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Enabling rapid and simple radiolabeling of biologicals. RadTag multimodal bioimaging. Vinnova 2012-11-01 Samuel Svensson Peter Ström Carl M Andersson. Delivered 3 amyloid PET ligands to clinical testing. Nature (2008) 456 . RadTags simplify radiolabeling of biologicals.
Enabling rapid and simple radiolabeling of biologicals RadTag multimodal bioimaging Vinnova 2012-11-01 Samuel Svensson Peter Ström Carl M Andersson CONFIDENTIAL
Delivered 3 amyloid PET ligandstoclinicaltesting Nature (2008) 456
RadTagssimplifyradiolabelingofbiologicals ”Agents and methods for visualising analytes ”PCT/EP2011/070172 IPR fullyowned by BioPercept Enabling • Increasedflexibility and specificbinding • Stablebinding –small tag size reduces interference with target protein • PKPD studies withlabeledproteins • Companiondiagnostics • Potential for pre-targeting
Biologicalsare must have for pharma • Sixoutof 24 new approvals by the FDA were for biologicals in 2011 • -- sharewillincrease; typicalpharma ambition calls for 30-40% of pipeline • Radiolabeling within development of biologicals is very limited • -- lack of generalised radiochemical methodology • Biosimilars market estimated at USD 4,000 million in 2017 • Increasingdemand for abilityto monitor, visualise, perform PK studies RadTags trigger a paradigm shift See Statement ofinterest (back ups)
FlAsH technology – a fluorescence labeling technology developed for live cell imaging (R Tsien Nobel prize 2008) FlAsH-based protein detectionavailable from
RadTags bind to same consensus sequence as FlAsH Non-invasive, clean, targetedtechnique
The CCPGCC tag can be incorporated by standard techniques During peptide synthesis Using Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) Using commercially available cloning vectors from Life Technologies Easily constructed six-amino acid tags Gene CCPGCC tag (in frame) Promotor Expression vector
RadTagsenableradiolabellingusing different isotopes at the same site, Multimodal Precursor for 18F, 121I, 125I, 131I, Precursor for 13C, 14C, 11C, 3H, 19F Flourescence
Preclinsummary RadTag • form rapid and covalentbindingwith CCPGCC-peptides • canrapidly be radiolabeledwith [14C] & [3H] • boundtomodifeda-MSH peptideretainpharmacologicalpotency
Commercial: InnovationskontorEttLiU TechnicalPoC: Prof Victor Hruby
PoCstudy: PET Melanoma Ac-Nle-Asp-His-(D)Phe-Arg-Trp-Gly-Lys-Arg-Trp-Cys-Cys-Pro-Gly-Cys-Cys-Lys-Thr-Phe Cheng et al J NuclMed 2007; 48:987–994
PoCstudy: PET Melanoma RadTag-MSH [125I]NDP-a-MSH at hMCR1 RadTag-a-MSH retain same bindingprofile as a-MSH
Samuel Svensson, PhD Professor ofPharmacology, LiU. Principal scientist AstraZeneca R&D. Project leaderPET ligandproject 2004-2011 (AZD2184, 2995, 4694). ChairmanBioPercept Peter Ström, MSc Radiochemistwith 20+ yearsexperiencewithin AstraZeneca. CSO radiochemistryBioPercept Carl M Andersson, PhD, associate professor Organicchemist. Consultant with 20+ yearsexperience from senior managerial positions within biotech and pharma. CEO BioPercept The Team Åsa Wallin Affärsutvecklare InnovationskontorEttLiU
Financing and partners • Innovationsbron • Innovationskontoret, LiU, Maria Swartz • CompetenceNetwork AB, Södertälje • Prof Peter Konradsson, Organic Chemistry LiU