translate specific visions into observation efforts; how to build a network? Guidance from within AON (PI Mtgs), SEARCH panels, agencies, broader scientific community • Defining & anticipating the trajectory of the AON: design & implementation guidance – SIW w/ specific guidance, updates by OCP & UCP (cf. Walsh report), efforts outside of SEARCH; translation of activities, visions and constraints into a common reference - communication
ADI: Design considerations • Guidance by science questions: SEARCH, ISAC • Comprehensive nature of observing effort: Challenge to traditional ON design approaches • Coordination of measurement activities: Compatibility, guidance by ISAC? • Need for adaptive observing system: Rapid change, responses to change • Dual purpose of AON: basic & applied science, scientific & stakeholder communities • Interdisciplinary nature: Pioneering degree of disciplinary cross-cutting & integration needed
ADI Task Force • Evaluate status of AON relative to science questions • Aid design & adaptation of AON components through rigorous, quantitative approaches • Synthesize information from current AON & design studies to guide optimization and implementation • Coordinate between national & international efforts (help from ISAC) • Membership: 14 experts representing Arctic (8) and lower-latitude (6) perspectives • Excellent support from SEARCH Project Office & NCAR/JOSS; effective & collaborative approach with high demands as result of flurry of activities over the next year or so
UCP: AON – Gaps, needs & priorities • Prepared by John Walsh & UCP members for OCP & ADI • Confusion between (1) stakeholder needs for data & information on environm’l & socio-economic, and (2) scientists needs for data on on ecological/social responses to change • Marine mammal & fish distributions: High priority data; opportunity to provide input to emerging policy • Sea ice retreat: better coordination & long-term planning of ocean observations • Arctic marine carbon: with threat of ocean acidification & lack of data marine carbon pathway observatory needed • Role of black carbon and aerosols in warming • Role of evapotranspiration & snow cover in terrestrial change • Contribution of Arctic to global sealevel rise • Integration of local information into study of Arctic change
AON Design & Implementation (ADI): Need for integration & overarching framework • Example of polar bear & walrus: ecosystem services based management that synthesizes data, conceptual and numerical models, local/indigenous knowledge & user interests/values • How do we achieve and maintain balance & long-term sustainability?
AON Design & Implementation (ADI): What is needed & what needs to be discussed? • Communication & exchange of visions: Background activity? • Foster networking from within AON: SEARCH Panels & SSC? • Internat’l coord’n & compatibility: ISAC, role of SAON & AC WGs? • Communication & coord’n with agencies: Role of OCP & RCP, how to best engage? • Calibration & guidance from UCP & related activities: Research needed, input from revised UC scope (task force) • Calibration & guidance from Responding to Change: RC & stakeholder info needs; how can agencies help? Industry? • Priorities & trajectories: Communication with the Arctic Research Commission
AON Design & Implementation (ADI): Need for integration & overarching framework • Example of polar bear & walrus: ecosystem services based management that synthesizes data, conceptual and numerical models, local/indigenous knowledge & user interests/values • Services derived from Arctic System: climate control & stability, sealevel & coastal dynamics, mineral & petroleum resources, renewable & living resources, cultural diversity & spiritual values • How do we achieve and maintain balance & long-term sustainability?
SEARCH Observing Change Panel Charge: (i) Work with the broader scientific community to develop and at opportune intervals update SEARCH Arctic Observing Network (AON) Implementation documents, (ii) jointly with UCP & RCP oversee implementation of AON by (a) identifying unexplored or undeveloped synergies between individual AON projects and other ongoing national and international observation programs, (b) identifying gaps in the observation network relative to the goals of the SEARCH program, (c) outlining potential partnerships with other agency programs relevant to the SEARCH AON effort, (d) helping ensure a broader legacy of the AON that extends beyond IPY; (iii) provide feedback and advice as sought by the SEARCH SSC, Data Working Group, UCP, and RCP on relevant aspects of the science and methodology of observing change in the Arctic environment (iv) provide a link between the SEARCH observational programs and the broader scientific community to ensure flow of information and promote scientific exchange, promote international collaboration and coordination of Arctic observing system activities with complementary programs by colleagues in other countries. Members (new members appointed in 2008 shown in italics): Carin Ashjian, Hajo Eicken, Craig Fleener, Larry Hinzman, Ron Kwok, Craig Lee, Peter Murdoch, Maribeth Murray, Steve Oberbauer, Don Perovich, Eric Rignot, Taneil Uttal
Interagency coordination • Low-level discussions with a number of researchers and research coordinators within federal agencies fruitful but more is required • Timely topic with IPMC raising the issue at last SEARCH SSC meeting, new IARPC AON Working Group in place & relevant agency observing programs underway • Discussions within OCP on best way to move forward (two agency contacts: Peter Murdoch, USGS, and Taneil Uttal, NOAA) • P. Murdoch & C. Lee will develop plan for small-scale meeting in DC with agency representatives to explore options for improved interagency coordination in the context of AON and other observing activities (Spring 2009) • To be further developed through potential theme of interagency coordination for next AON Investigators Meeting, tentatively scheduled for late summer/early fall 2009
SEARCH Data Advisory Group Terms of Reference - DRAFT The CADIS Advisory Group (CAG) serves as a liaison between CADIS and prospective data and information users and providers from the scientific community and among stakeholders. Specifically, the CAG should help articulate the needs of Arctic Observing Network (AON) and other SEARCH investigators with respect to CADIS’ services and products. The group should also provide advice to CADIS on its products and services as needed. In order to be effective, the CAG should be comprised of roughly a half dozen members representing the observing change components of SEARCH (through the OCP and AON PIs) as well as the broader Arctic environmental change research community (through SEARCH SSC members with appropriate expertise). A member representing broader data management expertise or stakeholder information needs may be included as needed. The group is formed under the SEARCH governance structure and reports to the Observing Change Panel. CAG activities would be coordinated by the CAG Chair in consultation with CADIS, SEARCH SSC and OCP and the cognizant NSF program officer.