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The WV Physical Activity Plan: Moving Toward One Vision, One Voice. August 31, 2011. Eloise Elliott, PhD Chair, WV Physical Activity Plan (WVPAP) Coordinating Committee. WEBINAR Objectives.
The WV Physical Activity Plan: Moving Toward One Vision, One Voice August 31, 2011 Eloise Elliott, PhD Chair, WV Physical Activity Plan (WVPAP) Coordinating Committee
WEBINAR Objectives • Share preliminary results from the online Concept Mapping strategy used to systematically collect individual comments and suggestions on improving PA in WV • Outline next steps in Plan development • Introduce WV Sector Leaders • Provide an overview of the Sector Teams meeting , Sept. 21, Charleston • Provide details on how to get involved
WEBINAR Hosts • WV Physical Activity Plan Coordinating Committee • WVU College of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences • WV on the Move, Inc • WV CARDIAC Project
Special Guests Today • Dan Bornstein, Project Coordinator, National Physical Activity Plan • Jackie Epping, Health Scientist, Physical Activity and Health Branch, Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity, CDC; National Physical Activity Plan Coordinating Committee
Today’s Agenda • 2:00 - 2:05 Welcome, Introductions and Overview • Eloise Elliott, PhD, Chair, WV Physical Activity Plan (WVPAP) Coordinating Committee • 2:05-2:30Preliminary Results of the Concept Mapping Exercise • Sean Fitzpatrick and Dr. Emily Jones, Plan Development/Evaluation Sub-Committee, WVPAP Coordinating Committee • 2:30-2:35 Introductions of Sector Leaders ; Next Steps; How to Be Involved • Eloise Elliott • 2:35- 2:45 Participant Questions and Concluding Comments • Moderator: Nancy O’Hara Tompkins, WVU Prevention Research Center, WVPAP Coordinating Committee, Chair, WV on the Move Board of Directors
Goal of the WV PA Plan • AIM: To create a statewide culture that facilitates physically active lifestyles where our citizens live, work, and play • GOAL: To provide a strategic direction to increase/maintain healthy physical activity levels of the citizens of WV through the development, implementation, and evaluation of an effective WV Physical Activity Plan that will facilitate sector input and collaboration, and guide policy and practice
Producing An Effective Plan • Input and buy-in from all societal sectors, geographic regions, and major stakeholders • Unified team of dedicated leaders from each sector to provide input, finalize plan, and participation in Plan implementation • Ownership of plan shared by multiple organizations • Focus on policy and environment changes at multiple levels • Groundwork for more sector-specific physical activity documents • Ties in all statewide health initiatives related to physical activity • Provides basis for greater collaboration across regions and sectors within the state moving forward
Producing An Effective Plan • Input and buy-in from all societal sectors, geographic regions, and major stakeholders • Unified team of dedicated leaders from each sector to provide input, finalize plan, and participation in Plan implementation • Ownership of plan shared by multiple organizations • Focus on policy and environment changes at multiple levels • Groundwork for more sector-specific physical activity documents • Ties in all statewide health initiatives related to physical activity • Provides basis for greater collaboration across regions and sectors within the state moving forward
The Purpose of the Concept Mapping Exercise • A systematic online process to gather input from large groups of stakeholders across the state • To help form PA strategies and tactics specific to the context of WV
Concept Mapping Preliminary Results Prepared by: Plan Development & Evaluation Subcommittee Dr. Sean Bulger (co-chair), Dr. Eloise Elliott, Sean Fitzpatrick, Dr. Dina Jones, Dr. Emily Jones, Dr. Nancy O’Hara-Tompkins (co-chair), & Dr. Melissa Olfert Presented by: Sean Fitzpatrick and Emily Jones WVU College of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences
Overview of Concept Mapping • Method to gather input from a large group of stakeholders • Three main steps • Brainstorming: Generating ideas/statements • Sorting and rating: Structuring the statements • Interpreting the maps: Making sense of the results
