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Visualizing Kermit Shallows. Laura, Francesca, Eli, & Jace. Pond Definitions and Parts.
Visualizing Kermit Shallows Laura, Francesca, Eli, & Jace
Pond Definitions and Parts Limnology is the study of inland waters-ponds, lakes, and streams. It is a division of the broader science of ecology, which deals with the ways the plants and animals live together in particular environments. Limnology is concerned with all that the interrelated factors that influence the inland water environment. A pond is commonly described by limnologists as a quiet body of water so shallow that rooted plants grow completely across it. Its water temperature is fairly uniformed from top to bottom and tends to change with air temperature. There is a little wave action, and the bottom is usually covered with mud. Typically, plants grow along the shore. The amount of dissolved oxygen may vary greatly in a twenty-four hour period. A lake is usually larger than a pond. The water is too deep for plants to grow except the shore. The temperature of the water is relatively stable from day to day, but in northern lakes, temperature “layering” occur in the summer.(Reid, G.K. (2001). PondLife. New York, NY: St. Martin’s Press.)
Pond Definitions and Parts There is a little wave action, and the bottom is usually covered with mud. Typically, plants grow along the shore. The amount of dissolved oxygen may vary greatly in a twenty-four hour period. A lake is usually larger than a pond. The water is too deep for plants to grow except the shore. The temperature of the water is relatively stable from day to day, but in northern lakes, temperature “layering” occur in the summer. The Littoral Habitat extends from the water’s edge outward as far as rooted plants grow. In most ponds and many shallow lakes, this area may stretch from shore to shore. In many lakes there are typically three distinct concentric borders of flowering plants, except where the shore is so rocky or swept by waves that plants cannot grow. Closest to shore is the emergent plant zone. It is dominated by plants that are rooted to the bottom and have stems and leaves above the surface. Many kinds of frogs, birds, and mammals find food and shelter here. A variety of algae protozoans, worms, insects, snails, and some fish live among underwater plant stems. Broad, flat-leaved, water lilies and such floating plants as water ferns and duckweeds characterize the floating leaf plant zone. Because the masses of floating leaves shade out the light, bottom plants may be scarce. Some snails, bugs, and mayflies lay their eggs on the underside of the leaves. Many kinds of algae live in this zone, either attached to larger plants or floating free. The flowers are pollinated above the surface; the seeds germinate and the young plants develop only under the water. (Reid, G.K. (2001). PondLife. New York, NY: St. Martin’s Press.)
Kermit Shallows Video
Filtering Data In this data only 13 stakes were used, the 14th and 15th stakes on each side were added in as 0 values as can be seen on the next slide.
Visualization Summary • The pond was deep. The purple represents the deepest part of the pond. It had a triangular shape.
Bibliography gnuplot download (version 4.4). Retrieve August 23, 2010, from http://sourceforge.net/projects/gnuplot/files/ Microsoft Excel. (2003). Microsoft. NCSA Visualization Suite. Retrieved August 23, 2010, from http://education.ncsa.illinois.edu/resources/software_tools/vizsuite.html Reid, G. K. (2001). Pond Life. New York, NY: St. Martin’s Press.