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Intelligent Strategies for Several Zero-, One- and Two-Player Games

Intelligent Strategies for Several Zero-, One- and Two-Player Games. Mugurel Ionut Andreica, Nicolae Tapus Politehnica University of Bucharest Computer Science Department. Summary. Motivation Zero-Player Games Model natural evolution Single-Player Games

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Intelligent Strategies for Several Zero-, One- and Two-Player Games

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  1. Intelligent Strategies for Several Zero-, One- and Two-Player Games Mugurel Ionut Andreica, Nicolae Tapus Politehnica University of Bucharest Computer Science Department

  2. Summary • Motivation • Zero-Player Games • Model natural evolution • Single-Player Games • Model resource usage optimization strategies • Two-Player Games • Model the behavior of agents with conflicting interests • Conclusions & Future Work Intelligent Strategies for Several Zero-, One- and Two-Player Games

  3. Motivation • Games=major motivation for developing: • Intelligent systems • Efficient algorithmic techniques • (uprising) Game theory provides: • Means for analyzing complex interactions between rational (economic) agents • Strategies for maximizing revenues Intelligent Strategies for Several Zero-, One- and Two-Player Games

  4. Zero-Player Games (1/3) • natural evolution based on a set of rules • No decisions to be made => 0 players • well-known model: binary cellular automata • n cells (1,2,..,n) • cell i at time moment t: q(i,t)=0 or 1 • transition function: q(i,t)=f(q(i-1,t-1), q(i, t-1), q(i+1, t-1)) • the considered cellular automaton • if (q(i,t-1)=1 and q(i+1,t-1)=0) then • q(i,t)=0 and q(i+1,t)=1 • “swap” a pair of adjacent 1 and 0 (1 before 0) • models natural evolution which converges to equilibrium Intelligent Strategies for Several Zero-, One- and Two-Player Games

  5. Zero-Player Games (2/3) • objective: find the state of the automaton after m time steps • m=O(n) (after O(n) steps, all the 0s lie before all the 1s => no more “swaps” occur) • easy in O(n·m) time • linear time algorithm (independent of m) • for each zero i (in left-to-right order), compute the list of actions ai,1, ai,2, ..., ai,na(i) • na(i)=the number of time steps after which the ith zero reaches its final position • an action: • move (the cell to the left is a 1) • wait (the cell to the left is a 0) • ai,j=the action performed during time step na(i)-j (action ai,1 is the last action performed and ai,na(i) is the first one) Intelligent Strategies for Several Zero-, One- and Two-Player Games

  6. Zero-Player Games (3/3) • compute the list of actions for all the “zero”-s in O(n) overall time • the list of actions for “zero” i+1 is obtained from the list of “zero” i • the list of “zero” i = handled like a stack (popping some actions + pushing others) • auxiliary information (total number of waits during the first 1≤x≤na(i) actions) • can determine in O(1) time the position of each “zero” after m time steps Intelligent Strategies for Several Zero-, One- and Two-Player Games

  7. Single-Player Games • One player makes decisions • Resource usage optimization • Minimize the amount of resources used • Maximize the amount of resources collected • Two games: • 1D Push-* • Resource Collector Intelligent Strategies for Several Zero-, One- and Two-Player Games

  8. 1D Push-* (1/2) • Push-* = a simplified version of Sokoban • 1D Push-* • Linear board with n cells (1,...,n – left to right) • robot: located on cell 1 => must reach cell n • Each cell: empty or occupied (by a block) • Moves: • Walk 1 cell left/right – energy consumption: W • Push (any number of blocks in sequence) 1 cell left/right – energy consumption: P • Jump K>1 cells (only if the previous K-1 moves were walks) – energy consumption: J • Objective: reach cell n + minimize the total energy consumed Intelligent Strategies for Several Zero-, One- and Two-Player Games

  9. 1D Push-* (2/2) • Maximal intervals of unoccupied cells: • I1, I2, ..., Ik (from left to right) • Optimal strategy: never return (jump) from Ib to Ia (a<b) • Dynamic programming: • E(i,j)=the minimum energy consumed in order to have the robot located at cell i and having j empty cells to the left (i.e., the cells i-1, i-2, …, i-j are empty) • For each pair (i,j): O(n2) sequences of moves to reach other pairs (i’,j’) • O(n4) overall time complexity Intelligent Strategies for Several Zero-, One- and Two-Player Games

  10. Resource Collector (1/2) • Complete directed graph with n vertices • tri,j=the travel time from i to j • m “boxes of resources” appear at certain vertices (new resources are made available at some vertices) • vk = the vertex where the kth box appears • tak= the time moment when the kth box appears • ck = the amount of resources inside the kth box • box k is collected only if the player is located at vk at time tak (or reaches vk at time tak) • Objective: collect the maximum amount of resources (when all the information is known in advance) • initially, the player is located at vertex 1 Intelligent Strategies for Several Zero-, One- and Two-Player Games