Concept Mapping Timeline I 6/22/11: Webinar-Introduction to Concept Mapping. Brainstorming begins 7/13/11: Brainstorming Ends 7/19/11: Final statement list set Brainstorming Prompt: One specific thing that needs to happen to increase or promote physical activity in West Virginia is... Brainstorming Statistics -154 individuals participated -240 statements were created -Final list consisted of 61 statements
Brainstorming Participants n = 108 RESA 1: McDowell, Mercer, Monroe, Raleigh, Summers, Wyoming RESA 2: Cabell, Lincoln, Logan, Mason, Mingo, Wayne RESA 3: Boone, Clay, Kanawha, Putnam RESA 4: Braxton, Fayette, Greenbrier, Nicholas, Pocahontas, Webster RESA 5: Calhoun, Jackson, Pleasants, Ritchie, Roane, Tyler, Wirt, Wood RESA 6: Brooke, Hancock, Marshall, Ohio, Wetzel RESA 7: Barbour, Doddridge, Gilmer, Harrison, Lewis, Marion, Monongalia, Preston, Randolph, Taylor RESA 8: Berkeley, Grant, Hampshire, Hardy, Jefferson, Mineral, Morgan, Pendleton
Handout #1- Statement List • List of statements generated from the brainstorm phase • 61 statements in total • Identifiable by number Available for download on the WV Physical Activity website: http://www.wvphysicalactivity.org/
Concept Mapping Timeline II 7/27/11: Sorting and rating of the statements begins 8/25/11: Sorting and rating ends 8/27/11: Sorting and rating data is analyzed 8/31/11: Webinar to share findings Rate each item on a give point scale in terms of its importance to the statewide physical activity plan, where "1" means "Not at all important," "3" means "Moderately important," and "5" means "Extremely important." Rate each item on a give point scale in terms of the feasibility of implementing it within the next five years, where "1" means "Not at all feasible," "3" means "Moderately feasible," and "5" means "Extremely feasible."
Sorting & Rating Participants n = 38 RESA 1: McDowell, Mercer, Monroe, Raleigh, Summers, Wyoming RESA 2: Cabell, Lincoln, Logan, Mason, Mingo, Wayne RESA 3: Boone, Clay, Kanawha, Putnam RESA 4: Braxton, Fayette, Greenbrier, Nicholas, Pocahontas, Webster RESA 5: Calhoun, Jackson, Pleasants, Ritchie, Roane, Tyler, Wirt, Wood RESA 6: Brooke, Hancock, Marshall, Ohio, Wetzel RESA 7: Barbour, Doddridge, Gilmer, Harrison, Lewis, Marion, Monongalia, Preston, Randolph, Taylor RESA 8: Berkeley, Grant, Hampshire, Hardy, Jefferson, Mineral, Morgan, Pendleton
Progression of Clusters 8-Cluster Map 7-Cluster Map 6-Cluster Map 5-Cluster Map
Progression of Clusters 8-Cluster Map 7-Cluster Map 6-Cluster Map 5-Cluster Map
Handout #2- Cluster Lists • List of statements grouped by cluster, generated from cluster analysis • 5 clusters in total • Summary statistics of ratings on Importance and Feasibility scales Available for download on the WV Physical Activity website: http://www.wvphysicalactivity.org/
Cluster Rating Map: Importance 5. School-based Programs & Initiatives M= 4.12 1. Institutional & Social Support M= 3.88 3. Public Policy M= 4.14 4. Community Engagement & Environment M= 3.99 2. Public Awareness & Social Marketing M= 4.20 1= Not Important at all, 5= Extremely Important Cluster 1: Institutional & Social Support Cluster 2: Public Awareness & Social Marketing Cluster 3: Public Policy Cluster 4: Community Engagement & Environment Cluster 5: School-based Programs & Initiatives
Cluster Rating Map: Feasibility 5. School-based Programs & Initiatives M= 3.57 1. Institutional & Social Support M= 3.59 3. Public Policy M= 3.34 4. Community Engagement & Environment M= 3.30 1= Not Important at all, 5= Extremely Important 2. Public Awareness & Social Marketing M= 4.31 Cluster 1: Institutional & Social Support Cluster 2: Public Awareness & Social Marketing Cluster 3: Public Policy Cluster 4: Community Engagement & Environment Cluster 5: School-based Programs & Initiatives
Pattern Match by Cluster Importance Feasibility 2. Public Awareness & Social Marketing 2. Public Awareness & Social Marketing 3. Public Policy 5. School-based Programs & Initiatives 4. Community Engagement & Environment 1. Institutional & Social Support 1. Institutional & Social Support 5. School-based Programs & Initiatives 1= Not Important at all, 5= Extremely Important 3. Public Policy Cluster 1: Institutional & Social Support Cluster 2: Public Awareness & Social Marketing Cluster 3: Public Policy Cluster 4: Community Engagement & Environment Cluster 5: School-based Programs & Initiatives 4. Community Engagement & Environment
Go-Zone Map Cluster 1: Institutional & Social Support Cluster 2: Public Awareness & Social Marketing Cluster 3: Public Policy Cluster 4: Community Engagement & Environment Cluster 5: School-based Programs & Initiatives
