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South Carolina Grade Two Gifted and Talented Testing Program Pretest Workshop

Adapted for South Carolina Public Charter Schools from the Pretest Workshop. South Carolina Grade Two Gifted and Talented Testing Program Pretest Workshop . Purpose of this Testing Program. For selection into Gifted and Talented program

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South Carolina Grade Two Gifted and Talented Testing Program Pretest Workshop

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  1. Adapted for South Carolina Public Charter Schools from the Pretest Workshop South Carolina Grade TwoGifted and Talented Testing Program Pretest Workshop

  2. Purpose of this Testing Program For selection into Gifted and Talented program Students enrolled in grade 2 are to take a norm-referenced aptitude test and achievement test State provides CogAT Form 6 and ITBS Form C, Level 7 Who to test Regulation 43-220 requires districts to screen all Grade 2 students by reviewing census aptitude and achievement test scores.

  3. Forms You can find an electronic version of the following on SharePoint: • Test Coordinator Manual • Pretest workshop PowerPoint • Test security affidavit for STCs • Test security affidavit for TAs • Optional test security affidavit for monitors (not required)

  4. Schedule and Testing Information

  5. 2013 Schedule of Important Dates (TCM page iii)

  6. CogAT Testing Information (TCM top of page 6)

  7. ITBS Testing Information (TCM bottom of page 6) Please note: The instructions for “Reading: Sentences”begin at the bottom of page 26 in the Directions for Administration. This section is the most skipped section by test administrators, so please make sure to emphasize this section in your trainings.

  8. SCDE Required Testing Schedule (TCM page 17)

  9. Scoring and Reporting

  10. Don’t forget − First in! First Out! • A “first in/first out” reporting approach will be used when shipping the results back to districts. • As long as you take your materials to the SC Public Charter School Office by November 15, (the district office must ship by Mon., Nov. 18) and there are no open issues with the materials, reports will arrive in your district no later than December 11. • Districts returning any test materials after November 18 or with open issues will receive their reports 15 business days after they are ready to be processed.

  11. Grade 2 Reports The following is a list of reports each district will receive: 1. PDF Files on CD-ROM include: • Profile Narrative • List Report of Student Scores • Classroom Summaries • School Summaries • District Summary 2. Student Data File on CD-ROM (Each district will receive two copies of the student data file. One copy is for the DTC, and the other copy should be given immediately to the GTC to be imported into the GIFT program.) The following is a list of reports each school will receive: 1. PDF files include: • Profile Narrative • List Report of Student Scores • Classroom Summaries • School Summaries 2. Student Data File on CD-ROM 3. Student Score Labels (1 for ITBS, 1 for CogAT)

  12. Basic information to know Prior to Test Administration

  13. Security Checklist Recommendation (TCM page 3) * It is recommended that you make a copy of the security checklist for your records.

  14. Grade/Class Identification Sheets (GIS)(TCM page 66 – Appendix E) • Included in each Building Package are two (2) blank Grade/Class Identification Sheets (GIS) for every twenty-two (22) students to be tested. • Please do NOT PHOTOCOPY the GIS. School Test Coordinators will have to contact the District Test Coordinators if more GIS documents are needed. • Do NOT complete the Class Code section of the GIS.

  15. Additional Test Materials Request Form(TCM page 71 – Appendix J) The last day to request additional test materials (email or fax to jepps at district office) is Oct. 31, 2013.

  16. Ackowledgement of Receipt of Test Materials Form(TCM page 72 – Appendix K) Return the Acknowledgement of Receipt of Test Materials form to jepps@sccharter.org as soon as possible but no later than Tuesday, October 22, 2013.

  17. Large-Print Test Booklets A large-print format is available for both ITBS Form C and CogAT Form 6. The large print version should already have been requested by 10/10/2013. Contact jepps@sccharter.org if one is needed for a recently enrolled student.

  18. What’s New for 2013-14 Testing Window?

  19. What’s New for 2013? Testing Window: 10/23 – 11/14 Accommodations for Students with Disabilities and ELL Students: pages 8-13 2013-14 Test Security Violation Action Form: page 55 Agreement to Maintain Test Security and Confidentiality for District Test Coordinators and School Test Coordinators: pages 56-57 Agreement to Maintain Test Security and Confidentiality for Testing Administrators: pages 58-59 Agreement to Maintain Test Security and Confidentiality for Testing Monitors: pages 60-61

  20. Fall 2013 Test Administration Window Don’t forget ─ You must return your materials to SC Charter District Office by Nov. 15th ! • Test Administration

  21. Nonscorable and Scorable Materials

  22. School Test Coordinators ─What should you know about Nonscorable Materials What is a Nonscorable Material? • All Directions for Administration (CogAT and ITBS) • All unused Overage Test Booklets • All Large-Print Test Booklets • Security Checklists/Return Envelope Please note − this list does not include students Pre-ID barcoded test booklets that were unused!