  11. Resource Collector (2/2) • easy (but inefficient) O(m2) dynamic programming algorithm: • Cmax[k]=the maximum amount of resources which the player can collect if at time tak he/she arrives (or is located) at vertex vk (and, thus, collects the resources in box k) • improved algorithms (using efficient algorithmic techniques): • O(m·n·log(n)), for m>n·log(n) • O(n·(n+Tmax)), for integer time moments and small Tmax • Tmax=max{tri,j} • O(m·log2(m)), when: • each vertex is a point on the OX axis: vertex i at point xi • tri,j=|xi-xj| • OY axis: time => box k = point (xk, tak) with weight ck • Orthogonal range search techniques, by rotating all the points by 45 degrees Intelligent Strategies for Several Zero-, One- and Two-Player Games

  12. Two-Player Games • Two players with conflicting interests • Try to maximize their revenues • Two games: • K in a Row (a version of Kayles) • Sprague-Grundy game theory + Observing Patterns • Collect and Even/Odd Number of Objects • Dynamic Programming + Observing Patterns Intelligent Strategies for Several Zero-, One- and Two-Player Games

  13. K in a Row (1/2) • linear board – n squares • two players, moving alternately (1st player=the one making the first move) • a move = cover K consecutive uncovered squares of the board • the first player unable to move => loses the game • using the (well-known) Sprague-Grundy game theory: • G(i)=the Grundy number of a board composed of i consecutive uncovered squares • G(i)=mex{G(s)} ; s = a state of the board which can be reached by performing one move • a move: cover the squares j+1, ..., j+K => s = j squares to the left and (i-j-K) squares to the right ; G(s)=G(j) xor G(i-j-K) • if G(n)>0 => the 1st player wins ; otherwise: the 2nd player wins • O(n2) to compute all the Grundy numbers Intelligent Strategies for Several Zero-, One- and Two-Player Games

  14. K in a Row (2/2) • Patterns => reduce the complexity of computing the winning strategy • K=1 => 1st player wins only if n is odd • K≥2 : focus on losing states • let s0=K-1, s1, s2, ... be the sequence of losing states (the states 1, 2, ..., K-2 are trivial and are not considered here) • let d1, d2, ... (with di=si-si-1) be the sequence of differences between consecutive losing states • K=2: d has a prefix of length 8 (4, 4, 6, 6, 4, 4, 6, 4) and a period of length 5 afterwards (4, 12, 4, 4, 10) => O(1) for computing the winner (and O(1) per move for the winning strategy) • K≥4: d1=2·K, d2=2·K, d3=4·K-2, d4=4·K-2, d5=4·K, d6=4·K-2, d7=8·K-2, d8=4·K-2, d9=8·K, d10=8·K-2, d11=16·K-6, d12=4·K => any state between 1 and 69·K-19 can be analyzed in O(1) time Intelligent Strategies for Several Zero-, One- and Two-Player Games

  15. Collect an Even/Odd Number of Objects (1/2) • a pile composed of n (odd) objects • two players, moving alternately • a move=take at least 1 and at most min{K, # objects in the pile} objects from the pile + keep the objects • winner = the player who gathered an even total number of objects • dynamic programming – O(n·K) : easy, but inefficient: • win[0,i] is 1, if the pile contains i objects, the winner must gather an even number of objects and the player whose turn is next has a winning strategy (and 0, otherwise) • win[1,i] is defined similarly, except that the winner must gather an odd number of objects Intelligent Strategies for Several Zero-, One- and Two-Player Games

  16. Collect an Even/Odd Number of Objects (2/2) • improve the time complexity to O(n) • maintain last[x,y,z] (0≤x,y,z≤1)=the last value of i (number of objects in the pile) such that: • the parity of the total number of objects to be gathered by the winner is x (0 for even, 1 for odd) • y=((the number i of objects in the pile) mod 2) • z=win[x,i] • Patterns • K even: win[0,n]=0, only if (n mod (K+2)=1). • K odd: win[0,n]=0, only if (n mod (2·K+2)=1) • if winner=player who gathers an odd total # of objects • K odd: win[1,n]=0, only if (n mod (2·K+2)=(K+2)) • K even: win[1,n]=0, only if (n mod (K+2)= (K+1)) Intelligent Strategies for Several Zero-, One- and Two-Player Games

  17. Conclusions & Future Work • intelligent strategies/algorithmic techniques for: • zero-player games • special kind of cellular automaton • efficient algorithm for state evaluation • single-player games • make decisions in order to reach a goal and optimize resource usage (minimize resource consumption, maximize the amount of gathered resources) • dynamic programming algorithms • geometric techniques • two-player games • agents with conflicting interests • Sprague-Grundy game theory + dynamic programming • observing unexpected, non-standard patterns for losing states => improve the time complexity of computing winning strategies • future work • tackle more realistic and real-time game models • develop a game-theoretic approach towards resource management and rational decision making in resource optimization Intelligent Strategies for Several Zero-, One- and Two-Player Games

  18. Thank You ! Intelligent Strategies for Several Zero-, One- and Two-Player Games

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