Summary- Levels of Influence 5-Cluster Solution Social Ecological Model Public Awareness & Social Marketing School-based Programs & Initiatives Institutional & Social Support Community Engagement & Environment Public Policy Interpersonal/ Institutional Organizational Community Public Policy
Summary- Levels of Influence Healthcare Public Health Parks/Recreation/Fitness/Sport Non Profit & Volunteer Education 5-Cluster Solution Social Ecological Model Business & Industry Mass Media Transportation /Community Planning//Land use
Feedback on Preliminary Results • Requested Feedback • What would be the most appropriate name or label for each of the 5-clusters? • What are your overall thoughts regarding the process of developing the WV Physical Activity Plan thus far? • Please provide feedback by visiting: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/wvpap Link will be provided in an email following webinar
Producing An Effective Plan • Input and buy-in from all societal sectors, geographic regions, and major stakeholders • Unified team of dedicated leaders from each sector to provide input, finalize plan, and participation in Plan implementation • Ownership of plan shared by multiple organizations • Focus on policy and environment changes at multiple levels • Groundwork for more sector-specific physical activity documents • Ties in all statewide health initiatives related to physical activity • Provides basis for greater collaboration across regions and sectors within the state moving forward
State Leaders for the 8 Societal Sectors • EDUCATION: • Melanie Purkey, WVDOE, Office of Healthy Schools • Lynn Housner, WVAHPERD • HEALTHCARE: • Ted Cheatham, PEIA • Jamie Jeffrey, MD, Project KEYS • Louise Reese, WV Primary Care Association • PUBLIC HEALTH: • Joe Barker, BPH, Office of Community Health Systems and Health Promotion • Rahul Gupta, MD, Kanawha Charleston Health Dept • BUSINESS/INDUSTRY: • Sharon Covert, Wellness Council of WV
State Leaders for the 8 Societal Sectors • Non-Profit/Volunteer • Rob Rosano, The Clay Center, Generation WV • Amanda Curry, City National Bank, Generation WV • Mass Media • Bill Reger-Nash, WVU Community Medicine • Transportation/community planning/land use • Perry Keller, WVDOT • PARKS/RECREATION/FITNESS/SPORTS • John Giroir, YMCA of Kanawha Valley • PUBLIC POLICY/OTHER • Dave Campbell, GOHELP
Sector Team Representatives • Representation on each sector team from key organizations, groups, and agencies across WV • Target of 6-8 individuals per sector team • Role: • Contribute to the refinement of sector-specific strategies and tactics • Advocate for changes in policies and practices • Advise Plan implementation • Represent the Plan within respective organization/sector
Next Steps • Sector Team Meeting, Sept. 21, 2011 • The Clay Center, Charleston, WV 10:30 am – 3:00 pm • Goals: • Combine the WV strategies and tactics set forth by the CM exercise with the National PAP strategies and tactics to develop sector specific and cross-sectional strategies and tactics for WV • Gather input on the development of an effective Implementation Plan
Written Plan Release Dates • October 17-Oct 30: Release Date for Draft Written Plan for Public Comment • November: Finalize Plan and Prepare Communication strategies • January 18, 2012 – WV Physical Activity Plan Release
How To Get Involved Go to www.wvphysicalactivity.org to sign up to: • Review draft of written plan • Work on the Implementation Plan • Serve on a Sector Team • Help with marketing and promotion • Receive updated emails on Plan Development
Participant Questions Moderator: Nancy O’Hara Tompkins WVU Prevention Research Center WVPAP Coordinating Committee Chair, WV on the Move Board of Directors
Contact Information • WV Physical Activity Plan website – www.wvphysicalactivity.org • View Archived Webinars • Get updated information • Look for Written Plan released for Public Comment • Sign up to be involved • Email for more information, contact Eloise Elliott eloise.elliott@mail.wvu.edu
Support Provided By: • WVU College of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences • – Al and Delores Ware, The Ware Family Foundation • WV on the Move, Inc • WV CARDIAC Project • Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation • WVU Service Grant • Members of the WV Physical Activity Plan Coordinating Committee • Sponsors and Contributors of the WV PA Symposium • Members of the WV Physical Activity Symposium Organizing Committee