  23. Packing Nonscorable Materials at the Schools should follow this diagram (TCM page 41) • SOUTH CAROLINA GRADE 2 • GIFTED AND TALENTED TESTING PROGRAM • NONSCORABLE MATERIALS • FALL 2013 • District Name____________________________ • To: • Riverside Scoring Service • 761 District Drive • Itasca, IL 60143-1319 • BOX ______ of ______ • Check if this box contains the Order Form for Riverside Scoring Service.

  24. School Test Coordinators ─What should you know about Scorable Materials What are Scorable Materials? • A Building Identification Sheet • A Grade/Class Identification Sheet • All Pre-ID barcoded Student Test Booklets • All overage test booklets used to administer CogAT or ITBS

  25. Packing Scorable Materials at the Schools should follow this diagram (TCM page 39) Includes overage booklets used with students

  26. Why are we defining scorable and nonscorable? • Districts that do NOT follow packaging instructions when sending materials back to Riverside will be put in the back of the queue for scoring. • This may cause a delay in receiving your reports.

  27. Scorables − ITBS and/or CogAT Answer Booklets

  28. Nonscorables • ITBS and/or CogAT Directions for Administration books • Unused Overage Test booklets • Security Checklist Envelope

  29. Building Packing Lists and Return Forms

  30. Building Packing Lists (TCM page 43) You should use the building packing lists as a reference when completing the Summary of Test Materials form, which is found in Appendix L on page 73 of the TCM. All materials on this list should be returned unless damaged, and also noted on the security checklist.

  31. Filling in the Building Packing Lists These booklets belong in the Scorable materials boxes If unused, these booklets belong in the Non-Scorable materials boxes

  32. Summary of Test Materials Returned Form(TCM page 73 – Appendix L) Please remember to fill in all 6 boxes as shown to the left in this diagram. This helps the Scoring Center compare what scorable and nonscorable materials actually arrived at our warehouse. 60 120 60 14 14 28

  33. Completing Overage Test Booklets − Demographic Pages

  34. Filling Out Overage Student Test Booklets on the Demographic Page • There are two different student ID numbers you may need to fill in if you have a student that does not have a pre-ID coded test booklet. SUNS ID Number PowerSchool (PS) Student Number(can range from 5-12 numbers)

  35. SUNS and PowerSchool Student ID’s Student Identification Number: Enter the 10-digit student identification number assigned to each student when they enroll or transfer into a school (This is also referred to as the SUNS ID number) Test Administrator Use Only Section (Columns F-H): Enter the 5-12-digit student identification number in columns F-H of the Test Administrator Use Only section. (This is also referred to as the PS Student number)

  36. Back Page (Demographic Page) CogAT(TCM page 68 – Appendix G) Accommodations (Far left column) Override for Birth Date(Column C) PS Student Number(Columns E-K) Student Status Codes(Column Z) Student SUNS ID Number(Student ID number box at bottom) NO Barcode Label Sample

  37. How to Override Birth Date on ITBS Back Page(TCM page 69 – Appendix H) • Please be sure to check ALL pre-ID barcode labels for the student birth date. If it’s incorrect, please fill in Column C, bubble #1 for birth date override and fill in the correct student birth date in the Date of Birth section. • Reminder: Please be sure to fill in the Student Status Codes (Z) at top right as well.

  38. Things to look for when packing your test materials Failure to do any of the above may result in a delay in getting your test scores back from Riverside.

  39. Make-UpTesting

  40. Make-up Tests If any students are absent at the time of testing, every effort should be made to give them the opportunity to take the tests. Code any absent students under TEST ADMINISTRATOR USE ONLY column Z, and bubble in circle 1. If a student took some of the tests, do notcount the student as absent or excused.

  41. Districts that need to retest students Instances for retesting include: Materials never arrived to Riverside for scoring Teacher did not administer all parts of the test they were required to do The main goal is for districts to have their information back in time for the SC Performance Tasks Assessment testing window in late-February.

  42. Make-Up Testing Schedule

  43. Transfer students that move during testing Instances for filling out this 2-page form and faxing to Riverside: Student moved from one district to another in the middle of the original test window (10/23 – 11/14/13) Student took only part of a test at one district, and then completed the remainder at a new district within the state during the original test window Page 1 of 2 (Fax Form)

  44. Transfer students that move during testing Instances for filling out this 2-page form and faxing to Riverside: Student moved from one district to another in the middle of the original test window (10/23 – 11/14/13) Student took only part of a test at one district, and then completed the remainder at a new district within the state during the original test window Page 2 of 2 (Fax Form)

  45. CogAT Ability Profile System

  46. Cognitive Abilities Test ™ CogAT Form 6 Three batteries focused on reasoning abilities most related to academic success: • Verbal • Quantitative • Nonverbal

  47. Ability Profile System

  48. Ability Profile System

  49. Ability Profile System

  50. Important links for CogAT™ www.cogat.com This is the CogAT™ website hosted at Riverside Publishing. http://faculty.education.uiowa.edu/david-lohman/home This is Dr. Dave Lohman’s website with links to his research papers on identifying Gifted children.

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